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path: root/third_party/git/git-gui/git-gui.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/git/git-gui/git-gui.sh')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 4198 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/git-gui.sh b/third_party/git/git-gui/git-gui.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 867b8cea4618..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/git-gui.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4198 +0,0 @@
-# Tcl ignores the next line -*- tcl -*- \
- if test "z$*" = zversion \
- || test "z$*" = z--version; \
- then \
-	echo 'git-gui version @@GITGUI_VERSION@@'; \
-	exit; \
- fi; \
- argv0=$0; \
- exec wish "$argv0" -- "$@"
-set appvers {@@GITGUI_VERSION@@}
-set copyright [string map [list (c) \u00a9] {
-Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Shawn Pearce, et. al.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.}]
-## Tcl/Tk sanity check
-if {[catch {package require Tcl 8.5} err]
- || [catch {package require Tk  8.5} err]
-} {
-	catch {wm withdraw .}
-	tk_messageBox \
-		-icon error \
-		-type ok \
-		-title "git-gui: fatal error" \
-		-message $err
-	exit 1
-catch {rename send {}} ; # What an evil concept...
-## locate our library
-if { [info exists ::env(GIT_GUI_LIB_DIR) ] } {
-	set oguilib $::env(GIT_GUI_LIB_DIR)
-} else {
-	set oguilib {@@GITGUI_LIBDIR@@}
-set oguirel {@@GITGUI_RELATIVE@@}
-if {$oguirel eq {1}} {
-	set oguilib [file dirname [file normalize $argv0]]
-	if {[file tail $oguilib] eq {git-core}} {
-		set oguilib [file dirname $oguilib]
-	}
-	set oguilib [file dirname $oguilib]
-	set oguilib [file join $oguilib share git-gui lib]
-	set oguimsg [file join $oguilib msgs]
-} elseif {[string match @@* $oguirel]} {
-	set oguilib [file join [file dirname [file normalize $argv0]] lib]
-	set oguimsg [file join [file dirname [file normalize $argv0]] po]
-} else {
-	set oguimsg [file join $oguilib msgs]
-unset oguirel
-## enable verbose loading?
-if {![catch {set _verbose $env(GITGUI_VERBOSE)}]} {
-	unset _verbose
-	rename auto_load real__auto_load
-	proc auto_load {name args} {
-		puts stderr "auto_load $name"
-		return [uplevel 1 real__auto_load $name $args]
-	}
-	rename source real__source
-	proc source {args} {
-		puts stderr "source    $args"
-		uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 real__source]
-	}
-	if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} { console show }
-## Internationalization (i18n) through msgcat and gettext. See
-## http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/Tcl.html
-package require msgcat
-# Check for Windows 7 MUI language pack (missed by msgcat < 1.4.4)
-if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"
-	&& [package vcompare [package provide msgcat] 1.4.4] < 0
-} then {
-	proc _mc_update_locale {} {
-		set key {HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop}
-		if {![catch {
-			package require registry
-			set uilocale [registry get $key "PreferredUILanguages"]
-			msgcat::ConvertLocale [string map {- _} [lindex $uilocale 0]]
-		} uilocale]} {
-			if {[string length $uilocale] > 0} {
-				msgcat::mclocale $uilocale
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	_mc_update_locale
-proc _mc_trim {fmt} {
-	set cmk [string first @@ $fmt]
-	if {$cmk > 0} {
-		return [string range $fmt 0 [expr {$cmk - 1}]]
-	}
-	return $fmt
-proc mc {en_fmt args} {
-	set fmt [_mc_trim [::msgcat::mc $en_fmt]]
-	if {[catch {set msg [eval [list format $fmt] $args]} err]} {
-		set msg [eval [list format [_mc_trim $en_fmt]] $args]
-	}
-	return $msg
-proc strcat {args} {
-	return [join $args {}]
-::msgcat::mcload $oguimsg
-unset oguimsg
-## On Mac, bring the current Wish process window to front
-if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
-	catch {
-		exec osascript -e [format {
-			tell application "System Events"
-				set frontmost of processes whose unix id is %d to true
-			end tell
-		} [pid]]
-	}
-## read only globals
-set _appname {Git Gui}
-set _gitdir {}
-set _gitworktree {}
-set _isbare {}
-set _gitexec {}
-set _githtmldir {}
-set _reponame {}
-set _iscygwin {}
-set _search_path {}
-set _shellpath {@@SHELL_PATH@@}
-set _trace [lsearch -exact $argv --trace]
-if {$_trace >= 0} {
-	set argv [lreplace $argv $_trace $_trace]
-	set _trace 1
-	if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} { console show }
-} else {
-	set _trace 0
-# variable for the last merged branch (useful for a default when deleting
-# branches).
-set _last_merged_branch {}
-proc shellpath {} {
-	global _shellpath env
-	if {[string match @@* $_shellpath]} {
-		if {[info exists env(SHELL)]} {
-			return $env(SHELL)
-		} else {
-			return /bin/sh
-		}
-	}
-	return $_shellpath
-proc appname {} {
-	global _appname
-	return $_appname
-proc gitdir {args} {
-	global _gitdir
-	if {$args eq {}} {
-		return $_gitdir
-	}
-	return [eval [list file join $_gitdir] $args]
-proc gitexec {args} {
-	global _gitexec
-	if {$_gitexec eq {}} {
-		if {[catch {set _gitexec [git --exec-path]} err]} {
-			error "Git not installed?\n\n$err"
-		}
-		if {[is_Cygwin]} {
-			set _gitexec [exec cygpath \
-				--windows \
-				--absolute \
-				$_gitexec]
-		} else {
-			set _gitexec [file normalize $_gitexec]
-		}
-	}
-	if {$args eq {}} {
-		return $_gitexec
-	}
-	return [eval [list file join $_gitexec] $args]
-proc githtmldir {args} {
-	global _githtmldir
-	if {$_githtmldir eq {}} {
-		if {[catch {set _githtmldir [git --html-path]}]} {
-			# Git not installed or option not yet supported
-			return {}
-		}
-		if {[is_Cygwin]} {
-			set _githtmldir [exec cygpath \
-				--windows \
-				--absolute \
-				$_githtmldir]
-		} else {
-			set _githtmldir [file normalize $_githtmldir]
-		}
-	}
-	if {$args eq {}} {
-		return $_githtmldir
-	}
-	return [eval [list file join $_githtmldir] $args]
-proc reponame {} {
-	return $::_reponame
-proc is_MacOSX {} {
-	if {[tk windowingsystem] eq {aqua}} {
-		return 1
-	}
-	return 0
-proc is_Windows {} {
-	if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}} {
-		return 1
-	}
-	return 0
-proc is_Cygwin {} {
-	global _iscygwin
-	if {$_iscygwin eq {}} {
-		if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}} {
-			if {[catch {set p [exec cygpath --windir]} err]} {
-				set _iscygwin 0
-			} else {
-				set _iscygwin 1
-				# Handle MSys2 which is only cygwin when MSYSTEM is MSYS.
-				if {[info exists ::env(MSYSTEM)] && $::env(MSYSTEM) ne "MSYS"} {
-					set _iscygwin 0
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			set _iscygwin 0
-		}
-	}
-	return $_iscygwin
-proc is_enabled {option} {
-	global enabled_options
-	if {[catch {set on $enabled_options($option)}]} {return 0}
-	return $on
-proc enable_option {option} {
-	global enabled_options
-	set enabled_options($option) 1
-proc disable_option {option} {
-	global enabled_options
-	set enabled_options($option) 0
-## config
-proc is_many_config {name} {
-	switch -glob -- $name {
-	gui.recentrepo -
-	remote.*.fetch -
-	remote.*.push
-		{return 1}
-	*
-		{return 0}
-	}
-proc is_config_true {name} {
-	global repo_config
-	if {[catch {set v $repo_config($name)}]} {
-		return 0
-	}
-	set v [string tolower $v]
-	if {$v eq {} || $v eq {true} || $v eq {1} || $v eq {yes} || $v eq {on}} {
-		return 1
-	} else {
-		return 0
-	}
-proc is_config_false {name} {
-	global repo_config
-	if {[catch {set v $repo_config($name)}]} {
-		return 0
-	}
-	set v [string tolower $v]
-	if {$v eq {false} || $v eq {0} || $v eq {no} || $v eq {off}} {
-		return 1
-	} else {
-		return 0
-	}
-proc get_config {name} {
-	global repo_config
-	if {[catch {set v $repo_config($name)}]} {
-		return {}
-	} else {
-		return $v
-	}
-proc is_bare {} {
-	global _isbare
-	global _gitdir
-	global _gitworktree
-	if {$_isbare eq {}} {
-		if {[catch {
-			set _bare [git rev-parse --is-bare-repository]
-			switch  -- $_bare {
-			true { set _isbare 1 }
-			false { set _isbare 0}
-			default { throw }
-			}
-		}]} {
-			if {[is_config_true core.bare]
-				|| ($_gitworktree eq {}
-					&& [lindex [file split $_gitdir] end] ne {.git})} {
-				set _isbare 1
-			} else {
-				set _isbare 0
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return $_isbare
-## handy utils
-proc _trace_exec {cmd} {
-	if {!$::_trace} return
-	set d {}
-	foreach v $cmd {
-		if {$d ne {}} {
-			append d { }
-		}
-		if {[regexp {[ \t\r\n'"$?*]} $v]} {
-			set v [sq $v]
-		}
-		append d $v
-	}
-	puts stderr $d
-#'"  fix poor old emacs font-lock mode
-proc _git_cmd {name} {
-	global _git_cmd_path
-	if {[catch {set v $_git_cmd_path($name)}]} {
-		switch -- $name {
-		  version   -
-		--version   -
-		--exec-path { return [list $::_git $name] }
-		}
-		set p [gitexec git-$name$::_search_exe]
-		if {[file exists $p]} {
-			set v [list $p]
-		} elseif {[is_Windows] && [file exists [gitexec git-$name]]} {
-			# Try to determine what sort of magic will make
-			# git-$name go and do its thing, because native
-			# Tcl on Windows doesn't know it.
-			#
-			set p [gitexec git-$name]
-			set f [open $p r]
-			set s [gets $f]
-			close $f
-			switch -glob -- [lindex $s 0] {
-			#!*sh     { set i sh     }
-			#!*perl   { set i perl   }
-			#!*python { set i python }
-			default   { error "git-$name is not supported: $s" }
-			}
-			upvar #0 _$i interp
-			if {![info exists interp]} {
-				set interp [_which $i]
-			}
-			if {$interp eq {}} {
-				error "git-$name requires $i (not in PATH)"
-			}
-			set v [concat [list $interp] [lrange $s 1 end] [list $p]]
-		} else {
-			# Assume it is builtin to git somehow and we
-			# aren't actually able to see a file for it.
