package main import ( "context" "crypto/tls" "flag" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net" "os" "os/signal" "strings" "time" "" "" "" log "" "" "" ) var ( gerritAddr = flag.String("gerrit_host", "", "Gerrit SSH host:port") gerritSSHHostKey = flag.String("gerrit_ssh_pubkey", "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBIUNYBYPCCBNDFSd0BuCR+8kgeuJ7IA5S2nTNQmkQUYNyXK+ot5os7rHtCk96+grd5+J8jFCuFBWisUe8h8NC0Q=", "Gerrit SSH public key") gerritSSHTimeout = flag.Duration("gerrit_tcp_timeout", 5*time.Second, "Gerrit SSH TCP connect timeout") gerritAuthUsername = flag.String("gerrit_ssh_auth_username", "", "Gerrit SSH username") gerritAuthKeyPath = flag.String("gerrit_ssh_auth_key", "", "Gerrit SSH private key path") ircServer = flag.String("irc_server", "", "IRC server to connect to") ircTls = flag.Bool("irc_tls", false, "Does the server connection need TLS?") ircNick = flag.String("irc_nick", "clbot", "Nick to use when connecting to IRC") ircUser = flag.String("irc_user", "clbot", "User string to use for IRC") ircName = flag.String("irc_name", "clbot", "Name string to use for IRC") ircChannel = flag.String("irc_channel", "#tvl", "Channel to send messages to") ircPassword = flag.String("irc_pass", "", "Password to use for IRC") ircSendLimit = flag.Duration("irc_send_limit", 100*time.Millisecond, "Delay between messages") ircSendBurst = flag.Int("irc_send_burst", 10, "Number of messages which can be sent in a burst") notifyRepo = flag.String("notify_repo", "depot", "Repo name to notify about") notifyBranches = stringSetFlag{} neverPing = flag.String("never_ping", "marcus", "Comma-separated terms that should never ping users") onlyDisplay = flag.String("only_display", "", "Comma-separated substrings of the gerrit CL Change Subject that should be shown (everything else is dropped)") ) func init() { flag.Var(¬ifyBranches, "notify_branches", "Branch names (comma-separated, or repeated flags, or both) to notify users about") } type stringSetFlag map[string]bool func (f stringSetFlag) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", map[string]bool(f)) } func (f stringSetFlag) Set(s string) error { if s == "" { return nil } for _, k := range strings.Split(s, ",") { if k != "" { f[k] = true } } return nil } func mustFixedHostKey(f string) ssh.HostKeyCallback { pk, _, _, _, err := ssh.ParseAuthorizedKey([]byte(f)) if err != nil { log.Exitf("ParseAuthorizedKey(%q): %v", f, err) } return ssh.FixedHostKey(pk) } func mustPrivateKey(p string) ssh.AuthMethod { pkBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(p) if err != nil { log.Exitf("reading SSH private key from %q: %v", p, err) } pk, err := ssh.ParsePrivateKey(pkBytes) if err != nil { log.Exitf("parsing private key from %q: %v", p, err) } return ssh.PublicKeys(pk) } var shutdownFuncs []func() func callOnShutdown(f func()) { shutdownFuncs = append(shutdownFuncs, f) } // Unicode U+200B zero-width-space, to avoid triggering other bots // or highlighting people on IRC. const zeroWidthSpace = "\u200b" func runIRC(ctx context.Context, ircCfg irc.ClientConfig, sendMsg <-chan string) { bo := backoffutil.NewDefaultBackOff() ircCfg.Handler = irc.HandlerFunc(func(c *irc.Client, m *irc.Message) { if m.Command == "NOTICE" && m.Prefix.Name == "NickServ" && strings.Contains(m.Trailing(), "dentified") { // We're probably identified now, go join the channel. c.Writef("JOIN %s", *ircChannel) } }) for { timer := time.NewTimer(bo.NextBackOff()) select { case <-ctx.Done(): timer.Stop() return case <-timer.C: break } (func() { connectedStart := time.Now() var ircConn net.Conn var err error if *ircTls { ircConn, err = tls.Dial("tcp", *ircServer, nil) } else { ircConn, err = net.Dial("tcp", *ircServer) } if err != nil { log.Errorf("connecting to IRC at tcp/%s (tls: %v): %v", *ircServer, *ircTls, err) return } ircClient := irc.NewClient(ircConn, ircCfg) ircClientCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) defer cancel() go func() { for { select { case <-ircClientCtx.Done(): return case msg := <-sendMsg: log.Infof("sending message %q to %v", msg, *ircChannel) ircClient.Writef("PRIVMSG %s :%s%s", *ircChannel, zeroWidthSpace, msg) } } }() log.Infof("connecting