# Derivation for Emacs configured with the packages that I need: { pkgs ? import {} }: let emacsWithPackages = with pkgs; (emacsPackagesNgGen emacs).emacsWithPackages; # Custom code for packages missing from the current Nix packages. in emacsWithPackages(epkgs: # Actual ELPA packages (the enlightened!) (with epkgs.elpaPackages; [ ace-window adjust-parens avy company exwm pinentry rainbow-mode undo-tree which-key ]) ++ # Stable packages: (with epkgs.melpaStablePackages; [ browse-kill-ring cargo dash dash-functional dockerfile-mode erlang flycheck go-mode gruber-darker-theme haskell-mode helm ht idle-highlight-mode magit markdown-mode-plus multi-term multiple-cursors nix-mode paredit password-store racer rainbow-delimiters rust-mode s sly sly-company smart-mode-line string-edit terraform-mode yaml-mode ]) ++ # Bleeding-edge packages: (with epkgs.melpaPackages; [ helm-pass pg racket-mode restclient sly-quicklisp uuidgen ]) )