-			#
-			set v [list $::_git $name]
-		}
-		set _git_cmd_path($name) $v
-	}
-	return $v
-proc _which {what args} {
-	global env _search_exe _search_path
-	if {$_search_path eq {}} {
-		if {[is_Cygwin] && [regexp {^(/|\.:)} $env(PATH)]} {
-			set _search_path [split [exec cygpath \
-				--windows \
-				--path \
-				--absolute \
-				$env(PATH)] {;}]
-			set _search_exe .exe
-		} elseif {[is_Windows]} {
-			set gitguidir [file dirname [info script]]
-			regsub -all ";" $gitguidir "\\;" gitguidir
-			set env(PATH) "$gitguidir;$env(PATH)"
-			set _search_path [split $env(PATH) {;}]
-			set _search_exe .exe
-		} else {
-			set _search_path [split $env(PATH) :]
-			set _search_exe {}
-		}
-	}
-	if {[is_Windows] && [lsearch -exact $args -script] >= 0} {
-		set suffix {}
-	} else {
-		set suffix $_search_exe
-	}
-	foreach p $_search_path {
-		set p [file join $p $what$suffix]
-		if {[file exists $p]} {
-			return [file normalize $p]
-		}
-	}
-	return {}
-# Test a file for a hashbang to identify executable scripts on Windows.
-proc is_shellscript {filename} {
-	if {![file exists $filename]} {return 0}
-	set f [open $filename r]
-	fconfigure $f -encoding binary
-	set magic [read $f 2]
-	close $f
-	return [expr {$magic eq "#!"}]
-# Run a command connected via pipes on stdout.
-# This is for use with textconv filters and uses sh -c "..." to allow it to
-# contain a command with arguments. On windows we must check for shell
-# scripts specifically otherwise just call the filter command.
-proc open_cmd_pipe {cmd path} {
-	global env
-	if {![file executable [shellpath]]} {
-		set exe [auto_execok [lindex $cmd 0]]
-		if {[is_shellscript [lindex $exe 0]]} {
-			set run [linsert [auto_execok sh] end -c "$cmd \"\$0\"" $path]
-		} else {
-			set run [concat $exe [lrange $cmd 1 end] $path]
-		}
-	} else {
-		set run [list [shellpath] -c "$cmd \"\$0\"" $path]
-	}
-	return [open |$run r]
-proc _lappend_nice {cmd_var} {
-	global _nice
-	upvar $cmd_var cmd
-	if {![info exists _nice]} {
-		set _nice [_which nice]
-		if {[catch {exec $_nice git version}]} {
-			set _nice {}
-		} elseif {[is_Windows] && [file dirname $_nice] ne [file dirname $::_git]} {
-			set _nice {}
-		}
-	}
-	if {$_nice ne {}} {
-		lappend cmd $_nice
-	}
-proc git {args} {
-	set fd [eval [list git_read] $args]
-	fconfigure $fd -translation binary -encoding utf-8
-	set result [string trimright [read $fd] "\n"]
-	close $fd
-	if {$::_trace} {
-		puts stderr "< $result"
-	}
-	return $result
-proc _open_stdout_stderr {cmd} {
-	_trace_exec $cmd
-	if {[catch {
-			set fd [open [concat [list | ] $cmd] r]
-		} err]} {
-		if {   [lindex $cmd end] eq {2>@1}
-		    && $err eq {can not find channel named "1"}
-			} {
-			# Older versions of Tcl 8.4 don't have this 2>@1 IO
-			# redirect operator.  Fallback to |& cat for those.
-			# The command was not actually started, so its safe
-			# to try to start it a second time.
-			#
-			set fd [open [concat \
-				[list | ] \
-				[lrange $cmd 0 end-1] \
-				[list |& cat] \
-				] r]
-		} else {
-			error $err
-		}
-	}
-	fconfigure $fd -eofchar {}
-	return $fd
-proc git_read {args} {
-	set opt [list]
-	while {1} {
-		switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
-		--nice {
-			_lappend_nice opt
-		}
-		--stderr {
-			lappend args 2>@1
-		}
-		default {
-			break
-		}
-		}
-		set args [lrange $args 1 end]
-	}
-	set cmdp [_git_cmd [lindex $args 0]]
-	set args [lrange $args 1 end]
-	return [_open_stdout_stderr [concat $opt $cmdp $args]]
-proc git_write {args} {
-	set opt [list]
-	while {1} {
-		switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
-		--nice {
-			_lappend_nice opt
-		}
-		default {
-			break
-		}
-		}
-		set args [lrange $args 1 end]
-	}
-	set cmdp [_git_cmd [lindex $args 0]]
-	set args [lrange $args 1 end]
-	_trace_exec [concat $opt $cmdp $args]
-	return [open [concat [list | ] $opt $cmdp $args] w]
-proc githook_read {hook_name args} {
-	set pchook [gitdir hooks $hook_name]
-	lappend args 2>@1
-	# On Windows [file executable] might lie so we need to ask
-	# the shell if the hook is executable.  Yes that's annoying.
-	#
-	if {[is_Windows]} {
-		upvar #0 _sh interp
-		if {![info exists interp]} {
-			set interp [_which sh]
-		}
-		if {$interp eq {}} {
-			error "hook execution requires sh (not in PATH)"
-		}
-		set scr {if test -x "$1";then exec "$@";fi}
-		set sh_c [list $interp -c $scr $interp $pchook]
-		return [_open_stdout_stderr [concat $sh_c $args]]
-	}
-	if {[file executable $pchook]} {
-		return [_open_stdout_stderr [concat [list $pchook] $args]]
-	}
-	return {}
-proc kill_file_process {fd} {
-	set process [pid $fd]
-	catch {
-		if {[is_Windows]} {
-			exec taskkill /pid $process
-		} else {
-			exec kill $process
-		}
-	}
-proc gitattr {path attr default} {
-	if {[catch {set r [git check-attr $attr -- $path]}]} {
-		set r unspecified
-	} else {
-		set r [join [lrange [split $r :] 2 end] :]
-		regsub {^ } $r {} r
-	}
-	if {$r eq {unspecified}} {
-		return $default
-	}
-	return $r
-proc sq {value} {
-	regsub -all ' $value "'\\''" value
-	return "'$value'"
-proc load_current_branch {} {
-	global current_branch is_detached
-	set fd [open [gitdir HEAD] r]
-	fconfigure $fd -translation binary -encoding utf-8
-	if {[gets $fd ref] < 1} {
-		set ref {}
-	}
-	close $fd
-	set pfx {ref: refs/heads/}
-	set len [string length $pfx]
-	if {[string equal -length $len $pfx $ref]} {
-		# We're on a branch.  It might not exist.  But
-		# HEAD looks good enough to be a branch.
-		#
-		set current_branch [string range $ref $len end]
-		set is_detached 0
-	} else {
-		# Assume this is a detached head.
-		#
-		set current_branch HEAD
-		set is_detached 1
-	}
-auto_load tk_optionMenu
-rename tk_optionMenu real__tkOptionMenu
-proc tk_optionMenu {w varName args} {
-	set m [eval real__tkOptionMenu $w $varName $args]
-	$m configure -font font_ui
-	$w configure -font font_ui
-	return $m
-proc rmsel_tag {text} {
-	$text tag conf sel \
-		-background [$text cget -background] \
-		-foreground [$text cget -foreground] \
-		-borderwidth 0
-	$text tag conf in_sel\
-		-background $color::select_bg \
-		-foreground $color::select_fg
-	bind $text <Motion> break
-	return $text
-wm withdraw .
-set root_exists 0
-bind . <Visibility> {
-	bind . <Visibility> {}
-	set root_exists 1
-if {[is_Windows]} {
-	wm iconbitmap . -default $oguilib/git-gui.ico
-	set ::tk::AlwaysShowSelection 1
-	bind . <Control-F2> {console show}
-	# Spoof an X11 display for SSH
-	if {![info exists env(DISPLAY)]} {
-		set env(DISPLAY) :9999
-	}
-} else {
-	catch {
-		image create photo gitlogo -width 16 -height 16
-		gitlogo put #33CC33 -to  7  0  9  2
-		gitlogo put #33CC33 -to  4  2 12  4
-		gitlogo put #33CC33 -to  7  4  9  6
-		gitlogo put #CC3333 -to  4  6 12  8
-		gitlogo put gray26  -to  4  9  6 10
-		gitlogo put gray26  -to  3 10  6 12
-		gitlogo put gray26  -to  8  9 13 11
-		gitlogo put gray26  -to  8 11 10 12
-		gitlogo put gray26  -to 11 11 13 14
-		gitlogo put gray26  -to  3 12  5 14
-		gitlogo put gray26  -to  5 13
-		gitlogo put gray26  -to 10 13
-		gitlogo put gray26  -to  4 14 12 15
-		gitlogo put gray26  -to  5 15 11 16
-		gitlogo redither
-		image create photo gitlogo32 -width 32 -height 32
-		gitlogo32 copy gitlogo -zoom 2 2
-		wm iconphoto . -default gitlogo gitlogo32
-	}
-## config defaults
-set cursor_ptr arrow
-font create font_ui
-if {[lsearch -exact [font names] TkDefaultFont] != -1} {
-	eval [linsert [font actual TkDefaultFont] 0 font configure font_ui]
-	eval [linsert [font actual TkFixedFont] 0 font create font_diff]
-} else {
-	font create font_diff -family Courier -size 10
-	catch {
-		label .dummy
-		eval font configure font_ui [font actual [.dummy cget -font]]
-		destroy .dummy
-	}
-font create font_uiitalic
-font create font_uibold
-font create font_diffbold
-font create font_diffitalic
-foreach class {Button Checkbutton Entry Label
-		Labelframe Listbox Message
-		Radiobutton Spinbox Text} {
-	option add *$class.font font_ui
-if {![is_MacOSX]} {
-	option add *Menu.font font_ui
-	option add *Entry.borderWidth 1 startupFile
-	option add *Entry.relief sunken startupFile
-	option add *RadioButton.anchor w startupFile
-unset class
-if {[is_Windows] || [is_MacOSX]} {
-	option add *Menu.tearOff 0
-if {[is_MacOSX]} {
-	set M1B M1
-	set M1T Cmd
-} else {
-	set M1B Control
-	set M1T Ctrl
-proc bind_button3 {w cmd} {
-	bind $w <Any-Button-3> $cmd
-	if {[is_MacOSX]} {
-		# Mac OS X sends Button-2 on right click through three-button mouse,
-		# or through trackpad right-clicking (two-finger touch + click).
-		bind $w <Any-Button-2> $cmd
-		bind $w <Control-Button-1> $cmd
-	}
-proc apply_config {} {
-	global repo_config font_descs
-	foreach option $font_descs {
-		set name [lindex $option 0]
-		set font [lindex $option 1]
-		if {[catch {
-			set need_weight 1
-			foreach {cn cv} $repo_config(gui.$name) {
-				if {$cn eq {-weight}} {
-					set need_weight 0
-				}
-				font configure $font $cn $cv
-			}
-			if {$need_weight} {
-				font configure $font -weight normal
-			}
-			} err]} {
-			error_popup [strcat [mc "Invalid font specified in %s:" "gui.$name"] "\n\n$err"]
-		}
-		foreach {cn cv} [font configure $font] {
-			font configure ${font}bold $cn $cv
-			font configure ${font}italic $cn $cv
-		}
-		font configure ${font}bold -weight bold
-		font configure ${font}italic -slant italic
-	}
-	global use_ttk NS
-	set use_ttk 0
-	set NS {}
-	if {$repo_config(gui.usettk)} {
-		set use_ttk [package vsatisfies [package provide Tk] 8.5]
-		if {$use_ttk} {
-			set NS ttk
-			bind [winfo class .] <<ThemeChanged>> [list InitTheme]
-			pave_toplevel .
