{ pkgs, ... }: let # NOTE: I'm trying to keep the list of dependencies herein constrained to a # list of generic dependencies (i.e. not project or language specific). For # language-specific tooling, I'm intending to use shell.nix alongside lorri # and direnv. emacsBinPath = pkgs.lib.strings.makeBinPath (with pkgs; [ tdesktop # native telegram client ripgrep gitAndTools.hub kubectl google-cloud-sdk xsv scrot clipmenu ]); emacsWithPackages = (pkgs.emacsPackagesNgGen pkgs.emacs26).emacsWithPackages; wpcarrosEmacs = emacsWithPackages (epkgs: (with epkgs.elpaPackages; [ exwm ]) ++ (with epkgs.melpaPackages; [ org-bullets sly notmuch elm-mode ts vterm base16-theme ivy-pass clipmon # TODO: Prefer an Emacs client for clipmenud. protobuf-mode # TODO: Determine if this is coming from google-emacs. # docker evil evil-collection evil-magit evil-commentary evil-surround key-chord add-node-modules-path # TODO: Assess whether or not I need this with Nix. web-mode rjsx-mode tide prettier-js flycheck diminish doom-themes telephone-line neotree # TODO: Remove this dependency from my config. which-key ivy restclient package-lint parsec magit-popup direnv emr ivy-prescient all-the-icons all-the-icons-ivy alert nix-mode racer rust-mode rainbow-delimiters racket-mode lispyville elisp-slime-nav py-yapf reason-mode elixir-mode go-mode company markdown-mode refine deferred magit request pcre2el helpful exec-path-from-shell # TODO: Determine if Nix solves this problem. yasnippet projectile deadgrep counsel counsel-projectile engine-mode # TODO: Learn what this is. eglot dap-mode lsp-ui company-lsp suggest paradox # emr flymake-shellcheck fish-mode tuareg haskell-mode lsp-haskell use-package general clojure-mode cider f dash company counsel flycheck ivy magit ])); vendorDir = builtins.path { path = ./.emacs.d/vendor; name = "emacs-vendor"; }; wpcDir = builtins.path { path = ./.emacs.d/wpc; name = "emacs-libs"; }; wpcPackageEl = builtins.path { path = ./.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-package.el; name = "wpc-package.el"; }; initEl = builtins.path { path = ./.emacs.d/init.el; name = "init.el"; }; withEmacsPath = emacsBin: pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "wpcarros-emacs" '' # TODO: Is this the best way to handle environment variables using Nix? export XMODIFIERS=emacs export BRIEFCASE=$HOME/briefcase export DEPOT=$HOME/depot export PATH="${emacsBinPath}:$PATH" export EMACSLOADPATH="${wpcarrosEmacs.deps}/share/emacs/site-lisp:" exec ${emacsBin} \ --debug-init \ --no-site-file \ --no-site-lisp \ --directory ${vendorDir} \ --directory ${wpcDir} \ --load ${wpcPackageEl} \ --load ${initEl} \ --no-init-file \ $@ ''; in { # Use `nix-env -f '' emacs.glinux` to install `wpcarro-emacs` on # gLinux machines. This will ensure that X and GL linkage behaves as expected. glinux = withEmacsPath "/usr/bin/google-emacs"; # Use `nix-env -f '' emacs.nixos` to install `wpcarros-emacs` on # NixOS machines. nixos = withEmacsPath "${wpcarrosEmacs}/bin/emacs"; }