to IRC on tcp/%s", *ircServer) if err := ircClient.RunContext(ircClientCtx); err != nil { connectedEnd := time.Now() connectedFor := connectedEnd.Sub(connectedStart) if connectedFor > 60*time.Second { bo.Reset() } log.Errorf("IRC RunContext: %v", err) return } })() } } func username(a gerritevents.Account) string { options := []string{ a.Username, a.Name, a.Email, } for _, opt := range options { if opt != "" { return opt } } return "UNKNOWN USER" } // noping inserts a Unicode zero-width space between the first and rest characters of `user` // in an effort to avoid pinging that user on IRC. func noping(user string) string { un := []rune(user) return string(un[0:1]) + zeroWidthSpace + string(un[1:]) } // Apply noping to each instance of the username in the supplied // message. With this users will not be pinged for their own CLs, but // they will be notified if someone else writes a CL that includes // their username. // // Also applies noping to all instances of the words in `neverPing`. func nopingAll(username, message string) string { for _, word := range strings.Split(*neverPing, ",") { message = strings.ReplaceAll(message, word, noping(word)) } return strings.ReplaceAll(message, username, noping(username)) } // changeShouldBeSkipped applies the list of channels in `onlyDisplay` // to whether we should skip displaying a CL. func changeShouldBeSkipped(onlyDisplay string, changeSubject string) bool { // case when we don’t want to filter if onlyDisplay == "" { return false } for _, needle := range strings.Split(onlyDisplay, ",") { if strings.Contains(changeSubject, needle) { return false } } return true } func patchSetURL(c gerritevents.Change, p gerritevents.PatchSet) string { return fmt.Sprintf("", c.Number) } func main() { flag.Parse() failed := false if *gerritAuthUsername == "" { log.Errorf("gerrit_ssh_auth_username must be set") failed = true } if *gerritAuthKeyPath == "" { log.Errorf("gerrit_ssh_auth_key must be set") failed = true } if failed { os.Exit(2) } shutdownCh := make(chan os.Signal) signal.Notify(shutdownCh, os.Interrupt) go func() { <-shutdownCh signal.Reset(os.Interrupt) for n := len(shutdownFuncs) - 1; n >= 0; n-- { shutdownFuncs[n]() } }() ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) callOnShutdown(cancel) cfg := &ssh.ClientConfig{ User: *gerritAuthUsername, Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{mustPrivateKey(*gerritAuthKeyPath)}, HostKeyCallback: mustFixedHostKey(*gerritSSHHostKey), Timeout: *gerritSSHTimeout, } cfg.SetDefaults() gw, err := gerrit.New(ctx, "tcp", *gerritAddr, cfg) if err != nil { log.Exitf("gerrit.New(%q): %v", *gerritAddr, err) } callOnShutdown(func() { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Second) defer cancel() gw.Close(ctx) }) sendMsgChan := make(chan string, 5) go func() { for e := range gw.Events() { var parsedMsg string switch e := e.(type) { case *gerritevents.PatchSetCreated: if e.Change.Project != *notifyRepo || !notifyBranches[e.Change.Branch] || e.PatchSet.Number != 1 || changeShouldBeSkipped(*onlyDisplay, e.Change.Subject) { continue } user := username(e.PatchSet.Uploader) parsedMsg = nopingAll(user, fmt.Sprintf("CL/%d proposed by %s - %s - %s", e.Change.Number, user, e.Change.Subject, patchSetURL(e.Change, e.PatchSet))) case *gerritevents.ChangeMerged: if e.Change.Project != *notifyRepo || !notifyBranches[e.Change.Branch] || changeShouldBeSkipped(*onlyDisplay, e.Change.Subject) { continue } owner := username(e.Change.Owner) submitter := e.Submitter.Username url := patchSetURL(e.Change, e.PatchSet) if submitter != owner && submitter == "clbot" { parsedMsg = nopingAll(owner, fmt.Sprintf("CL/%d by %s autosubmitted - %s - %s", e.Change.Number, owner, e.Change.Subject, url)) } else { parsedMsg = nopingAll(owner, fmt.Sprintf("CL/%d applied by %s - %s - %s", e.Change.Number, owner, e.Change.Subject, url)) } } if parsedMsg != "" { sendMsgChan <- parsedMsg } } }() ircCtx, ircCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) callOnShutdown(ircCancel) go runIRC(ircCtx, irc.ClientConfig{ Nick: *ircNick, User: *ircUser, Name: *ircName, Pass: *ircPassword, SendLimit: *ircSendLimit, SendBurst: *ircSendBurst, }, sendMsgChan) <-ctx.Done() }