-			color::sync_with_theme
-		}
-	}
-set default_config(branch.autosetupmerge) true
-set default_config(merge.tool) {}
-set default_config(mergetool.keepbackup) true
-set default_config(merge.diffstat) true
-set default_config(merge.summary) false
-set default_config(merge.verbosity) 2
-set default_config(user.name) {}
-set default_config(user.email) {}
-set default_config(gui.encoding) [encoding system]
-set default_config(gui.matchtrackingbranch) false
-set default_config(gui.textconv) true
-set default_config(gui.pruneduringfetch) false
-set default_config(gui.trustmtime) false
-set default_config(gui.fastcopyblame) false
-set default_config(gui.maxrecentrepo) 10
-set default_config(gui.copyblamethreshold) 40
-set default_config(gui.blamehistoryctx) 7
-set default_config(gui.diffcontext) 5
-set default_config(gui.diffopts) {}
-set default_config(gui.commitmsgwidth) 75
-set default_config(gui.newbranchtemplate) {}
-set default_config(gui.spellingdictionary) {}
-set default_config(gui.fontui) [font configure font_ui]
-set default_config(gui.fontdiff) [font configure font_diff]
-# TODO: this option should be added to the git-config documentation
-set default_config(gui.maxfilesdisplayed) 5000
-set default_config(gui.usettk) 1
-set default_config(gui.warndetachedcommit) 1
-set default_config(gui.tabsize) 8
-set font_descs {
-	{fontui   font_ui   {mc "Main Font"}}
-	{fontdiff font_diff {mc "Diff/Console Font"}}
-set default_config(gui.stageuntracked) ask
-set default_config(gui.displayuntracked) true
-## find git
-set _git  [_which git]
-if {$_git eq {}} {
-	catch {wm withdraw .}
-	tk_messageBox \
-		-icon error \
-		-type ok \
-		-title [mc "git-gui: fatal error"] \
-		-message [mc "Cannot find git in PATH."]
-	exit 1
-## version check
-if {[catch {set _git_version [git --version]} err]} {
-	catch {wm withdraw .}
-	tk_messageBox \
-		-icon error \
-		-type ok \
-		-title [mc "git-gui: fatal error"] \
-		-message "Cannot determine Git version:
-[appname] requires Git 1.5.0 or later."
-	exit 1
-if {![regsub {^git version } $_git_version {} _git_version]} {
-	catch {wm withdraw .}
-	tk_messageBox \
-		-icon error \
-		-type ok \
-		-title [mc "git-gui: fatal error"] \
-		-message [strcat [mc "Cannot parse Git version string:"] "\n\n$_git_version"]
-	exit 1
-proc get_trimmed_version {s} {
-	set r {}
-	foreach x [split $s -._] {
-		if {[string is integer -strict $x]} {
-			lappend r $x
-		} else {
-			break
-		}
-	}
-	return [join $r .]
-set _real_git_version $_git_version
-set _git_version [get_trimmed_version $_git_version]
-if {![regexp {^[1-9]+(\.[0-9]+)+$} $_git_version]} {
-	catch {wm withdraw .}
-	if {[tk_messageBox \
-		-icon warning \
-		-type yesno \
-		-default no \
-		-title "[appname]: warning" \
-		-message [mc "Git version cannot be determined.
-%s claims it is version '%s'.
-%s requires at least Git 1.5.0 or later.
-Assume '%s' is version 1.5.0?
-" $_git $_real_git_version [appname] $_real_git_version]] eq {yes}} {
-		set _git_version 1.5.0
-	} else {
-		exit 1
-	}
-unset _real_git_version
-proc git-version {args} {
-	global _git_version
-	switch [llength $args] {
-	0 {
-		return $_git_version
-	}
-	2 {
-		set op [lindex $args 0]
-		set vr [lindex $args 1]
-		set cm [package vcompare $_git_version $vr]
-		return [expr $cm $op 0]
-	}
-	4 {
-		set type [lindex $args 0]
-		set name [lindex $args 1]
-		set parm [lindex $args 2]
-		set body [lindex $args 3]
-		if {($type ne {proc} && $type ne {method})} {
-			error "Invalid arguments to git-version"
-		}
-		if {[llength $body] < 2 || [lindex $body end-1] ne {default}} {
-			error "Last arm of $type $name must be default"
-		}
-		foreach {op vr cb} [lrange $body 0 end-2] {
-			if {[git-version $op $vr]} {
-				return [uplevel [list $type $name $parm $cb]]
-			}
-		}
-		return [uplevel [list $type $name $parm [lindex $body end]]]
-	}
-	default {
-		error "git-version >= x"
-	}
-	}
-if {[git-version < 1.5]} {
-	catch {wm withdraw .}
-	tk_messageBox \
-		-icon error \
-		-type ok \
-		-title [mc "git-gui: fatal error"] \
-		-message "[appname] requires Git 1.5.0 or later.
-You are using [git-version]:
-[git --version]"
-	exit 1
-## configure our library
-set idx [file join $oguilib tclIndex]
-if {[catch {set fd [open $idx r]} err]} {
-	catch {wm withdraw .}
-	tk_messageBox \
-		-icon error \
-		-type ok \
-		-title [mc "git-gui: fatal error"] \
-		-message $err
-	exit 1
-if {[gets $fd] eq {# Autogenerated by git-gui Makefile}} {
-	set idx [list]
-	while {[gets $fd n] >= 0} {
-		if {$n ne {} && ![string match #* $n]} {
-			lappend idx $n
-		}
-	}
-} else {
-	set idx {}
-close $fd
-if {$idx ne {}} {
-	set loaded [list]
-	foreach p $idx {
-		if {[lsearch -exact $loaded $p] >= 0} continue
-		source [file join $oguilib $p]
-		lappend loaded $p
-	}
-	unset loaded p
-} else {
-	set auto_path [concat [list $oguilib] $auto_path]
-unset -nocomplain idx fd
-## config file parsing
-git-version proc _parse_config {arr_name args} {
-	>= 1.5.3 {
-		upvar $arr_name arr
-		array unset arr
-		set buf {}
-		catch {
-			set fd_rc [eval \
-				[list git_read config] \
-				$args \
-				[list --null --list]]
-			fconfigure $fd_rc -translation binary -encoding utf-8
-			set buf [read $fd_rc]
-			close $fd_rc
-		}
-		foreach line [split $buf "\0"] {
-			if {[regexp {^([^\n]+)\n(.*)$} $line line name value]} {
-				if {[is_many_config $name]} {
-					lappend arr($name) $value
-				} else {
-					set arr($name) $value
-				}
-			} elseif {[regexp {^([^\n]+)$} $line line name]} {
-				# no value given, but interpreting them as
-				# boolean will be handled as true
-				set arr($name) {}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	default {
-		upvar $arr_name arr
-		array unset arr
-		catch {
-			set fd_rc [eval [list git_read config --list] $args]
-			while {[gets $fd_rc line] >= 0} {
-				if {[regexp {^([^=]+)=(.*)$} $line line name value]} {
-					if {[is_many_config $name]} {
-						lappend arr($name) $value
-					} else {
-						set arr($name) $value
-					}
-				} elseif {[regexp {^([^=]+)$} $line line name]} {
-					# no value given, but interpreting them as
-					# boolean will be handled as true
-					set arr($name) {}
-				}
-			}
-			close $fd_rc
-		}
-	}
-proc load_config {include_global} {
-	global repo_config global_config system_config default_config
-	if {$include_global} {
-		_parse_config system_config --system
-		_parse_config global_config --global
-	}
-	_parse_config repo_config
-	foreach name [array names default_config] {
-		if {[catch {set v $system_config($name)}]} {
-			set system_config($name) $default_config($name)
-		}
-	}
-	foreach name [array names system_config] {
-		if {[catch {set v $global_config($name)}]} {
-			set global_config($name) $system_config($name)
-		}
-		if {[catch {set v $repo_config($name)}]} {
-			set repo_config($name) $system_config($name)
-		}
-	}
-## feature option selection
-if {[regexp {^git-(.+)$} [file tail $argv0] _junk subcommand]} {
-	unset _junk
-} else {
-	set subcommand gui
-if {$subcommand eq {gui.sh}} {
-	set subcommand gui
-if {$subcommand eq {gui} && [llength $argv] > 0} {
-	set subcommand [lindex $argv 0]
-	set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
-enable_option multicommit
-enable_option branch
-enable_option transport
-disable_option bare
-switch -- $subcommand {
-browser -
-blame {
-	enable_option bare
-	disable_option multicommit
-	disable_option branch
-	disable_option transport
-citool {
-	enable_option singlecommit
-	enable_option retcode
-	disable_option multicommit
-	disable_option branch
-	disable_option transport
-	while {[llength $argv] > 0} {
-		set a [lindex $argv 0]
-		switch -- $a {
-		--amend {
-			enable_option initialamend
-		}
-		--nocommit {
-			enable_option nocommit
-			enable_option nocommitmsg
-		}
-		--commitmsg {
-			disable_option nocommitmsg
-		}
-		default {
-			break
-		}
-		}
-		set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
-	}
-## execution environment
-set have_tk85 [expr {[package vcompare $tk_version "8.5"] >= 0}]
-# Suggest our implementation of askpass, if none is set
-if {![info exists env(SSH_ASKPASS)]} {
-	set env(SSH_ASKPASS) [gitexec git-gui--askpass]
-## repository setup
-set picked 0
-if {[catch {
-		set _gitdir $env(GIT_DIR)
-		set _prefix {}
-		}]
-	&& [catch {
-		# beware that from the .git dir this sets _gitdir to .
-		# and _prefix to the empty string
-		set _gitdir [git rev-parse --git-dir]
-		set _prefix [git rev-parse --show-prefix]
-	} err]} {
-	load_config 1
-	apply_config
-	choose_repository::pick
-	set picked 1
-# we expand the _gitdir when it's just a single dot (i.e. when we're being
-# run from the .git dir itself) lest the routines to find the worktree
-# get confused
-if {$_gitdir eq "."} {
-	set _gitdir [pwd]
-if {![file isdirectory $_gitdir] && [is_Cygwin]} {
-	catch {set _gitdir [exec cygpath --windows $_gitdir]}
-if {![file isdirectory $_gitdir]} {
-	catch {wm withdraw .}
-	error_popup [strcat [mc "Git directory not found:"] "\n\n$_gitdir"]
-	exit 1
-# _gitdir exists, so try loading the config
-load_config 0
-# v1.7.0 introduced --show-toplevel to return the canonical work-tree
-if {[package vcompare $_git_version 1.7.0] >= 0} {
-	if { [is_Cygwin] } {
-		catch {set _gitworktree [exec cygpath --windows [git rev-parse --show-toplevel]]}
-	} else {
-		set _gitworktree [git rev-parse --show-toplevel]
-	}
-} else {
-	# try to set work tree from environment, core.worktree or use
-	# cdup to obtain a relative path to the top of the worktree. If
-	# run from the top, the ./ prefix ensures normalize expands pwd.
