alcoholic_jwt ============= This is a barebones library for **validation** of **RS256** JWTs using keys from a JWKS. Nothing more, nothing less. The name of the library stems from the potential side-effects of trying to use the other Rust libraries that are made for similar purposes. ## Usage overview You are retrieving JWTs from some authentication provider that uses `RS256` signatures and provides its public keys in [JWKS][] format. Example for a token that provides the key ID used for signing in the [`kid` claim][]: ```rust extern crate alcoholic_jwt; use alcoholic_jwt::{JWKS, Validation, validate, token_kid}; fn validate_token() { // serde instances provided let jwks: JWKS = some_http_client(jwks_url).json(); let token: String = some_token_fetcher(); // Several types of built-in validations are provided: let validations = vec![ Validation::Issuer("some-issuer"), Validation::Audience("some-audience"), Validation::SubjectPresent, ]; // Extracting a KID is about the only safe operation that can be // done on a JWT before validating it. let kid = token_kid(token).expect("No 'kid' claim present in token"); let jwk = jwks.find(kid).expect("Specified key not found in set"); match validate(token, jwk, validations) { Valid => println!("Token is valid!"), InvalidSignature(reason) => println!("Token signature invalid: {}", reason), InvalidClaims(reasons) => { println!("Token claims are totally invalid!"); for reason in reasons { println!("Validation failure: {}", reason); } }, } } ``` ## Under the hood This library aims to only use trustworthy off-the-shelf components to do the work. Cryptographic operations are provided by the `openssl` crate, JSON-serialisation is provided by `serde_json`. [JWKS]: [`kid` claim]: