#!/usr/bin/env bash # Unload scripts in case there have been changes since it was last loaded. echo -n "Unloading personal *.plist files... " && launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/watch_volumes.plist && echo "Done." || echo "Error." # Remove *.plist symlinks created last time. echo -n "Removing *.plist symlinks... " && rm ~/Library/LaunchAgents/watch_volumes.plist && echo "Done." || echo "Error." # Process the *.tpl files, replacing global identifiers with the values # from vars.json. echo -n "Processing *.tpl files... " && . ./process_files.sh && echo "Done." || echo "Error." # Recreate those symlinks. echo -n "Recreating *.plist symlinks to ~/Library/LaunchAgents ... " && ln -s ~/pc_settings/launchd_scripts/watch_volumes.plist \ ~/Library/LaunchAgents/watch_volumes.plist && echo "Done." || echo "Error." # Reload scripts in case there have been changes since it was last loaded. echo -n "Reloading personal *.plist files... " && launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/watch_volumes.plist && echo "Done." || echo "Error."