# This file sets up the top-level package set by merging all local packages into # the nixpkgs top-level. # # This makes packages accessible via the Nixery instance that is configured to # use this repository as its nixpkgs source. with builtins; let # The pinned commit here is identical to the public nixery.dev # version, since popularity data has been generated for that. stableCommit = "80b42e630b23052d9525840a9742100a2ceaaa8f"; stableSrc = fetchTarball { url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/${stableCommit}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0243qiivxl3z51biy4f5y5cy81x5bki5dazl9wqwgnmd373gpmxy"; }; readTree = import ./read-tree.nix; localPkgs = self: super: let config = { pkgs = self; upstream = super; kms = { project = "tazjins-infrastructure"; region = "europe-north1"; keyring = "tazjins-keys"; key = "kontemplate-key"; }; }; in { services = readTree ./services config; tools = readTree ./tools config; third_party = readTree ./third_party config; } // (readTree ./overrides config); # # All projects that should be built by CI should be added here: # ciProjects = [ # self.kontemplate # self.nixery # self.ormolu # self.terraform-gcp # ] ++ filter (d: d ? meta.broken && !d.meta.broken) (attrValues self.tazjin); # }; in { ... } @ args: import stableSrc (args // { overlays = [ localPkgs ]; config.allowUnfree = true; config.allowBroken = true; })