-	if {[catch { set _gitworktree $env(GIT_WORK_TREE) }]} {
-		set _gitworktree [get_config core.worktree]
-		if {$_gitworktree eq ""} {
-			set _gitworktree [file normalize ./[git rev-parse --show-cdup]]
-		}
-	}
-if {$_prefix ne {}} {
-	if {$_gitworktree eq {}} {
-		regsub -all {[^/]+/} $_prefix ../ cdup
-	} else {
-		set cdup $_gitworktree
-	}
-	if {[catch {cd $cdup} err]} {
-		catch {wm withdraw .}
-		error_popup [strcat [mc "Cannot move to top of working directory:"] "\n\n$err"]
-		exit 1
-	}
-	set _gitworktree [pwd]
-	unset cdup
-} elseif {![is_enabled bare]} {
-	if {[is_bare]} {
-		catch {wm withdraw .}
-		error_popup [strcat [mc "Cannot use bare repository:"] "\n\n$_gitdir"]
-		exit 1
-	}
-	if {$_gitworktree eq {}} {
-		set _gitworktree [file dirname $_gitdir]
-	}
-	if {[catch {cd $_gitworktree} err]} {
-		catch {wm withdraw .}
-		error_popup [strcat [mc "No working directory"] " $_gitworktree:\n\n$err"]
-		exit 1
-	}
-	set _gitworktree [pwd]
-set _reponame [file split [file normalize $_gitdir]]
-if {[lindex $_reponame end] eq {.git}} {
-	set _reponame [lindex $_reponame end-1]
-} else {
-	set _reponame [lindex $_reponame end]
-set env(GIT_DIR) $_gitdir
-set env(GIT_WORK_TREE) $_gitworktree
-## global init
-set current_diff_path {}
-set current_diff_side {}
-set diff_actions [list]
-set HEAD {}
-set PARENT {}
-set MERGE_HEAD [list]
-set commit_type {}
-set commit_type_is_amend 0
-set empty_tree {}
-set current_branch {}
-set is_detached 0
-set current_diff_path {}
-set is_3way_diff 0
-set is_submodule_diff 0
-set is_conflict_diff 0
-set diff_empty_count 0
-set last_revert {}
-set last_revert_enc {}
-set nullid "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
-set nullid2 "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001"
-## task management
-set rescan_active 0
-set diff_active 0
-set last_clicked {}
-set disable_on_lock [list]
-set index_lock_type none
-proc lock_index {type} {
-	global index_lock_type disable_on_lock
-	if {$index_lock_type eq {none}} {
-		set index_lock_type $type
-		foreach w $disable_on_lock {
-			uplevel #0 $w disabled
-		}
-		return 1
-	} elseif {$index_lock_type eq "begin-$type"} {
-		set index_lock_type $type
-		return 1
-	}
-	return 0
-proc unlock_index {} {
-	global index_lock_type disable_on_lock
-	set index_lock_type none
-	foreach w $disable_on_lock {
-		uplevel #0 $w normal
-	}
-## status
-proc repository_state {ctvar hdvar mhvar} {
-	global current_branch
-	upvar $ctvar ct $hdvar hd $mhvar mh
-	set mh [list]
-	load_current_branch
-	if {[catch {set hd [git rev-parse --verify HEAD]}]} {
-		set hd {}
-		set ct initial
-		return
-	}
-	set merge_head [gitdir MERGE_HEAD]
-	if {[file exists $merge_head]} {
-		set ct merge
-		set fd_mh [open $merge_head r]
-		while {[gets $fd_mh line] >= 0} {
-			lappend mh $line
-		}
-		close $fd_mh
-		return
-	}
-	set ct normal
-proc PARENT {} {
-	global PARENT empty_tree
-	set p [lindex $PARENT 0]
-	if {$p ne {}} {
-		return $p
-	}
-	if {$empty_tree eq {}} {
-		set empty_tree [git mktree << {}]
-	}
-	return $empty_tree
-proc force_amend {} {
-	global commit_type_is_amend
-	global HEAD PARENT MERGE_HEAD commit_type
-	repository_state newType newHEAD newMERGE_HEAD
-	set HEAD $newHEAD
-	set PARENT $newHEAD
-	set commit_type $newType
-	set commit_type_is_amend 1
-	do_select_commit_type
-proc rescan {after {honor_trustmtime 1}} {
-	global HEAD PARENT MERGE_HEAD commit_type
-	global ui_index ui_workdir ui_comm
-	global rescan_active file_states
-	global repo_config
-	if {$rescan_active > 0 || ![lock_index read]} return
-	repository_state newType newHEAD newMERGE_HEAD
-	if {[string match amend* $commit_type]
-		&& $newType eq {normal}
-		&& $newHEAD eq $HEAD} {
-	} else {
-		set HEAD $newHEAD
-		set PARENT $newHEAD
-		set commit_type $newType
-	}
-	array unset file_states
-	if {!$::GITGUI_BCK_exists &&
-		(![$ui_comm edit modified]
-		|| [string trim [$ui_comm get 0.0 end]] eq {})} {
-		if {[string match amend* $commit_type]} {
-		} elseif {[load_message GITGUI_MSG utf-8]} {
-		} elseif {[run_prepare_commit_msg_hook]} {
-		} elseif {[load_message MERGE_MSG]} {
-		} elseif {[load_message SQUASH_MSG]} {
-		}
-		$ui_comm edit reset
-		$ui_comm edit modified false
-	}
-	if {$honor_trustmtime && $repo_config(gui.trustmtime) eq {true}} {
-		rescan_stage2 {} $after
-	} else {
-		set rescan_active 1
-		ui_status [mc "Refreshing file status..."]
-		set fd_rf [git_read update-index \
-			-q \
-			--unmerged \
-			--ignore-missing \
-			--refresh \
-			]
-		fconfigure $fd_rf -blocking 0 -translation binary
-		fileevent $fd_rf readable \
-			[list rescan_stage2 $fd_rf $after]
-	}
-if {[is_Cygwin]} {
-	set is_git_info_exclude {}
-	proc have_info_exclude {} {
-		global is_git_info_exclude
-		if {$is_git_info_exclude eq {}} {
-			if {[catch {exec test -f [gitdir info exclude]}]} {
-				set is_git_info_exclude 0
-			} else {
-				set is_git_info_exclude 1
-			}
-		}
-		return $is_git_info_exclude
-	}
-} else {
-	proc have_info_exclude {} {
-		return [file readable [gitdir info exclude]]
-	}
-proc rescan_stage2 {fd after} {
-	global rescan_active buf_rdi buf_rdf buf_rlo
-	if {$fd ne {}} {
-		read $fd
-		if {![eof $fd]} return
-		close $fd
-	}
-	if {[package vcompare $::_git_version 1.6.3] >= 0} {
-		set ls_others [list --exclude-standard]
-	} else {
-		set ls_others [list --exclude-per-directory=.gitignore]
-		if {[have_info_exclude]} {
-			lappend ls_others "--exclude-from=[gitdir info exclude]"
-		}
-		set user_exclude [get_config core.excludesfile]
-		if {$user_exclude ne {} && [file readable $user_exclude]} {
-			lappend ls_others "--exclude-from=[file normalize $user_exclude]"
-		}
-	}
-	set buf_rdi {}
-	set buf_rdf {}
-	set buf_rlo {}
-	set rescan_active 2
-	ui_status [mc "Scanning for modified files ..."]
-	if {[git-version >= "1.7.2"]} {
-		set fd_di [git_read diff-index --cached --ignore-submodules=dirty -z [PARENT]]
-	} else {
-		set fd_di [git_read diff-index --cached -z [PARENT]]
-	}
-	set fd_df [git_read diff-files -z]
-	fconfigure $fd_di -blocking 0 -translation binary -encoding binary
-	fconfigure $fd_df -blocking 0 -translation binary -encoding binary
-	fileevent $fd_di readable [list read_diff_index $fd_di $after]
-	fileevent $fd_df readable [list read_diff_files $fd_df $after]
-	if {[is_config_true gui.displayuntracked]} {
-		set fd_lo [eval git_read ls-files --others -z $ls_others]
-		fconfigure $fd_lo -blocking 0 -translation binary -encoding binary
-		fileevent $fd_lo readable [list read_ls_others $fd_lo $after]
-		incr rescan_active
-	}
-proc load_message {file {encoding {}}} {
-	global ui_comm
-	set f [gitdir $file]
-	if {[file isfile $f]} {
-		if {[catch {set fd [open $f r]}]} {
-			return 0
-		}
-		fconfigure $fd -eofchar {}
-		if {$encoding ne {}} {
-			fconfigure $fd -encoding $encoding
-		}
-		set content [string trim [read $fd]]
-		close $fd
-		regsub -all -line {[ \r\t]+$} $content {} content
-		$ui_comm delete 0.0 end
-		$ui_comm insert end $content
-		return 1
-	}
-	return 0
-proc run_prepare_commit_msg_hook {} {
-	global pch_error
-	# prepare-commit-msg requires PREPARE_COMMIT_MSG exist.  From git-gui
-	# it will be .git/MERGE_MSG (merge), .git/SQUASH_MSG (squash), or an
-	# empty file but existent file.
-	set fd_pcm [open [gitdir PREPARE_COMMIT_MSG] a]
-	if {[file isfile [gitdir MERGE_MSG]]} {
-		set pcm_source "merge"
-		set fd_mm [open [gitdir MERGE_MSG] r]
-		fconfigure $fd_mm -encoding utf-8
-		puts -nonewline $fd_pcm [read $fd_mm]
-		close $fd_mm
-	} elseif {[file isfile [gitdir SQUASH_MSG]]} {
-		set pcm_source "squash"
-		set fd_sm [open [gitdir SQUASH_MSG] r]
-		fconfigure $fd_sm -encoding utf-8
-		puts -nonewline $fd_pcm [read $fd_sm]
-		close $fd_sm
-	} else {
-		set pcm_source ""
-	}
-	close $fd_pcm
-	set fd_ph [githook_read prepare-commit-msg \
-			[gitdir PREPARE_COMMIT_MSG] $pcm_source]
-	if {$fd_ph eq {}} {
-		catch {file delete [gitdir PREPARE_COMMIT_MSG]}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	ui_status [mc "Calling prepare-commit-msg hook..."]
-	set pch_error {}
-	fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary -eofchar {}
-	fileevent $fd_ph readable \
-		[list prepare_commit_msg_hook_wait $fd_ph]
-	return 1;
-proc prepare_commit_msg_hook_wait {fd_ph} {
-	global pch_error
-	append pch_error [read $fd_ph]
-	fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 1
-	if {[eof $fd_ph]} {
-		if {[catch {close $fd_ph}]} {
-			ui_status [mc "Commit declined by prepare-commit-msg hook."]
