# Logic for generating Buildkite pipelines from Nix build targets read # by //nix/readTree. # # It outputs a "YAML" (actually JSON) file which is evaluated and # submitted to Buildkite at the start of each build. # # The structure of the file that is being created is documented here: # https://buildkite.com/docs/pipelines/defining-steps { pkgs, ... }: let inherit (builtins) attrValues concatMap concatStringsSep filter foldl' length mapAttrs toJSON; inherit (pkgs) lib runCommandNoCC writeText; in rec { # Creates a Nix expression that yields the target at the specified # location in the repository. # # This makes a distinction between normal targets (which physically # exist in the repository) and subtargets (which are "virtual" # targets exposed by a physical one) to make it clear in the build # output which is which. mkBuildExpr = target: let descend = expr: attr: "builtins.getAttr \"${attr}\" (${expr})"; targetExpr = foldl' descend "import ./. {}" target.__readTree; subtargetExpr = descend targetExpr target.__subtarget; in if target ? __subtarget then subtargetExpr else targetExpr; # Create a pipeline label from the target's tree location. mkLabel = target: let label = concatStringsSep "/" target.__readTree; in if target ? __subtarget then "${label}:${target.__subtarget}" else label; # Skip build steps if their out path has already been built. skip = headBranch: target: let shouldSkip = with builtins; # Only skip in real Buildkite builds (getEnv "BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID" != "") && # Always build everything for the canon branch. (getEnv "BUILDKITE_BRANCH" != headBranch) && # Discard string context to avoid realising the store path during # pipeline construction. (pathExists (unsafeDiscardStringContext target.outPath)); in if shouldSkip then "Target was already built." else false; # Create a pipeline step from a single target. mkStep = headBranch: skipIfBuilt: target: { label = ":nix: ${mkLabel target}"; skip = if skipIfBuilt then skip headBranch target else false; command = let drvPath = builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext target.drvPath; in concatStringsSep " " [ # First try to realise the drvPath of the target so we don't evaluate twice. # Nix has no concept of depending on a derivation file without depending on # at least one of its `outPath`s, so we need to discard the string context # if we don't want to build everything during pipeline construction. "nix-store --realise '${drvPath}'" # Since we don't gcroot the derivation files, they may be deleted by the # garbage collector. In that case we can reevaluate and build the attribute # using nix-build. "|| (test ! -f '${drvPath}' && nix-build -E '${mkBuildExpr target}' --show-trace)" ]; # Add a dependency on the initial static pipeline step which # always runs. This allows build steps uploaded in batches to # start running before all batches have been uploaded. depends_on = ":init:"; }; # Helper function to inelegantly divide a list into chunks of at # most n elements. # # This works by assigning each element a chunk ID based on its # index, and then grouping all elements by their chunk ID. chunksOf = n: list: let chunkId = idx: toString (idx / n + 1); assigned = lib.imap1 (idx: value: { inherit value ; chunk = chunkId idx; }) list; unchunk = mapAttrs (_: elements: map (e: e.value) elements); in unchunk (lib.groupBy (e: e.chunk) assigned); # Define a build pipeline chunk as a JSON file, using the pipeline # format documented on # https://buildkite.com/docs/pipelines/defining-steps. makePipelineChunk = chunkId: chunk: rec { filename = "chunk-${chunkId}.json"; path = writeText filename (toJSON { steps = chunk; }); }; # Split the pipeline into chunks of at most 256 steps at once, which # are uploaded sequentially. This is because of a limitation in the # Buildkite backend which struggles to process more than a specific # number of chunks at once. pipelineChunks = steps: attrValues (mapAttrs makePipelineChunk (chunksOf 256 steps)); # Create a pipeline structure for the given targets. mkPipeline = { # HEAD branch of the repository on which release steps, GC # anchoring and other "mainline only" steps should run. headBranch, # List of derivations as read by readTree (in most cases just the # output of readTree.gather) that should be built in Buildkite. # # These are scheduled as the first build steps and run as fast as # possible, in order, without any concurrency restrictions. drvTargets, # Should build steps be skipped (on non-HEAD builds) if the output # path has already been built? skipIfBuilt ? false, # A list of plain Buildkite step structures to run alongside the # build for all drvTargets, but before proceeding with any # post-build actions such as status reporting. # # Can be used for things like code formatting checks. additionalSteps ? [], # A list of plain Buildkite step structures to run after all # previous steps succeeded. # # Can be used for status reporting steps and the like. postBuildSteps ? [] }: let mkStep' = mkStep headBranch skipIfBuilt; steps = # Add build steps for each derivation target. (map mkStep' drvTargets) # Add additional steps (if set). ++ additionalSteps # Wait for all previous checks to complete ++ [({ wait = null; continue_on_failure = true; })] # Run post-build steps for status reporting and co. ++ postBuildSteps; chunks = pipelineChunks steps; in runCommandNoCC "buildkite-pipeline" {} '' mkdir $out echo "Generated ${toString (length chunks)} pipeline chunks" ${ lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (chunk: "cp ${chunk.path} $out/${chunk.filename}") chunks } ''; }