# This file sets up the top-level package set by merging all local packages into # the nixpkgs top-level. # # This makes packages accessible via the Nixery instance that is configured to # use this repository as its nixpkgs source. with builtins; let # The pinned commit here is identical to the public nixery.dev # version, since popularity data has been generated for that. stableCommit = "88d9f776091896cfe57dc6fbdf246e7d27d5f105"; stableSrc = fetchTarball { url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/${stableCommit}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0z8a0g69fmbbzi77jhvhwafv73dn5fg3gsr0q828lss6j5qpx995"; }; unstableCommit = "765a71f15025ce78024bae3dc4a92bd2be3a8fbf"; unstableSrc = fetchTarball { url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/${unstableCommit}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0j1wghr9dj9njn3x9xi0wzjk1107gi2pxb0w2dk8g0djmhnlx71q"; }; unstable = import unstableSrc {}; localPkgs = super: pkgs: { # Local projects should be added here: tazjin = { blog = import ./services/tazblog { inherit pkgs; }; blog_cli = pkgs.callPackage ./tools/blog_cli {}; gemma = pkgs.callPackage ./services/gemma {}; }; # Third-party projects (either vendored or modified from nixpkgs) go here: gitAppraise = pkgs.callPackage ./third_party/go/git-appraise/git-appraise {}; nixery = import ./third_party/nixery.nix { pkgs = super; }; terraform-gcp = unstable.terraform_0_12.withPlugins(p: [ p.google p.google-beta ]); ormolu = import (super.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tweag"; repo = "ormolu"; rev = "a7076c0f83e5c06ea9067b71171859fa2ba8afd9"; sha256 = "1p4n2ja4ciw3qfskn65ggpy37mvgf2sslxqmqn8s8jjarnqcyfny"; }) { pkgs = super; }; # Gemma needs an older version of Elm to be built. Updating it to # the newer version is a lot of effort. elmPackages = (import (super.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "NixOS"; repo = "nixpkgs"; rev = "14f9ee66e63077539252f8b4550049381a082518"; sha256 = "1wn7nmb1cqfk2j91l3rwc6yhimfkzxprb8wknw5wi57yhq9m6lv1"; }) {}).elmPackages; }; in { ... } @ args: import stableSrc (args // { overlays = [ localPkgs ]; config.allowUnfree = true; })