-			hook_failed_popup prepare-commit-msg $pch_error
-			catch {file delete [gitdir PREPARE_COMMIT_MSG]}
-			exit 1
-		} else {
-			load_message PREPARE_COMMIT_MSG
-		}
-		set pch_error {}
-		catch {file delete [gitdir PREPARE_COMMIT_MSG]}
-		return
-	}
-	fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0
-	catch {file delete [gitdir PREPARE_COMMIT_MSG]}
-proc read_diff_index {fd after} {
-	global buf_rdi
-	append buf_rdi [read $fd]
-	set c 0
-	set n [string length $buf_rdi]
-	while {$c < $n} {
-		set z1 [string first "\0" $buf_rdi $c]
-		if {$z1 == -1} break
-		incr z1
-		set z2 [string first "\0" $buf_rdi $z1]
-		if {$z2 == -1} break
-		incr c
-		set i [split [string range $buf_rdi $c [expr {$z1 - 2}]] { }]
-		set p [string range $buf_rdi $z1 [expr {$z2 - 1}]]
-		merge_state \
-			[encoding convertfrom utf-8 $p] \
-			[lindex $i 4]? \
-			[list [lindex $i 0] [lindex $i 2]] \
-			[list]
-		set c $z2
-		incr c
-	}
-	if {$c < $n} {
-		set buf_rdi [string range $buf_rdi $c end]
-	} else {
-		set buf_rdi {}
-	}
-	rescan_done $fd buf_rdi $after
-proc read_diff_files {fd after} {
-	global buf_rdf
-	append buf_rdf [read $fd]
-	set c 0
-	set n [string length $buf_rdf]
-	while {$c < $n} {
-		set z1 [string first "\0" $buf_rdf $c]
-		if {$z1 == -1} break
-		incr z1
-		set z2 [string first "\0" $buf_rdf $z1]
-		if {$z2 == -1} break
-		incr c
-		set i [split [string range $buf_rdf $c [expr {$z1 - 2}]] { }]
-		set p [string range $buf_rdf $z1 [expr {$z2 - 1}]]
-		merge_state \
-			[encoding convertfrom utf-8 $p] \
-			?[lindex $i 4] \
-			[list] \
-			[list [lindex $i 0] [lindex $i 2]]
-		set c $z2
-		incr c
-	}
-	if {$c < $n} {
-		set buf_rdf [string range $buf_rdf $c end]
-	} else {
-		set buf_rdf {}
-	}
-	rescan_done $fd buf_rdf $after
-proc read_ls_others {fd after} {
-	global buf_rlo
-	append buf_rlo [read $fd]
-	set pck [split $buf_rlo "\0"]
-	set buf_rlo [lindex $pck end]
-	foreach p [lrange $pck 0 end-1] {
-		set p [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $p]
-		if {[string index $p end] eq {/}} {
-			set p [string range $p 0 end-1]
-		}
-		merge_state $p ?O
-	}
-	rescan_done $fd buf_rlo $after
-proc rescan_done {fd buf after} {
-	global rescan_active current_diff_path
-	global file_states repo_config
-	upvar $buf to_clear
-	if {![eof $fd]} return
-	set to_clear {}
-	close $fd
-	if {[incr rescan_active -1] > 0} return
-	prune_selection
-	unlock_index
-	display_all_files
-	if {$current_diff_path ne {}} { reshow_diff $after }
-	if {$current_diff_path eq {}} { select_first_diff $after }
-proc prune_selection {} {
-	global file_states selected_paths
-	foreach path [array names selected_paths] {
-		if {[catch {set still_here $file_states($path)}]} {
-			unset selected_paths($path)
-		}
-	}
-## ui helpers
-proc mapicon {w state path} {
-	global all_icons
-	if {[catch {set r $all_icons($state$w)}]} {
-		puts "error: no icon for $w state={$state} $path"
-		return file_plain
-	}
-	return $r
-proc mapdesc {state path} {
-	global all_descs
-	if {[catch {set r $all_descs($state)}]} {
-		puts "error: no desc for state={$state} $path"
-		return $state
-	}
-	return $r
-proc ui_status {msg} {
-	global main_status
-	if {[info exists main_status]} {
-		$main_status show $msg
-	}
-proc ui_ready {} {
-	global main_status
-	if {[info exists main_status]} {
-		$main_status show [mc "Ready."]
-	}
-proc escape_path {path} {
-	regsub -all {\\} $path "\\\\" path
-	regsub -all "\n" $path "\\n" path
-	return $path
-proc short_path {path} {
-	return [escape_path [lindex [file split $path] end]]
-set next_icon_id 0
-set null_sha1 [string repeat 0 40]
-proc merge_state {path new_state {head_info {}} {index_info {}}} {
-	global file_states next_icon_id null_sha1
-	set s0 [string index $new_state 0]
-	set s1 [string index $new_state 1]
-	if {[catch {set info $file_states($path)}]} {
-		set state __
-		set icon n[incr next_icon_id]
-	} else {
-		set state [lindex $info 0]
-		set icon [lindex $info 1]
-		if {$head_info eq {}}  {set head_info  [lindex $info 2]}
-		if {$index_info eq {}} {set index_info [lindex $info 3]}
-	}
-	if     {$s0 eq {?}} {set s0 [string index $state 0]} \
-	elseif {$s0 eq {_}} {set s0 _}
-	if     {$s1 eq {?}} {set s1 [string index $state 1]} \
-	elseif {$s1 eq {_}} {set s1 _}
-	if {$s0 eq {A} && $s1 eq {_} && $head_info eq {}} {
-		set head_info [list 0 $null_sha1]
-	} elseif {$s0 ne {_} && [string index $state 0] eq {_}
-		&& $head_info eq {}} {
-		set head_info $index_info
-	} elseif {$s0 eq {_} && [string index $state 0] ne {_}} {
-		set index_info $head_info
-		set head_info {}
-	}
-	set file_states($path) [list $s0$s1 $icon \
-		$head_info $index_info \
-		]
-	return $state
-proc display_file_helper {w path icon_name old_m new_m} {
-	global file_lists
-	if {$new_m eq {_}} {
-		set lno [lsearch -sorted -exact $file_lists($w) $path]
-		if {$lno >= 0} {
-			set file_lists($w) [lreplace $file_lists($w) $lno $lno]
-			incr lno
-			$w conf -state normal
-			$w delete $lno.0 [expr {$lno + 1}].0
-			$w conf -state disabled
-		}
-	} elseif {$old_m eq {_} && $new_m ne {_}} {
-		lappend file_lists($w) $path
-		set file_lists($w) [lsort -unique $file_lists($w)]
-		set lno [lsearch -sorted -exact $file_lists($w) $path]
-		incr lno
-		$w conf -state normal
-		$w image create $lno.0 \
-			-align center -padx 5 -pady 1 \
-			-name $icon_name \
-			-image [mapicon $w $new_m $path]
-		$w insert $lno.1 "[escape_path $path]\n"
-		$w conf -state disabled
-	} elseif {$old_m ne $new_m} {
-		$w conf -state normal
-		$w image conf $icon_name -image [mapicon $w $new_m $path]
-		$w conf -state disabled
-	}
-proc display_file {path state} {
-	global file_states selected_paths
-	global ui_index ui_workdir
-	set old_m [merge_state $path $state]
-	set s $file_states($path)
-	set new_m [lindex $s 0]
-	set icon_name [lindex $s 1]
-	set o [string index $old_m 0]
-	set n [string index $new_m 0]
-	if {$o eq {U}} {
-		set o _
-	}
-	if {$n eq {U}} {
-		set n _
-	}
-	display_file_helper	$ui_index $path $icon_name $o $n
-	if {[string index $old_m 0] eq {U}} {
-		set o U
-	} else {
-		set o [string index $old_m 1]
-	}
-	if {[string index $new_m 0] eq {U}} {
-		set n U
-	} else {
-		set n [string index $new_m 1]
-	}
-	display_file_helper	$ui_workdir $path $icon_name $o $n
-	if {$new_m eq {__}} {
-		unset file_states($path)
-		catch {unset selected_paths($path)}
-	}
-proc display_all_files_helper {w path icon_name m} {
-	global file_lists
-	lappend file_lists($w) $path
-	set lno [expr {[lindex [split [$w index end] .] 0] - 1}]
-	$w image create end \
-		-align center -padx 5 -pady 1 \
-		-name $icon_name \
-		-image [mapicon $w $m $path]
-	$w insert end "[escape_path $path]\n"
-set files_warning 0
-proc display_all_files {} {
-	global ui_index ui_workdir
-	global file_states file_lists
-	global last_clicked
-	global files_warning
-	$ui_index conf -state normal
-	$ui_workdir conf -state normal
-	$ui_index delete 0.0 end
-	$ui_workdir delete 0.0 end
-	set last_clicked {}
-	set file_lists($ui_index) [list]
-	set file_lists($ui_workdir) [list]
-	set to_display [lsort [array names file_states]]
-	set display_limit [get_config gui.maxfilesdisplayed]
-	set displayed 0
-	foreach path $to_display {
-		set s $file_states($path)
-		set m [lindex $s 0]
-		set icon_name [lindex $s 1]
-		if {$displayed > $display_limit && [string index $m 1] eq {O} } {
-			if {!$files_warning} {
-				# do not repeatedly warn:
-				set files_warning 1
-				info_popup [mc "Display limit (gui.maxfilesdisplayed = %s) reached, not showing all %s files." \
-					$display_limit [llength $to_display]]
-			}
-			continue
-		}
-		set s [string index $m 0]
-		if {$s ne {U} && $s ne {_}} {
-			display_all_files_helper $ui_index $path \
-				$icon_name $s
-		}
-		if {[string index $m 0] eq {U}} {
-			set s U
-		} else {
-			set s [string index $m 1]
-		}
-		if {$s ne {_}} {
-			display_all_files_helper $ui_workdir $path \
-				$icon_name $s
-			incr displayed
-		}
-	}
-	$ui_index conf -state disabled
-	$ui_workdir conf -state disabled
-## icons
-set filemask {
-#define mask_width 14
-#define mask_height 15
-static unsigned char mask_bits[] = {
-	0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f,
-	0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f,
-	0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f};
-image create bitmap file_plain -background white -foreground black -data {
-#define plain_width 14
-#define plain_height 15
-static unsigned char plain_bits[] = {
-	0xfe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x05, 0x02, 0x09, 0x02, 0x1f, 0x02, 0x10,
-	0x02, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10,
-	0x02, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfe, 0x1f};
-} -maskdata $filemask
-image create bitmap file_mod -background white -foreground blue -data {
-#define mod_width 14
-#define mod_height 15
-static unsigned char mod_bits[] = {
-	0xfe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x7a, 0x05, 0x02, 0x09, 0x7a, 0x1f, 0x02, 0x10,
-	0xfa, 0x17, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfa, 0x17, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfa, 0x17, 0x02, 0x10,
-	0xfa, 0x17, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfe, 0x1f};
-} -maskdata $filemask
-image create bitmap file_fulltick -background white -foreground "#007000" -data {
-#define file_fulltick_width 14
-#define file_fulltick_height 15
-static unsigned char file_fulltick_bits[] = {
-	0xfe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x1a, 0x02, 0x0c, 0x02, 0x0c, 0x02, 0x16, 0x02, 0x16,
-	0x02, 0x13, 0x00, 0x13, 0x86, 0x11, 0x8c, 0x11, 0xd8, 0x10, 0xf2, 0x10,
-	0x62, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfe, 0x1f};
-} -maskdata $filemask
-image create bitmap file_question -background white -foreground black -data {
-#define file_question_width 14
-#define file_question_height 15
