module Main exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html, text, div, span) import Html.Attributes exposing (style) import Json.Decode exposing (..) import Http -- Material design imports import Material import Material.Card as Card import Material.Color as Color import Material.Grid exposing (grid, cell, size, Device(..)) import Material.Layout as Layout import Material.Scheme as Scheme import Material.Options as Options import Material.Elevation as Elevation import Material.Button as Button -- API interface to Gemma type alias Task = { name : String , description : Maybe String , remaining : Int } emptyStringFilter s = if s == "" then Nothing else Just s decodeEmptyString : Decoder (Maybe String) decodeEmptyString = map emptyStringFilter string decodeTask : Decoder Task decodeTask = map3 Task (field "name" string) (field "description" decodeEmptyString) (field "remaining" int) loadTasks : Cmd Msg loadTasks = let request = Http.get "http://localhost:4242/tasks" (list decodeTask) in Http.send NewTasks request completeTask : Task -> Cmd Msg completeTask task = let request = Http.getString (String.concat [ "http://localhost:4242/complete?task=" , ] ) in Http.send (\_ -> LoadTasks) request -- Elm architecture implementation type Msg = None | LoadTasks | NewTasks (Result Http.Error (List Task)) | Mdl (Material.Msg Msg) | Complete Task type alias Model = { tasks : List Task , error : Maybe String , mdl : Material.Model } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of LoadTasks -> ( model, loadTasks ) Complete task -> ( model, completeTask task ) NewTasks (Ok tasks) -> ( { model | tasks = tasks, error = Nothing }, Cmd.none ) NewTasks (Err err) -> ( { model | error = Just (toString err) }, Cmd.none ) _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) -- View implementation white = Color.text Color.white taskColor : Task -> Color.Hue taskColor task = if task.remaining > 2 then Color.Green else if task.remaining < 0 then Color.Red else Color.Yellow within : Task -> String within task = if task.remaining < 0 then "This task is overdue!" else if task.remaining > 2 then String.concat [ "Relax, this task has " , toString task.remaining , " days left before it is due." ] else String.concat [ "This task should be completed within " , toString task.remaining , " days. Consider doing it now!" ] renderTask : Model -> Task -> Html Msg renderTask model task = Card.view [ Color.background (Color.color (taskColor task) Color.S800) , Elevation.e3 ] [ Card.title [] [ Card.head [ white ] [ text ] ] , Card.text [ white ] [ text (Maybe.withDefault "" task.description) , [] [] , text (within task) ] , Card.actions [ Card.border ] [ Button.render Mdl [ 0 ] model.mdl [ white, Button.ripple, Button.accent, Options.onClick (Complete task) ] [ text "Completed" ] ] ] gemmaView : Model -> Html Msg gemmaView model = grid [] ( (\t -> cell [ size All 4 ] [ renderTask model t ]) model.tasks ) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = gemmaView model |> main : Program Never Model Msg main = let model = { tasks = [] , error = Nothing , mdl = Material.model } in Html.program { init = ( model, Cmd.batch [ loadTasks, Material.init Mdl ] ) , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = Material.subscriptions Mdl }