;;; xterm-color-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads ;; ;;; Code: (add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))) ;;;### (autoloads nil "xterm-color" "xterm-color.el" (23450 31791 ;;;;;; 237420 224000)) ;;; Generated autoloads from xterm-color.el (autoload 'xterm-color-filter "xterm-color" "\ Translate ANSI color sequences in STRING into text properties. Returns new STRING with text properties applied. This function will check if `xterm-color-preserve-properties' is set to T and only call `xterm-color-filter-real' on substrings that do not have text properties applied (passing through the rest unmodified). Preserving properties in this fashion is really a hack and not very robust as there may be situations where text properties are applied on ANSI data, which will mess up the state machine. It works fine with and is really meant for eshell though. This can be inserted into `comint-preoutput-filter-functions'. \(fn STRING)" nil nil) (autoload 'xterm-color-colorize-buffer "xterm-color" "\ Apply `xterm-color-filter' to current buffer, and replace its contents. \(fn)" t nil) (autoload 'xterm-color-test "xterm-color" "\ Create and display a new buffer that contains ANSI control sequences. \(fn)" t nil) ;;;*** ;; Local Variables: ;; version-control: never ;; no-byte-compile: t ;; no-update-autoloads: t ;; End: ;;; xterm-color-autoloads.el ends here