-static unsigned char file_question_bits[] = {
-	0xfe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0xe2, 0x04, 0xf2, 0x09, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x0a, 0x13,
-	0x82, 0x11, 0xc2, 0x10, 0x62, 0x10, 0x62, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0x62, 0x10,
-	0x62, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfe, 0x1f};
-} -maskdata $filemask
-image create bitmap file_removed -background white -foreground red -data {
-#define file_removed_width 14
-#define file_removed_height 15
-static unsigned char file_removed_bits[] = {
-	0xfe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x05, 0x02, 0x09, 0x02, 0x1f, 0x02, 0x10,
-	0x1a, 0x16, 0x32, 0x13, 0xe2, 0x11, 0xc2, 0x10, 0xe2, 0x11, 0x32, 0x13,
-	0x1a, 0x16, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfe, 0x1f};
-} -maskdata $filemask
-image create bitmap file_merge -background white -foreground blue -data {
-#define file_merge_width 14
-#define file_merge_height 15
-static unsigned char file_merge_bits[] = {
-	0xfe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x62, 0x05, 0x62, 0x09, 0x62, 0x1f, 0x62, 0x10,
-	0xfa, 0x11, 0xf2, 0x10, 0x62, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfa, 0x17, 0x02, 0x10,
-	0xfa, 0x17, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfe, 0x1f};
-} -maskdata $filemask
-image create bitmap file_statechange -background white -foreground green -data {
-#define file_statechange_width 14
-#define file_statechange_height 15
-static unsigned char file_statechange_bits[] = {
-	0xfe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x05, 0x02, 0x09, 0x02, 0x1f, 0x62, 0x10,
-	0x62, 0x10, 0xba, 0x11, 0xba, 0x11, 0x62, 0x10, 0x62, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10,
-	0x02, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfe, 0x1f};
-} -maskdata $filemask
-set ui_index .vpane.files.index.list
-set ui_workdir .vpane.files.workdir.list
-set all_icons(_$ui_index)   file_plain
-set all_icons(A$ui_index)   file_plain
-set all_icons(M$ui_index)   file_fulltick
-set all_icons(D$ui_index)   file_removed
-set all_icons(U$ui_index)   file_merge
-set all_icons(T$ui_index)   file_statechange
-set all_icons(_$ui_workdir) file_plain
-set all_icons(M$ui_workdir) file_mod
-set all_icons(D$ui_workdir) file_question
-set all_icons(U$ui_workdir) file_merge
-set all_icons(O$ui_workdir) file_plain
-set all_icons(T$ui_workdir) file_statechange
-set max_status_desc 0
-foreach i {
-		{__ {mc "Unmodified"}}
-		{_M {mc "Modified, not staged"}}
-		{M_ {mc "Staged for commit"}}
-		{MM {mc "Portions staged for commit"}}
-		{MD {mc "Staged for commit, missing"}}
-		{_T {mc "File type changed, not staged"}}
-		{MT {mc "File type changed, old type staged for commit"}}
-		{AT {mc "File type changed, old type staged for commit"}}
-		{T_ {mc "File type changed, staged"}}
-		{TM {mc "File type change staged, modification not staged"}}
-		{TD {mc "File type change staged, file missing"}}
-		{_O {mc "Untracked, not staged"}}
-		{A_ {mc "Staged for commit"}}
-		{AM {mc "Portions staged for commit"}}
-		{AD {mc "Staged for commit, missing"}}
-		{_D {mc "Missing"}}
-		{D_ {mc "Staged for removal"}}
-		{DO {mc "Staged for removal, still present"}}
-		{_U {mc "Requires merge resolution"}}
-		{U_ {mc "Requires merge resolution"}}
-		{UU {mc "Requires merge resolution"}}
-		{UM {mc "Requires merge resolution"}}
-		{UD {mc "Requires merge resolution"}}
-		{UT {mc "Requires merge resolution"}}
-	} {
-	set text [eval [lindex $i 1]]
-	if {$max_status_desc < [string length $text]} {
-		set max_status_desc [string length $text]
-	}
-	set all_descs([lindex $i 0]) $text
-unset i
-## util
-proc scrollbar2many {list mode args} {
-	foreach w $list {eval $w $mode $args}
-proc many2scrollbar {list mode sb top bottom} {
-	$sb set $top $bottom
-	foreach w $list {$w $mode moveto $top}
-proc incr_font_size {font {amt 1}} {
-	set sz [font configure $font -size]
-	incr sz $amt
-	font configure $font -size $sz
-	font configure ${font}bold -size $sz
-	font configure ${font}italic -size $sz
-## ui commands
-proc do_gitk {revs {is_submodule false}} {
-	global current_diff_path file_states current_diff_side ui_index
-	global _gitdir _gitworktree
-	# -- Always start gitk through whatever we were loaded with.  This
-	#    lets us bypass using shell process on Windows systems.
-	#
-	set exe [_which gitk -script]
-	set cmd [list [info nameofexecutable] $exe]
-	if {$exe eq {}} {
-		error_popup [mc "Couldn't find gitk in PATH"]
-	} else {
-		global env
-		set pwd [pwd]
-		if {!$is_submodule} {
-			if {![is_bare]} {
-				cd $_gitworktree
-			}
-		} else {
-			cd $current_diff_path
-			if {$revs eq {--}} {
-				set s $file_states($current_diff_path)
-				set old_sha1 {}
-				set new_sha1 {}
-				switch -glob -- [lindex $s 0] {
-				M_ { set old_sha1 [lindex [lindex $s 2] 1] }
-				_M { set old_sha1 [lindex [lindex $s 3] 1] }
-				MM {
-					if {$current_diff_side eq $ui_index} {
-						set old_sha1 [lindex [lindex $s 2] 1]
-						set new_sha1 [lindex [lindex $s 3] 1]
-					} else {
-						set old_sha1 [lindex [lindex $s 3] 1]
-					}
-				}
-				}
-				set revs $old_sha1...$new_sha1
-			}
-			# GIT_DIR and GIT_WORK_TREE for the submodule are not the ones
-			# we've been using for the main repository, so unset them.
-			# TODO we could make life easier (start up faster?) for gitk
-			# by setting these to the appropriate values to allow gitk
-			# to skip the heuristics to find their proper value
-			unset env(GIT_DIR)
-			unset env(GIT_WORK_TREE)
-		}
-		eval exec $cmd $revs "--" "--" &
-		set env(GIT_DIR) $_gitdir
-		set env(GIT_WORK_TREE) $_gitworktree
-		cd $pwd
-		if {[info exists main_status]} {
-			set status_operation [$::main_status \
-				start \
-				[mc "Starting %s... please wait..." "gitk"]]
-			after 3500 [list $status_operation stop]
-		}
-	}
-proc do_git_gui {} {
-	global current_diff_path
-	# -- Always start git gui through whatever we were loaded with.  This
-	#    lets us bypass using shell process on Windows systems.
-	#
-	set exe [list [_which git]]
-	if {$exe eq {}} {
-		error_popup [mc "Couldn't find git gui in PATH"]
-	} else {
-		global env
-		global _gitdir _gitworktree
-		# see note in do_gitk about unsetting these vars when
-		# running tools in a submodule
-		unset env(GIT_DIR)
-		unset env(GIT_WORK_TREE)
-		set pwd [pwd]
-		cd $current_diff_path
-		eval exec $exe gui &
-		set env(GIT_DIR) $_gitdir
-		set env(GIT_WORK_TREE) $_gitworktree
-		cd $pwd
-		set status_operation [$::main_status \
-			start \
-			[mc "Starting %s... please wait..." "git-gui"]]
-		after 3500 [list $status_operation stop]
-	}
-# Get the system-specific explorer app/command.
-proc get_explorer {} {
-	if {[is_Cygwin] || [is_Windows]} {
-		set explorer "explorer.exe"
-	} elseif {[is_MacOSX]} {
-		set explorer "open"
-	} else {
-		# freedesktop.org-conforming system is our best shot
-		set explorer "xdg-open"
-	}
-	return $explorer
-proc do_explore {} {
-	global _gitworktree
-	set explorer [get_explorer]
-	eval exec $explorer [list [file nativename $_gitworktree]] &
-# Open file relative to the working tree by the default associated app.
-proc do_file_open {file} {
-	global _gitworktree
-	set explorer [get_explorer]
-	set full_file_path [file join $_gitworktree $file]
-	exec $explorer [file nativename $full_file_path] &
-set is_quitting 0
-set ret_code    1
-proc terminate_me {win} {
-	global ret_code
-	if {$win ne {.}} return
-	exit $ret_code
-proc do_quit {{rc {1}}} {
-	global ui_comm is_quitting repo_config commit_type
-	global GITGUI_BCK_exists GITGUI_BCK_i
-	global ui_comm_spell
-	global ret_code use_ttk
-	if {$is_quitting} return
-	set is_quitting 1
-	if {[winfo exists $ui_comm]} {
-		# -- Stash our current commit buffer.
-		#
-		set save [gitdir GITGUI_MSG]
-		if {$GITGUI_BCK_exists && ![$ui_comm edit modified]} {
-			file rename -force [gitdir GITGUI_BCK] $save
-			set GITGUI_BCK_exists 0
-		} else {
-			set msg [string trim [$ui_comm get 0.0 end]]
-			regsub -all -line {[ \r\t]+$} $msg {} msg
-			if {(![string match amend* $commit_type]
-				|| [$ui_comm edit modified])
-				&& $msg ne {}} {
-				catch {
-					set fd [open $save w]
-					fconfigure $fd -encoding utf-8
-					puts -nonewline $fd $msg
-					close $fd
-				}
-			} else {
-				catch {file delete $save}
-			}
-		}
-		# -- Cancel our spellchecker if its running.
-		#
-		if {[info exists ui_comm_spell]} {
-			$ui_comm_spell stop
-		}
-		# -- Remove our editor backup, its not needed.
-		#
-		after cancel $GITGUI_BCK_i
-		if {$GITGUI_BCK_exists} {
-			catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_BCK]}
-		}
-		# -- Stash our current window geometry into this repository.
-		#
-		set cfg_wmstate [wm state .]
-		if {[catch {set rc_wmstate $repo_config(gui.wmstate)}]} {
-			set rc_wmstate {}
-		}
-		if {$cfg_wmstate ne $rc_wmstate} {
-			catch {git config gui.wmstate $cfg_wmstate}
-		}
-		if {$cfg_wmstate eq {zoomed}} {
-			# on Windows wm geometry will lie about window
-			# position (but not size) when window is zoomed
-			# restore the window before querying wm geometry
-			wm state . normal
-		}
-		set cfg_geometry [list]
-		lappend cfg_geometry [wm geometry .]
-		if {$use_ttk} {
-			lappend cfg_geometry [.vpane sashpos 0]
-			lappend cfg_geometry [.vpane.files sashpos 0]
-		} else {
-			lappend cfg_geometry [lindex [.vpane sash coord 0] 0]
-			lappend cfg_geometry [lindex [.vpane.files sash coord 0] 1]
-		}
-		if {[catch {set rc_geometry $repo_config(gui.geometry)}]} {
-			set rc_geometry {}
-		}
-		if {$cfg_geometry ne $rc_geometry} {
-			catch {git config gui.geometry $cfg_geometry}
-		}
-	}
-	set ret_code $rc
-	# Briefly enable send again, working around Tk bug
-	# http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=112997&aid=1821174&group_id=12997
-	tk appname [appname]
-	destroy .
