# dotfiles I'm documenting this primarily for personal use. This repository contains shell configs, vim configs, emacs configs, a list of commonly used applications, and other items. Configuration is everything. # Installation ## wpgtk and gvcci ```bash $ apti python-pip3 $ gclone deviantfero/wpgtk $ cd .. $ gclone FabriceCastel/gvcci ``` - TODO: Integrate Emacs themes into wpgtk. - TODO: Integrate Vim themes into wpgtk. - TODO: add these to the install script ```bash $ ln -s ~/Dropbox/.password-store ~/.password-store $ ln -s ~/Dropbox/bin ~/bin $ import_gpg $DOTFILES/configs/shared/gpg/.gnupg/exported ``` 1. Clipmenu Clipmenu is a service to store a history of copied strings. Install it as: ```bash $ cd ~/programming && g clone cdown/clipmenu ``` - TODO: Include `~/.config/systemd/user` in `configs/shared`. - TODO: Obviate installation. Ensure that it runs on startup: ```bash $ cd ~/programming/clipmenu $ cp clipmenu clipmenud clipdel ~/bin # You may not need to do this step. $ vim init/clipmenud.service # Change the ExecStart line to point to ~/bin/clipmenud $ cp init/clipmenud.service ~/.config/systemd/user/clipmenud.service $ systemctl --user start clipmenud $ systemctl --user enable clipmenud # This step may be optional. $ reboot $ systemctl --user status clipmenud # Verify installation worked. ``` 1. Install Dropbox ```bash $ cd ~ && wget -O - "https://www.dropbox.com/download?plat=lnx.x86_64" | tar xzf - $ crontab -e # add the following line... @reboot ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd 2>&1 >/tmp/dropbox.log $ reboot # 1/3 verify installation $ pgrep dropbox # 2/3 verify installation $ dropbox.py status # 3/3 verify installation ``` 1. Authorize computer to access GitHub ```bash $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C 'wpcarro@gmail.com' $ eval $(ssh-agent -s) $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa $ xclip -sel clip <~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $ browse github.com # paste ssh public key in settings ``` 1. Install Vundle, nix-env ```bash $ ln -s ~/Dropbox/Vundle.vim ~/.config/nvim/bundle/Vundle.vim $ cat ~/Dropbox/install_nix.sh | sh $ for p in $(cat nix-env.txt); do > nix-env -i "$p" > done ``` 1. Install dotfiles - TODO: include steps 2-4 in the `make install` command. Missing the following dependencies: - `stow` - `neovim` - `bat` - `exa` - `fasd` - `opam` - `ghcup` - `ripgrep` - `fzf` - `fd` - `hub` - `pass` ```bash $ cd ~/Dropbox/dotfiles $ DOTFILES="$(pwd)" make install ``` 1. Install Node dependencies For now, this deserves its own section since it isn't automated. ```bash $ gclone tj/n # clone repo $ sudo make install # build from source $ n stable # install the stable version of node ``` - TODO: support dependencies like terminal themes # SSHFS TODO: add explanation about `unison`, `rsync`, etc. SSHFS enables seamless file transfers from your local machine to a remote machine. ## Usage Assuming your remote machine is configured in your `~/.ssh/config` (see above), you can mount your remote machine's home directory on your local machine like so: ```bash $ mkdir ~/ec2 $ sshfs ec2:/home/ubuntu ~/ec2 -o reconnect,follow_symlinks ``` Now your remote machine's home directory can be accessed using the `~/ec2` directory. This directory can be treated as if it were an ordinary local directory. To illustrate how easy it is to use, let's install `Vundle` onto our remote machine. ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/ec2/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim ``` Voila! We now have `Vundle` installed on our ec2 instance without needing to manually SSH into that machine. # GnuPG To install GPG run the following: ```bash $ import_gpg ``` TODO: create a job that runs this periodically. ```bash $ export_gpg ``` ## Reference - sec: secret key - pub: public key - ssb: secret sub-key - sub: public sub-key ## Terminals and Fonts Any terminal or font I choose should pass the following checks: ```bash $ test_true_color $ test_16_colors $ test_text_formatting $ test_unicode $ test_emojis ``` ### Ligatures If using a font with ligature (e.g. Hasklig) assert that your terminal also support ligatures.