package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "log" "math/rand" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" ) type incomingIRC struct { Command string `json:"Command"` Host string `json:"Host"` Name string `json:"Name"` Params []string `json:"Params"` User string `json:"User"` } var supressionUsernames map[string]bool func main() { redisc := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{ Addr: fmt.Sprintf("", 6379), Password: "", // no password set DB: 0, // use default DB }) fireaway := make(chan incomingIRC, 10) supressionUsernames = make(map[string]bool) go func() { for { irccloudFeed := redisc.Subscribe("irccloud") for { msg, err := irccloudFeed.ReceiveMessage() if err != nil { break } imsg := incomingIRC{} err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(msg.Payload), &imsg) if err != nil { log.Printf("Json decoding error from irccloud feed %s", err) continue } if imsg.Command == "PRIVMSG" { if len(imsg.Params) == 2 { if imsg.Params[0] == "##tvl" || imsg.Params[0] == "##tvlbot" { fireaway <- imsg } } } } time.Sleep(time.Second) } }() for msg := range fireaway { // Learn learnFromMessage(msg, redisc) msg2 := generateMesasge(msg, redisc) // Check if we have a active log in for that user ttl := redisc.TTL("alive-" + msg.Name + "-eb") ttld, err := ttl.Result() if err == nil { redisc.Publish("irc-"+msg.Name+"-eb", msg2) if ttld == 0 || ttld.Seconds() == -2 { redisc.Publish("irc-tvlebooks-eb", "<"+fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", string(msg.Name[0]), msg.Name[1:])+"-eb> "+msg2) } } else { redisc.Publish("irc-tvlebooks-eb", "<"+fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", string(msg.Name[0]), msg.Name[1:])+"-eb> "+msg2) } } } func generateMesasge(msg incomingIRC, redisc *redis.Client) string { text := msg.Params[1] username := msg.Name supressionUsernames[strings.ToLower(username)] = true supressionUsernames[strings.ToLower(username)+":"] = true text = strings.ToLower(text) text = strings.Replace(text, ",", "", -1) text = strings.Replace(text, ",", "", -1) text = strings.Replace(text, ".", "", -1) text = strings.Replace(text, "!", "", -1) text = strings.Replace(text, "?", "", -1) words := strings.Split(text, " ") lastWord := propwords(username, words[0], redisc) if supressionUsernames[words[0]] { if len(words[0]) < 2 { words[0] = "vee" } words[0] = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", string(words[0][0]), words[0][1:]) } if lastWord == "_END_" { return words[0] } outputMsg := words[0] + " " + lastWord + " " for { lastWord = propwords(username, lastWord, redisc) if lastWord == "" || lastWord == "_END_" { return outputMsg } if supressionUsernames[lastWord] { if len(lastWord) < 2 { lastWord = "vee" } lastWord = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", string(lastWord[0]), lastWord[1:]) } outputMsg += lastWord + " " if len(outputMsg) > 100 { return outputMsg } } } func propwords(username string, start string, redisc *redis.Client) string { userHash := redisc.HGetAll(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", username, start)) userHashMap, err := userHash.Result() if err != nil { genericHash := redisc.HGetAll(fmt.Sprintf("generic-%s", start)) userHashMap, err = genericHash.Result() } userIntHashMap, totalVectors := stringMaptoIntMap(userHashMap) if totalVectors == 0 { return "" } targetRand := rand.Intn(totalVectors) progresRand := 0 for k, v := range userIntHashMap { progresRand += v if targetRand > progresRand { return k } } for k, _ := range userIntHashMap { return k } return "" } func stringMaptoIntMap(in map[string]string) (outMap map[string]int, total int) { outMap = make(map[string]int) for k, v := range in { i, err := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64) if err != nil { continue } total += int(i) outMap[k] = int(i) } return outMap, total } func learnFromMessage(msg incomingIRC, redisc *redis.Client) { text := msg.Params[1] text = strings.ToLower(text) text = strings.Replace(text, ",", "", -1) text = strings.Replace(text, ",", "", -1) text = strings.Replace(text, ".", "", -1) text = strings.Replace(text, "!", "", -1) text = strings.Replace(text, "?", "", -1) words := strings.Split(text, " ") username := msg.Name for k, word := range words { // HINCRBY myhash field 1 nextWord := "_END_" if len(words)-1 != k { nextWord = words[k+1] } redisc.HIncrBy(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", username, word), nextWord, 1) redisc.HIncrBy(fmt.Sprintf("generic-%s", word), nextWord, 1) } }