-proc do_rescan {} {
-	rescan ui_ready
-proc ui_do_rescan {} {
-	rescan {force_first_diff ui_ready}
-proc do_commit {} {
-	commit_tree
-proc next_diff {{after {}}} {
-	global next_diff_p next_diff_w next_diff_i
-	show_diff $next_diff_p $next_diff_w {} {} $after
-proc find_anchor_pos {lst name} {
-	set lid [lsearch -sorted -exact $lst $name]
-	if {$lid == -1} {
-		set lid 0
-		foreach lname $lst {
-			if {$lname >= $name} break
-			incr lid
-		}
-	}
-	return $lid
-proc find_file_from {flist idx delta path mmask} {
-	global file_states
-	set len [llength $flist]
-	while {$idx >= 0 && $idx < $len} {
-		set name [lindex $flist $idx]
-		if {$name ne $path && [info exists file_states($name)]} {
-			set state [lindex $file_states($name) 0]
-			if {$mmask eq {} || [regexp $mmask $state]} {
-				return $idx
-			}
-		}
-		incr idx $delta
-	}
-	return {}
-proc find_next_diff {w path {lno {}} {mmask {}}} {
-	global next_diff_p next_diff_w next_diff_i
-	global file_lists ui_index ui_workdir
-	set flist $file_lists($w)
-	if {$lno eq {}} {
-		set lno [find_anchor_pos $flist $path]
-	} else {
-		incr lno -1
-	}
-	if {$mmask ne {} && ![regexp {(^\^)|(\$$)} $mmask]} {
-		if {$w eq $ui_index} {
-			set mmask "^$mmask"
-		} else {
-			set mmask "$mmask\$"
-		}
-	}
-	set idx [find_file_from $flist $lno 1 $path $mmask]
-	if {$idx eq {}} {
-		incr lno -1
-		set idx [find_file_from $flist $lno -1 $path $mmask]
-	}
-	if {$idx ne {}} {
-		set next_diff_w $w
-		set next_diff_p [lindex $flist $idx]
-		set next_diff_i [expr {$idx+1}]
-		return 1
-	} else {
-		return 0
-	}
-proc next_diff_after_action {w path {lno {}} {mmask {}}} {
-	global current_diff_path
-	if {$path ne $current_diff_path} {
-		return {}
-	} elseif {[find_next_diff $w $path $lno $mmask]} {
-		return {next_diff;}
-	} else {
-		return {reshow_diff;}
-	}
-proc select_first_diff {after} {
-	global ui_workdir
-	if {[find_next_diff $ui_workdir {} 1 {^_?U}] ||
-	    [find_next_diff $ui_workdir {} 1 {[^O]$}]} {
-		next_diff $after
-	} else {
-		uplevel #0 $after
-	}
-proc force_first_diff {after} {
-	global ui_workdir current_diff_path file_states
-	if {[info exists file_states($current_diff_path)]} {
-		set state [lindex $file_states($current_diff_path) 0]
-	} else {
-		set state {OO}
-	}
-	set reselect 0
-	if {[string first {U} $state] >= 0} {
-		# Already a conflict, do nothing
-	} elseif {[find_next_diff $ui_workdir $current_diff_path {} {^_?U}]} {
-		set reselect 1
-	} elseif {[string index $state 1] ne {O}} {
-		# Already a diff & no conflicts, do nothing
-	} elseif {[find_next_diff $ui_workdir $current_diff_path {} {[^O]$}]} {
-		set reselect 1
-	}
-	if {$reselect} {
-		next_diff $after
-	} else {
-		uplevel #0 $after
-	}
-proc toggle_or_diff {mode w args} {
-	global file_states file_lists current_diff_path ui_index ui_workdir
-	global last_clicked selected_paths file_lists_last_clicked
-	if {$mode eq "click"} {
-		foreach {x y} $args break
-		set pos [split [$w index @$x,$y] .]
-		foreach {lno col} $pos break
-	} else {
-		if {$mode eq "toggle"} {
-			if {$w eq $ui_workdir} {
-				do_add_selection
-				set last_clicked {}
-				return
-			}
-			if {$w eq $ui_index} {
-				do_unstage_selection
-				set last_clicked {}
-				return
-			}
-		}
-		if {$last_clicked ne {}} {
-			set lno [lindex $last_clicked 1]
-		} else {
-			if {![info exists file_lists]
-				|| ![info exists file_lists($w)]
-				|| [llength $file_lists($w)] == 0} {
-				set last_clicked {}
-				return
-			}
-			set lno [expr {int([lindex [$w tag ranges in_diff] 0])}]
-		}
-		if {$mode eq "toggle"} {
-			set col 0; set y 2
-		} else {
-			incr lno [expr {$mode eq "up" ? -1 : 1}]
-			set col 1
-		}
-	}
-	if {![info exists file_lists]
-		|| ![info exists file_lists($w)]
-		|| [llength $file_lists($w)] < $lno - 1} {
-		set path {}
-	} else {
-		set path [lindex $file_lists($w) [expr {$lno - 1}]]
-	}
-	if {$path eq {}} {
-		set last_clicked {}
-		return
-	}
-	set last_clicked [list $w $lno]
-	focus $w
-	array unset selected_paths
-	$ui_index tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
-	$ui_workdir tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
-	set file_lists_last_clicked($w) $path
-	# Determine the state of the file
-	if {[info exists file_states($path)]} {
-		set state [lindex $file_states($path) 0]
-	} else {
-		set state {__}
-	}
-	# Restage the file, or simply show the diff
-	if {$col == 0 && $y > 1} {
-		# Conflicts need special handling
-		if {[string first {U} $state] >= 0} {
-			# $w must always be $ui_workdir, but...
-			if {$w ne $ui_workdir} { set lno {} }
-			merge_stage_workdir $path $lno
-			return
-		}
-		if {[string index $state 1] eq {O}} {
-			set mmask {}
-		} else {
-			set mmask {[^O]}
-		}
-		set after [next_diff_after_action $w $path $lno $mmask]
-		if {$w eq $ui_index} {
-			update_indexinfo \
-				"Unstaging [short_path $path] from commit" \
-				[list $path] \
-				[concat $after {ui_ready;}]
-		} elseif {$w eq $ui_workdir} {
-			update_index \
-				"Adding [short_path $path]" \
-				[list $path] \
-				[concat $after {ui_ready;}]
-		}
-	} else {
-		set selected_paths($path) 1
-		show_diff $path $w $lno
-	}
-proc add_one_to_selection {w x y} {
-	global file_lists last_clicked selected_paths
-	set lno [lindex [split [$w index @$x,$y] .] 0]
-	set path [lindex $file_lists($w) [expr {$lno - 1}]]
-	if {$path eq {}} {
-		set last_clicked {}
-		return
-	}
-	if {$last_clicked ne {}
-		&& [lindex $last_clicked 0] ne $w} {
-		array unset selected_paths
-		[lindex $last_clicked 0] tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
-	}
-	set last_clicked [list $w $lno]
-	if {[catch {set in_sel $selected_paths($path)}]} {
-		set in_sel 0
-	}
-	if {$in_sel} {
-		unset selected_paths($path)
-		$w tag remove in_sel $lno.0 [expr {$lno + 1}].0
-	} else {
-		set selected_paths($path) 1
-		$w tag add in_sel $lno.0 [expr {$lno + 1}].0
-	}
-proc add_range_to_selection {w x y} {
-	global file_lists last_clicked selected_paths
-	if {[lindex $last_clicked 0] ne $w} {
-		toggle_or_diff click $w $x $y
-		return
-	}
-	set lno [lindex [split [$w index @$x,$y] .] 0]
-	set lc [lindex $last_clicked 1]
-	if {$lc < $lno} {
-		set begin $lc
-		set end $lno
-	} else {
-		set begin $lno
-		set end $lc
-	}
-	foreach path [lrange $file_lists($w) \
-		[expr {$begin - 1}] \
-		[expr {$end - 1}]] {
-		set selected_paths($path) 1
-	}
-	$w tag add in_sel $begin.0 [expr {$end + 1}].0
-proc show_more_context {} {
-	global repo_config
-	if {$repo_config(gui.diffcontext) < 99} {
-		incr repo_config(gui.diffcontext)
-		reshow_diff
-	}
-proc show_less_context {} {
-	global repo_config
-	if {$repo_config(gui.diffcontext) > 1} {
-		incr repo_config(gui.diffcontext) -1
-		reshow_diff
-	}
-proc focus_widget {widget} {
-	global file_lists last_clicked selected_paths
-	global file_lists_last_clicked
-	if {[llength $file_lists($widget)] > 0} {
-		set path $file_lists_last_clicked($widget)
-		set index [lsearch -sorted -exact $file_lists($widget) $path]
-		if {$index < 0} {
-			set index 0
-			set path [lindex $file_lists($widget) $index]
-		}
-		focus $widget
-		set last_clicked [list $widget [expr $index + 1]]
-		array unset selected_paths
-		set selected_paths($path) 1
-		show_diff $path $widget
-	}
-proc toggle_commit_type {} {
-	global commit_type_is_amend
-	set commit_type_is_amend [expr !$commit_type_is_amend]
-	do_select_commit_type
-## ui construction
-set ui_comm {}
-# -- Menu Bar
-menu .mbar -tearoff 0
-if {[is_MacOSX]} {
-	# -- Apple Menu (Mac OS X only)
-	#
-	.mbar add cascade -label Apple -menu .mbar.apple
-	menu .mbar.apple
-.mbar add cascade -label [mc Repository] -menu .mbar.repository
-.mbar add cascade -label [mc Edit] -menu .mbar.edit
-if {[is_enabled branch]} {
-	.mbar add cascade -label [mc Branch] -menu .mbar.branch
-if {[is_enabled multicommit] || [is_enabled singlecommit]} {
-	.mbar add cascade -label [mc Commit@@noun] -menu .mbar.commit
-if {[is_enabled transport]} {
-	.mbar add cascade -label [mc Merge] -menu .mbar.merge
-	.mbar add cascade -label [mc Remote] -menu .mbar.remote
-if {[is_enabled multicommit] || [is_enabled singlecommit]} {
-	.mbar add cascade -label [mc Tools] -menu .mbar.tools
-# -- Repository Menu
-menu .mbar.repository
-if {![is_bare]} {
-	.mbar.repository add command \
-		-label [mc "Explore Working Copy"] \
-		-command {do_explore}
-if {[is_Windows]} {
-	# Use /git-bash.exe if available
-	set normalized [file normalize $::argv0]
-	regsub "/mingw../libexec/git-core/git-gui$" \
-		$normalized "/git-bash.exe" cmdLine
-	if {$cmdLine != $normalized && [file exists $cmdLine]} {
-		set cmdLine [list "Git Bash" $cmdLine &]
-	} else {
-		set cmdLine [list "Git Bash" bash --login -l &]
-	}
-	.mbar.repository add command \
-		-label [mc "Git Bash"] \
-		-command {eval exec [auto_execok start] $cmdLine}
-if {[is_Windows] || ![is_bare]} {
-	.mbar.repository add separator
-.mbar.repository add command \
-	-label [mc "Browse Current Branch's Files"] \
-	-command {browser::new $current_branch}
-set ui_browse_current [.mbar.repository index last]
-.mbar.repository add command \
-	-label [mc "Browse Branch Files..."] \
-	-command browser_open::dialog
-.mbar.repository add separator
-.mbar.repository add command \
-	-label [mc "Visualize Current Branch's History"] \
