# This file sets up the top-level package set by traversing the package tree # (see read-tree.nix for details) and constructing a matching attribute set # tree. # # This makes packages accessible via the Nixery instance that is configured to # use this repository as its nixpkgs source. with builtins; let # This definition of fix is identical to .lib.fix, but the global # package set is not available here. fix = f: let x = f x; in x; # Derivations that have `meta.enableCI` set to `true` should be # built by the CI system on every commit. This code implements # filtering of all derivations in the local sets against this # condition. filterCI = lib: pkgs: let inherit (lib) collect isDerivation filterAttrsRecursive; ciCondition = _: x: (!isDerivation x) || ((x ? meta.enableCI) && (x.meta.enableCI)); in collect isDerivation (filterAttrsRecursive ciCondition pkgs); # Global configuration that all packages are called with. config = pkgs: { inherit pkgs; kms = { project = "tazjins-infrastructure"; region = "europe-north1"; keyring = "tazjins-keys"; key = "kontemplate-key"; }; }; readTree' = import ./read-tree.nix; localPkgs = readTree: { services = readTree ./services; tools = readTree ./tools; third_party = readTree ./third_party; }; in fix(self: { config = config self; # Elevate 'lib' from nixpkgs lib = self.third_party.nixpkgs.lib; # Collect all projects that should be built by CI ciProjects = (filterCI self.lib self.services) ++ (filterCI super.lib self.tools) ++ (filterCI super.lib self.third_party); } # Add local packages as structured by readTree // (localPkgs (readTree' self.config)) # Load overrides into the top-level. # # This can be used to move things from third_party into the top-level, too (such # as `lib`). // (readTree' self.config) ./overrides )