# Logic for generating Buildkite pipelines from Nix build targets read # by //nix/readTree. # # It outputs a "YAML" (actually JSON) file which is evaluated and # submitted to Buildkite at the start of each build. # # The structure of the file that is being created is documented here: # https://buildkite.com/docs/pipelines/defining-steps { depot, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (builtins) attrValues concatLists concatStringsSep elem foldl' hasAttr hashString isNull isString length listToAttrs mapAttrs toJSON unsafeDiscardStringContext; inherit (pkgs) lib runCommand writeText; inherit (depot.nix.readTree) mkLabel; in rec { # Creates a Nix expression that yields the target at the specified # location in the repository. # # This makes a distinction between normal targets (which physically # exist in the repository) and subtargets (which are "virtual" # targets exposed by a physical one) to make it clear in the build # output which is which. mkBuildExpr = target: let descend = expr: attr: "builtins.getAttr \"${attr}\" (${expr})"; targetExpr = foldl' descend "import ./. {}" target.__readTree; subtargetExpr = descend targetExpr target.__subtarget; in if target ? __subtarget then subtargetExpr else targetExpr; # Determine whether to skip a target if it has not diverged from the # HEAD branch. shouldSkip = { parentTargetMap ? { }, label, drvPath }: if (hasAttr label parentTargetMap) && parentTargetMap."${label}".drvPath == drvPath then "Target has not changed." else false; # Create build command for a derivation target. mkBuildCommand = { target, drvPath }: concatStringsSep " " [ # First try to realise the drvPath of the target so we don't evaluate twice. # Nix has no concept of depending on a derivation file without depending on # at least one of its `outPath`s, so we need to discard the string context # if we don't want to build everything during pipeline construction. "(nix-store --realise '${drvPath}' --add-root result --indirect && readlink result)" # Since we don't gcroot the derivation files, they may be deleted by the # garbage collector. In that case we can reevaluate and build the attribute # using nix-build. "|| (test ! -f '${drvPath}' && nix-build -E '${mkBuildExpr target}' --show-trace)" ]; # Create a pipeline step from a single target. mkStep = { headBranch, parentTargetMap, target, cancelOnBuildFailing }: let label = mkLabel target; drvPath = unsafeDiscardStringContext target.drvPath; in { label = ":nix: " + label; key = hashString "sha1" label; skip = shouldSkip { inherit label drvPath parentTargetMap; }; command = mkBuildCommand { inherit target drvPath; }; env.READTREE_TARGET = label; cancel_on_build_failing = cancelOnBuildFailing; # Add a dependency on the initial static pipeline step which # always runs. This allows build steps uploaded in batches to # start running before all batches have been uploaded. depends_on = [ ":init:" ] ++ lib.optionals (target ? meta.ci.buildkiteExtraDeps) target.meta.ci.buildkiteExtraDeps; } // lib.optionalAttrs (target ? meta.timeout) { timeout_in_minutes = target.meta.timeout / 60; # Additional arguments to set on the step. # Keep in mind these *overwrite* existing step args, not extend. Use with caution. } // lib.optionalAttrs (target ? meta.ci.buildkiteExtraStepArgs) target.meta.ci.buildkiteExtraStepArgs; # Helper function to inelegantly divide a list into chunks of at # most n elements. # # This works by assigning each element a chunk ID based on its # index, and then grouping all elements by their chunk ID. chunksOf = n: list: let chunkId = idx: toString (idx / n + 1); assigned = lib.imap1 (idx: value: { inherit value; chunk = chunkId idx; }) list; unchunk = mapAttrs (_: elements: map (e: e.value) elements); in unchunk (lib.groupBy (e: e.chunk) assigned); # Define a build pipeline chunk as a JSON file, using the pipeline # format documented on # https://buildkite.com/docs/pipelines/defining-steps. makePipelineChunk = name: chunkId: chunk: rec { filename = "${name}-chunk-${chunkId}.json"; path = writeText filename (toJSON { steps = chunk; }); }; # Split the pipeline into chunks of at most 192 steps at once, which # are uploaded sequentially. This is because of a limitation in the # Buildkite backend which struggles to process more than a specific # number of chunks at once. pipelineChunks = name: steps: attrValues (mapAttrs (makePipelineChunk name) (chunksOf 192 steps)); # Create a pipeline structure for the given targets. mkPipeline = { # HEAD branch of the repository on which release steps, GC # anchoring and other "mainline only" steps should run. headBranch , # List of derivations as read by readTree (in most cases just the # output of readTree.gather) that should be built in Buildkite. # # These are scheduled as the first build steps and run as fast as # possible, in order, without any concurrency restrictions. drvTargets , # Derivation map of a parent commit. Only targets which no longer # correspond to the content of this map will be built. Passing an # empty map will always build all targets. parentTargetMap ? { } , # A list of plain Buildkite step structures to run alongside the # build for all drvTargets, but before proceeding with any # post-build actions such as status reporting. # # Can be used for things like code formatting checks. additionalSteps ? [ ] , # A list of plain Buildkite step structures to run after all # previous steps succeeded. # # Can be used for status reporting steps and the like. postBuildSteps ? [ ] # The list of phases known by the current Buildkite # pipeline. Dynamic pipeline chunks for each phase are uploaded # to Buildkite on execution of static part of the # pipeline. Phases selection is hard-coded in the static # pipeline. # # Pipeline generation will fail when an extra step with # unregistered phase is added. # # Common scenarios for different phase: # - "build" - main phase for building all Nix targets # - "release" - pushing artifacts to external repositories # - "deploy" - updating external deployment configurations , phases ? [ "build" "release" ] # Build phases that are active for this invocation (i.e. their # steps should be generated). # # This can be used to disable outputting parts of a pipeline if, # for example, build and release phases are created in separate # eval contexts. # # TODO(tazjin): Fail/warn if unknown phase is requested. , activePhases ? phases # Setting this attribute to true cancels dynamic pipeline steps # as soon as the build is marked as failing. # # To enable this feature one should enable "Fail Fast" setting # at Buildkite pipeline or on organization level. , cancelOnBuildFailing ? false }: let # List of phases to include. enabledPhases = lib.intersectLists activePhases phases; # Is the 'build' phase included? This phase is treated specially # because it always contains the plain Nix builds, and some # logic/optimisation depends on knowing whether is executing. buildEnabled = elem "build" enabledPhases; # Convert a target into all of its steps, separated by build # phase (as phases end up in different chunks). targetToSteps = target: let mkStepArgs = { inherit headBranch parentTargetMap target cancelOnBuildFailing; }; step = mkStep mkStepArgs; # Same step, but with an override function applied. This is # used in mkExtraStep if the extra step needs to modify the # parent derivation somehow. # # Note that this will never affect the label. overridable = f: mkStep (mkStepArgs // { target = (f target); }); # Split extra steps by phase. splitExtraSteps = lib.groupBy ({ phase, ... }: phase) (attrValues (mapAttrs (normaliseExtraStep phases overridable) (target.meta.ci.extraSteps or { }))); extraSteps = mapAttrs (_: steps: map (mkExtraStep buildEnabled) steps) splitExtraSteps; in if !buildEnabled then extraSteps else extraSteps // { build = [ step ] ++ (extraSteps.build or [ ]); }; # Combine all target steps into step lists per phase. # # TODO(tazjin): Refactor when configurable phases show up. globalSteps = { build = additionalSteps; release = postBuildSteps; }; phasesWithSteps = lib.zipAttrsWithNames enabledPhases (_: concatLists) ((map targetToSteps drvTargets) ++ [ globalSteps ]); # Generate pipeline chunks for each phase. chunks = foldl' (acc: phase: let phaseSteps = phasesWithSteps.${phase} or [ ]; in if phaseSteps == [ ] then acc else acc ++ (pipelineChunks phase phaseSteps)) [ ] enabledPhases; in runCommand "buildkite-pipeline" { } '' mkdir $out echo "Generated ${toString (length chunks)} pipeline chunks" ${ lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (chunk: "cp ${chunk.path} $out/${chunk.filename}") chunks } ''; # Create a drvmap structure for the given targets, containing the # mapping of all target paths to their derivations. The mapping can # be persisted for future use. mkDrvmap = drvTargets: writeText "drvmap.json" (toJSON (listToAttrs (map (target: { name = mkLabel target; value = { drvPath = unsafeDiscardStringContext target.drvPath; # Include the attrPath in the output to reconstruct the drv # without parsing the human-readable label. attrPath = target.