{ pkgs, ... }: # TODO: Is it appropriate to put programming language dependencies here? Should # I have a bin dependency for every fish `abbr` and `alias` that I use? What # makes the most sense? # TODO: Some of the abbreviations / aliases depend on binaries and some depend # on files (e.g. ~/.config/nvim/init.vim). How should I handle the file # dependencies? # TODO: Support symlinking config.fish to ~/.config/fish/config.fish using Nix. let fishBinPath = pkgs.lib.strings.makeBinPath (with pkgs; [ # TODO: Support fasd instead of autojump. # fasd direnv autojump fzf fd xclip bat neovim ripgrep sdcv exa pass networkmanager google-chrome docker elixir clojure gnupg git tmux # This is not that same as `hub`. # git-hub mercurial stack kubernetes circleci-cli nix # Really? apt # Really? pacman # Really? ]); # TODO: It's difficult to test if the `--init-command` is working since fish # persists functions, abbreviations, aliases between sessions so it's easy to # get tricked by false-positives. in pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "wpcarros-fish" '' export PATH="${fishBinPath}:$PATH" exec ${pkgs.fish}/bin/fish --init-command 'source ${ ./functions.fish }' ''