{ pkgs, lib, ... }: let # doom-emacs = pkgs.callPackage (builtins.fetchTarball { # url = https://github.com/vlaci/nix-doom-emacs/archive/master.tar.gz; # }) { # doomPrivateDir = ./doom.d; # Directory containing your config.el init.el # # and packages.el files # }; in { imports = [ ./lib/cloneRepo.nix ]; # home.packages = [ doom-emacs ]; # home.file.".emacs.d/init.el".text = '' # (load "default.el") # ''; # home.packages = with pkgs; [ # haskellPackages.Agda BROKEN # LaTeX (for org export) (pkgs.texlive.combine { inherit (pkgs.texlive) scheme-basic collection-fontsrecommended ulem fncychap titlesec tabulary varwidth framed fancyvrb float parskip wrapfig upquote capt-of needspace; }) ispell gnutls ]; programs.emacs.enable = true; impure.clonedRepos = { orgClubhouse = { github = "glittershark/org-clubhouse"; path = "code/org-clubhouse"; }; doomEmacs = { github = "hlissner/doom-emacs"; path = ".emacs.d"; after = ["emacs.d"]; onClone = "bin/doom install"; }; "emacs.d" = { github = "glittershark/emacs.d"; path = ".doom.d"; after = ["orgClubhouse"]; }; }; # Notes services.syncthing = { enable = true; tray = true; }; }