__readTree ++ lib.optionals (target ? __subtarget) [ target.__subtarget ]; }; }) drvTargets))); # Implementation of extra step logic. # # Each target extra step is an attribute specified in # `meta.ci.extraSteps`. Its attribute name will be used as the step # name on Buildkite. # # command (required): A command that will be run in the depot # checkout when this step is executed. Should be a derivation # resulting in a single executable file, e.g. through # pkgs.writeShellScript. # # label (optional): Human-readable label for this step to display # in the Buildkite UI instead of the attribute name. # # prompt (optional): Setting this blocks the step until confirmed # by a human. Should be a string which is displayed for # confirmation. These steps always run after the main build is # done and have no influence on CI status. # # needsOutput (optional): If set to true, the parent derivation # will be built in the working directory before running the # command. Output will be available as 'result'. # TODO: Figure out multiple-output derivations. # # parentOverride (optional): A function (drv -> drv) to override # the parent's target definition when preparing its output. Only # used in extra steps that use needsOutput. # # branches (optional): Git references (branches, tags ... ) on # which this step should be allowed to run. List of strings. # # alwaysRun (optional): If set to true, this step will always run, # even if its parent has not been rebuilt. # # Note that gated steps are independent of each other. # Create a gated step in a step group, independent from any other # steps. mkGatedStep = { step, label, parent, prompt }: { inherit (step) depends_on; group = label; skip = parent.skip or false; steps = [ { inherit prompt; branches = step.branches or [ ]; block = ":radio_button: Run ${label}? (from ${parent.env.READTREE_TARGET})"; } # The explicit depends_on of the wrapped step must be removed, # otherwise its dependency relationship with the gate step will # break. (builtins.removeAttrs step [ "depends_on" ]) ]; }; # Validate and normalise extra step configuration before actually # generating build steps, in order to use user-provided metadata # during the pipeline generation. normaliseExtraStep = phases: overridableParent: key: { command , label ? key , needsOutput ? false , parentOverride ? (x: x) , branches ? null , alwaysRun ? false , prompt ? false , softFail ? false , phase ? "build" , skip ? false , agents ? null }: let parent = overridableParent parentOverride; parentLabel = parent.env.READTREE_TARGET; validPhase = lib.throwIfNot (elem phase phases) '' In step '${label}' (from ${parentLabel}): Phase '${phase}' is not valid. Known phases: ${concatStringsSep ", " phases} '' phase; in { inherit alwaysRun branches command key label needsOutput parent parentLabel softFail skip agents; phase = validPhase; prompt = lib.throwIf (prompt != false && phase == "build") '' In step '${label}' (from ${parentLabel}): The 'prompt' feature can only be used by steps in the "release" phase, because CI builds should not be gated on manual human approvals. '' prompt; }; # Create the Buildkite configuration for an extra step, optionally # wrapping it in a gate group. mkExtraStep = buildEnabled: cfg: let step = { key = hashString "sha1" "${cfg.label}-${cfg.parentLabel}"; label = ":gear: ${cfg.label} (from ${cfg.parentLabel})"; skip = let # When parent doesn't have skip attribute set, default to false parentSkip = cfg.parent.skip or false; # Extra step skip parameter can be string explaining the # skip reason. extraStepSkip = if builtins.isString cfg.skip then true else cfg.skip; # Don't run if extra step is explicitly set to skip. If # parameter is not set or equal to false, follow parent behavior. skip' = if extraStepSkip then cfg.skip else parentSkip; in if cfg.alwaysRun then false else skip'; depends_on = lib.optional (buildEnabled && !cfg.alwaysRun && !cfg.needsOutput) cfg.parent.key; command = pkgs.writeShellScript "${cfg.key}-script" '' set -ueo pipefail ${lib.optionalString cfg.needsOutput "echo '~~~ Preparing build output of ${cfg.parentLabel}'" } ${lib.optionalString cfg.needsOutput cfg.parent.command} echo '+++ Running extra step command' exec ${cfg.command} ''; soft_fail = cfg.softFail; } // (lib.optionalAttrs (cfg.agents != null) { inherit (cfg) agents; }) // (lib.optionalAttrs (cfg.branches != null) { branches = lib.concatStringsSep " " cfg.branches; }); in if (isString cfg.prompt) then mkGatedStep { inherit step; inherit (cfg) label parent prompt; } else step; }