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path: root/third_party/nix/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/nix/default.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/nix/default.nix b/third_party/nix/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index a8b44208ba..0000000000
--- a/third_party/nix/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-  pkgs ? (import ../.. {}).third_party
-, lib
-, buildType ? "release"
-, depotPath ? ../..
-, ...
-  aws-s3-cpp = pkgs.aws-sdk-cpp.override {
-    apis = ["s3" "transfer"];
-    customMemoryManagement = false;
-  };
-  src = ./.;
-  # Proto generation in CMake is theoretically possible, but that is
-  # very theoretical - this does it in Nix instead.
-  protoSrcs = pkgs.runCommand "nix-proto-srcs" {} ''
-    export PROTO_SRCS=${src + "/src/proto"}
-    mkdir -p $out/libproto
-    ${pkgs.protobuf}/bin/protoc -I=$PROTO_SRCS \
-      --cpp_out=$out/libproto \
-      --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=${pkgs.grpc}/bin/grpc_cpp_plugin --grpc_out=$out/libproto \
-      $PROTO_SRCS/*.proto
-  '';
-  # Derivation for busybox that just has the `busybox` binary in bin/, not all
-  # the symlinks, so cmake can find it
-  busybox = pkgs.runCommand "busybox" {} ''
-    mkdir -p $out/bin
-    cp ${pkgs.busybox}/bin/busybox $out/bin
-  '';
-in lib.fix (self: pkgs.llvmPackages.libcxxStdenv.mkDerivation {
-  pname = "tvix";
-  version = "2.3.4";
-  inherit src;
-  nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
-    bison
-    clang-tools
-    cmake
-    libxml2
-    libxslt
-    pkgconfig
-    (import ./clangd.nix pkgs)
-  ];
- # TODO(tazjin): Some of these might only be required for native inputs
-  buildInputs = with pkgs; [
-    abseil_cpp
-    aws-s3-cpp
-    brotli
-    bzip2
-    c-ares
-    curl
-    editline
-    flex
-    glog
-    grpc
-    libseccomp
-    libsodium
-    systemd.lib.dev
-    openssl
-    protobuf
-    sqlite
-    xz
-  ];
-  doCheck = false;
-  doInstallCheck = true;
-  # Preserve debug symbols, for core dumps + other live debugging
-  dontStrip = true;
-  installCheckInputs = with pkgs; [
-    fd
-    gtest
-    rapidcheck
-  ];
-  propagatedBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
-    boost
-  ];
-  configurePhase = ''
-    mkdir build
-    cd build
-    cmake .. \
-      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \
-  '';
-  installCheckPhase = ''
-    export NIX_DATA_DIR=$out/share
-    export NIX_TEST_VAR=foo # this is required by a language test
-    make test
-    # Ensure formatting is coherent, but do this after the rest of the
-    # tests run so that developers get all the useful feedback
-    fd . $src -e hh -e cc | xargs clang-format --dry-run --Werror
-  '';
-  preBuild = ''
-    if [ -n "$NIX_BUILD_CORES" ]; then
-      makeFlags+="-j$NIX_BUILD_CORES "
-      makeFlags+="-l$NIX_BUILD_CORES "
-    fi
-  '';
-  # Forward the location of the generated Protobuf / gRPC files so
-  # that they can be included by CMake.
-  NIX_PROTO_SRCS = protoSrcs;
-  # Work around broken system header include flags in the cxx toolchain.
-  LIBCXX_INCLUDE = "${pkgs.llvmPackages.libcxx}/include/c++/v1";
-  SANDBOX_SHELL="${pkgs.busybox}/bin/busybox";
-  # Install the various symlinks to the Nix binary which users expect
-  # to exist.
-  postInstall = ''
-    ln -s $out/bin/nix $out/bin/nix-build
-    ln -s $out/bin/nix $out/bin/nix-channel
-    ln -s $out/bin/nix $out/bin/nix-collect-garbage
-    ln -s $out/bin/nix $out/bin/nix-copy-closure
-    ln -s $out/bin/nix $out/bin/nix-env
-    ln -s $out/bin/nix $out/bin/nix-hash
-    ln -s $out/bin/nix $out/bin/nix-instantiate
-    ln -s $out/bin/nix $out/bin/nix-prefetch-url
-    ln -s $out/bin/nix $out/bin/nix-shell
-    ln -s $out/bin/nix $out/bin/nix-store
-    mkdir -p $out/libexec/nix
-    ln -s $out/bin/nix $out/libexec/nix/build-remote
-    # configuration variables for templated files
-    export storedir=/nix/store
-    export localstatedir=/nix/var
-    export bindir=$out/bin
-    mkdir -p $out/lib/systemd/system
-    substituteAll \
-      ${src}/misc/systemd/nix-daemon.service.in \
-      $out/lib/systemd/system/nix-daemon.service
-    substituteAll \
-      ${src}/misc/systemd/nix-daemon.socket.in \
-      $out/lib/systemd/system/nix-daemon.socket
-    mkdir -p $out/etc/profile.d
-    substituteAll \
-      ${src}/scripts/nix-profile.sh.in $out/etc/profile.d/nix.sh
-    substituteAll \
-      ${src}/scripts/nix-profile-daemon.sh.in $out/etc/profile.d/nix-daemon.sh
-  '';
-  # TODO(tazjin): integration test setup?
-  # TODO(tazjin): docs generation?
-  passthru = {
-    build-shell = self.overrideAttrs (up: rec {
-      run_clang_tidy = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "run-clang-tidy" ''
-        test -f compile_commands.json || (echo "run from build output directory"; exit 1) || exit 1
-        ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq < compile_commands.json -r 'map(.file)|.[]' | grep -v '/generated/' | ${pkgs.parallel}/bin/parallel ${pkgs.clang-tools}/bin/clang-tidy -p compile_commands.json $@
-      '';
-      installCheckInputs = up.installCheckInputs ++ [run_clang_tidy];
-      shellHook = ''
-        export NIX_DATA_DIR="${toString depotPath}/third_party"
-        export NIX_TEST_VAR=foo
-      '';
-    });
-    test-vm = import ./test-vm.nix args;
-  };