{ lib, depot, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (builtins) unsafeDiscardStringContext appendContext; # # Utilities # # Manipulate string context of the given string so that it only carries a # `path` reference to itself (so it needs to be a string representation of # a store path). # # This is intended for use on the `drvPath` attribute of derivations which by # default carries a reference to the corresponding outputs. If we only want to # read from the `drvPath`, having only a `path` reference makes sure we don't # need to realise the derivation first. # # Type: str -> str pathContextDrvPath = drvPath: let drvPath' = unsafeDiscardStringContext drvPath; in appendContext drvPath' { ${drvPath'} = { path = true; }; }; # Find all quoted references to a derivation path in the specified drv file. # Should correspond to the list of input derivations, but is obviously a big # HACK as we just grep for store paths that look right. This should eventually # be solved properly by parsing the drv file. # # Type: str -> [str] directDrvDeps = drvPath: builtins.concatLists ( builtins.filter builtins.isList ( builtins.split "\"(${lib.escapeRegex builtins.storeDir}/[[:alnum:]+._?=-]+.drv)\"" (builtins.readFile drvPath) ) ); # Maps a list of derivation to the list of corresponding `drvPath`s. # # Type: [drv] -> [str] drvsToPaths = drvs: builtins.map (drv: pathContextDrvPath drv.drvPath) drvs; # # Calculate map of direct derivation dependencies # # Create the dependency map entry for a given `drvPath` which mainly includes # a list of other `drvPath`s it depends on. Additionally we store whether the # derivation is `known`, i.e. part of the initial list of derivations we start # generating the map from # # Type: bool -> string -> set drvEntry = known: drvPath: let # key may not refer to a store path, … key = unsafeDiscardStringContext drvPath; # but we must read from the .drv file. path = pathContextDrvPath drvPath; in { inherit key; # trick so we can call listToAttrs directly on the result of genericClosure name = key; value = { deps = directDrvDeps path; inherit known; }; }; # Create an attribute set that maps every derivation in the combined # dependency closure of the list of input derivation paths to every of their # direct dependencies. Additionally every entry will have set their `known` # attribute to `true` if it is in the list of input derivation paths. # # Type: [str] -> set plainDrvDepMap = drvPaths: builtins.listToAttrs ( builtins.genericClosure { startSet = builtins.map (drvEntry true) drvPaths; operator = { value, ... }: builtins.map (drvEntry false) value.deps; } ); # # Calculate closest known dependencies in the dependency map # inherit (depot.nix.stateMonad) after bind for_ get getAttr run setAttr pure ; # This is an action in stateMonad which expects the (initial) state to have # been produced by `plainDrvDepMap`. Given a `drvPath`, it calculates a # `knownDeps` list which holds the `drvPath`s of the closest derivation marked # as `known` along every edge. This list is inserted into the dependency map # for `drvPath` and every other derivation in its dependecy closure (unless # the information was already present). This means that the known dependency # information for a derivation never has to be recalculated, as long as they # are part of the same stateful computation. # # The upshot is that after calling `insertKnownDeps drvPath`, # `fmap (builtins.getAttr "knownDeps") (getAttr drvPath)` will always succeed. # # Type: str -> stateMonad drvDepMap null insertKnownDeps = drvPathWithContext: let # We no longer need to read from the store, so context is irrelevant, but # we need to check for attr names which requires the absence of context. drvPath = unsafeDiscardStringContext drvPathWithContext; in bind get (initDepMap: # Get the dependency map's state before we've done anything to obtain the # entry we'll be manipulating later as well as its dependencies. let entryPoint = initDepMap.${drvPath}; # We don't need to recurse if our direct dependencies either have their # knownDeps list already populated or are known dependencies themselves. depsPrecalculated = builtins.partition (dep: initDepMap.${dep}.known || initDepMap.${dep} ? knownDeps ) entryPoint.deps; # If a direct dependency is known, it goes right to our known dependency # list. If it is unknown, we can copy its knownDeps list into our own. initiallyKnownDeps = builtins.concatLists ( builtins.map (dep: if initDepMap.${dep}.known then [ dep ] else initDepMap.${dep}.knownDeps ) depsPrecalculated.right ); in # If the information was already calculated before, we can exit right away if entryPoint ? knownDeps then pure null else after # For all unknown direct dependencies which don't have a `knownDeps` # list, we call ourselves recursively to populate it. Since this is # done sequentially in the state monad, we avoid recalculating the # list for the same derivation multiple times. (for_ depsPrecalculated.wrong insertKnownDeps) # After this we can obtain the updated dependency map which will have # a `knownDeps` list for all our direct dependencies and update the # entry for the input `drvPath`. (bind get (populatedDepMap: (setAttr drvPath (entryPoint // { knownDeps = lib.unique ( initiallyKnownDeps ++ builtins.concatLists ( builtins.map (dep: populatedDepMap.${dep}.knownDeps) depsPrecalculated.wrong ) ); })))) ); # This function puts it all together and is exposed via `__functor`. # # For a list of `drvPath`s, calculate an attribute set which maps every # `drvPath` to a set of the following form: # # { # known = true /* if it is in the list of input derivation paths */; # deps = [ # /* list of derivation paths it depends on directly */ # ]; # knownDeps = [ # /* list of the closest derivation paths marked as known this # derivation depends on. # */ # ]; # } knownDrvDepMap = knownDrvPaths: run (plainDrvDepMap knownDrvPaths) (after (for_ knownDrvPaths insertKnownDeps) get); # # Other things based on knownDrvDepMap # # Create a SVG visualizing `knownDrvDepMap`. Nodes are identified by derivation # name, so multiple entries can be collapsed if they have the same name. # # Type: [drv] -> drv knownDependencyGraph = name: drvs: let justName = drvPath: builtins.substring (builtins.stringLength builtins.storeDir + 1 + 32 + 1) (builtins.stringLength drvPath) (unsafeDiscardStringContext drvPath); gv = pkgs.writeText "${name}-dependency-analysis.gv" '' digraph depot { ${ (lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.mapAttrsToList (name: value: if !value.known then "" else lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (knownDep: " \"${justName name}\" -> \"${justName knownDep}\"") value.knownDeps ) (depot.nix.dependency-analyzer ( drvsToPaths drvs )))) } } ''; in pkgs.runCommand "${name}-dependency-analysis.svg" { nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.buildPackages.graphviz ]; } "dot -Tsvg < ${gv} > $out"; in { __functor = _: knownDrvDepMap; inherit knownDependencyGraph plainDrvDepMap drvsToPaths; }