-	-command {do_gitk $current_branch}
-set ui_visualize_current [.mbar.repository index last]
-.mbar.repository add command \
-	-label [mc "Visualize All Branch History"] \
-	-command {do_gitk --all}
-.mbar.repository add separator
-proc current_branch_write {args} {
-	global current_branch
-	.mbar.repository entryconf $::ui_browse_current \
-		-label [mc "Browse %s's Files" $current_branch]
-	.mbar.repository entryconf $::ui_visualize_current \
-		-label [mc "Visualize %s's History" $current_branch]
-trace add variable current_branch write current_branch_write
-if {[is_enabled multicommit]} {
-	.mbar.repository add command -label [mc "Database Statistics"] \
-		-command do_stats
-	.mbar.repository add command -label [mc "Compress Database"] \
-		-command do_gc
-	.mbar.repository add command -label [mc "Verify Database"] \
-		-command do_fsck_objects
-	.mbar.repository add separator
-	if {[is_Cygwin]} {
-		.mbar.repository add command \
-			-label [mc "Create Desktop Icon"] \
-			-command do_cygwin_shortcut
-	} elseif {[is_Windows]} {
-		.mbar.repository add command \
-			-label [mc "Create Desktop Icon"] \
-			-command do_windows_shortcut
-	} elseif {[is_MacOSX]} {
-		.mbar.repository add command \
-			-label [mc "Create Desktop Icon"] \
-			-command do_macosx_app
-	}
-if {[is_MacOSX]} {
-	proc ::tk::mac::Quit {args} { do_quit }
-} else {
-	.mbar.repository add command -label [mc Quit] \
-		-command do_quit \
-		-accelerator $M1T-Q
-# -- Edit Menu
-menu .mbar.edit
-.mbar.edit add command -label [mc Undo] \
-	-command {catch {[focus] edit undo}} \
-	-accelerator $M1T-Z
-.mbar.edit add command -label [mc Redo] \
-	-command {catch {[focus] edit redo}} \
-	-accelerator $M1T-Y
-.mbar.edit add separator
-.mbar.edit add command -label [mc Cut] \
-	-command {catch {tk_textCut [focus]}} \
-	-accelerator $M1T-X
-.mbar.edit add command -label [mc Copy] \
-	-command {catch {tk_textCopy [focus]}} \
-	-accelerator $M1T-C
-.mbar.edit add command -label [mc Paste] \
-	-command {catch {tk_textPaste [focus]; [focus] see insert}} \
-	-accelerator $M1T-V
-.mbar.edit add command -label [mc Delete] \
-	-command {catch {[focus] delete sel.first sel.last}} \
-	-accelerator Del
-.mbar.edit add separator
-.mbar.edit add command -label [mc "Select All"] \
-	-command {catch {[focus] tag add sel 0.0 end}} \
-	-accelerator $M1T-A
-# -- Branch Menu
-if {[is_enabled branch]} {
-	menu .mbar.branch
-	.mbar.branch add command -label [mc "Create..."] \
-		-command branch_create::dialog \
-		-accelerator $M1T-N
-	lappend disable_on_lock [list .mbar.branch entryconf \
-		[.mbar.branch index last] -state]
-	.mbar.branch add command -label [mc "Checkout..."] \
-		-command branch_checkout::dialog \
-		-accelerator $M1T-O
-	lappend disable_on_lock [list .mbar.branch entryconf \
-		[.mbar.branch index last] -state]
-	.mbar.branch add command -label [mc "Rename..."] \
-		-command branch_rename::dialog
-	lappend disable_on_lock [list .mbar.branch entryconf \
-		[.mbar.branch index last] -state]
-	.mbar.branch add command -label [mc "Delete..."] \
-		-command branch_delete::dialog
-	lappend disable_on_lock [list .mbar.branch entryconf \
-		[.mbar.branch index last] -state]
-	.mbar.branch add command -label [mc "Reset..."] \
-		-command merge::reset_hard
-	lappend disable_on_lock [list .mbar.branch entryconf \
-		[.mbar.branch index last] -state]
-# -- Commit Menu
-proc commit_btn_caption {} {
-	if {[is_enabled nocommit]} {
-		return [mc "Done"]
-	} else {
-		return [mc Commit@@verb]
-	}
-if {[is_enabled multicommit] || [is_enabled singlecommit]} {
-	menu .mbar.commit
-	if {![is_enabled nocommit]} {
-		.mbar.commit add checkbutton \
-			-label [mc "Amend Last Commit"] \
-			-accelerator $M1T-E \
-			-variable commit_type_is_amend \
-			-command do_select_commit_type
-		lappend disable_on_lock \
-			[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
-		.mbar.commit add separator
-	}
-	.mbar.commit add command -label [mc Rescan] \
-		-command ui_do_rescan \
-		-accelerator F5
-	lappend disable_on_lock \
-		[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
-	.mbar.commit add command -label [mc "Stage To Commit"] \
-		-command do_add_selection \
-		-accelerator $M1T-T
-	lappend disable_on_lock \
-		[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
-	.mbar.commit add command -label [mc "Stage Changed Files To Commit"] \
-		-command do_add_all \
-		-accelerator $M1T-I
-	lappend disable_on_lock \
-		[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
-	.mbar.commit add command -label [mc "Unstage From Commit"] \
-		-command do_unstage_selection \
-		-accelerator $M1T-U
-	lappend disable_on_lock \
-		[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
-	.mbar.commit add command -label [mc "Revert Changes"] \
-		-command do_revert_selection \
-		-accelerator $M1T-J
-	lappend disable_on_lock \
-		[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
-	.mbar.commit add separator
-	.mbar.commit add command -label [mc "Show Less Context"] \
-		-command show_less_context \
-		-accelerator $M1T-\-
-	.mbar.commit add command -label [mc "Show More Context"] \
-		-command show_more_context \
-		-accelerator $M1T-=
-	.mbar.commit add separator
-	if {![is_enabled nocommitmsg]} {
-		.mbar.commit add command -label [mc "Sign Off"] \
-			-command do_signoff \
-			-accelerator $M1T-S
-	}
-	.mbar.commit add command -label [commit_btn_caption] \
-		-command do_commit \
-		-accelerator $M1T-Return
-	lappend disable_on_lock \
-		[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
-# -- Merge Menu
-if {[is_enabled branch]} {
-	menu .mbar.merge
-	.mbar.merge add command -label [mc "Local Merge..."] \
-		-command merge::dialog \
-		-accelerator $M1T-M
-	lappend disable_on_lock \
-		[list .mbar.merge entryconf [.mbar.merge index last] -state]
-	.mbar.merge add command -label [mc "Abort Merge..."] \
-		-command merge::reset_hard
-	lappend disable_on_lock \
-		[list .mbar.merge entryconf [.mbar.merge index last] -state]
-# -- Transport Menu
-if {[is_enabled transport]} {
-	menu .mbar.remote
-	.mbar.remote add command \
-		-label [mc "Add..."] \
-		-command remote_add::dialog \
-		-accelerator $M1T-A
-	.mbar.remote add command \
-		-label [mc "Push..."] \
-		-command do_push_anywhere \
-		-accelerator $M1T-P
-	.mbar.remote add command \
-		-label [mc "Delete Branch..."] \
-		-command remote_branch_delete::dialog
-if {[is_MacOSX]} {
-	proc ::tk::mac::ShowPreferences {} {do_options}
-} else {
-	# -- Edit Menu
-	#
-	.mbar.edit add separator
-	.mbar.edit add command -label [mc "Options..."] \
-		-command do_options
-# -- Tools Menu
-if {[is_enabled multicommit] || [is_enabled singlecommit]} {
-	set tools_menubar .mbar.tools
-	menu $tools_menubar
-	$tools_menubar add separator
-	$tools_menubar add command -label [mc "Add..."] -command tools_add::dialog
-	$tools_menubar add command -label [mc "Remove..."] -command tools_remove::dialog
-	set tools_tailcnt 3
-	if {[array names repo_config guitool.*.cmd] ne {}} {
-		tools_populate_all
-	}
-# -- Help Menu
-.mbar add cascade -label [mc Help] -menu .mbar.help
-menu .mbar.help
-if {[is_MacOSX]} {
-	.mbar.apple add command -label [mc "About %s" [appname]] \
-		-command do_about
-	.mbar.apple add separator
-} else {
-	.mbar.help add command -label [mc "About %s" [appname]] \
-		-command do_about
-. configure -menu .mbar
-set doc_path [githtmldir]
-if {$doc_path ne {}} {
-	set doc_path [file join $doc_path index.html]
-	if {[is_Cygwin]} {
-		set doc_path [exec cygpath --mixed $doc_path]
-	}
-if {[file isfile $doc_path]} {
-	set doc_url "file:$doc_path"
-} else {
-	set doc_url {http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/}
-proc start_browser {url} {
-	git "web--browse" $url
-.mbar.help add command -label [mc "Online Documentation"] \
-	-command [list start_browser $doc_url]
-.mbar.help add command -label [mc "Show SSH Key"] \
-	-command do_ssh_key
-unset doc_path doc_url
-# -- Standard bindings
-wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW do_quit
-bind all <$M1B-Key-q> do_quit
-bind all <$M1B-Key-Q> do_quit
-set m1b_w_script {
-	set toplvl_win [winfo toplevel %W]
-	# If we are destroying the main window, we should call do_quit to take
-	# care of cleanup before exiting the program.
-	if {$toplvl_win eq "."} {
-		do_quit
-	} else {
-		destroy $toplvl_win
-	}
-bind all <$M1B-Key-w> $m1b_w_script
-bind all <$M1B-Key-W> $m1b_w_script
-unset m1b_w_script
-set subcommand_args {}
-proc usage {} {
-	set s "[mc usage:] $::argv0 $::subcommand $::subcommand_args"
-	if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
-		wm withdraw .
-		tk_messageBox -icon info -message $s \
-			-title [mc "Usage"]
-	} else {
-		puts stderr $s
-	}
-	exit 1
-proc normalize_relpath {path} {
-	set elements {}
-	foreach item [file split $path] {
-		if {$item eq {.}} continue
-		if {$item eq {..} && [llength $elements] > 0
-		    && [lindex $elements end] ne {..}} {
-			set elements [lrange $elements 0 end-1]
-			continue
-		}
-		lappend elements $item
-	}
-	return [eval file join $elements]
-# -- Not a normal commit type invocation?  Do that instead!
-switch -- $subcommand {
-browser -
-blame {
-	if {$subcommand eq "blame"} {
-		set subcommand_args {[--line=<num>] rev? path}
-	} else {
-		set subcommand_args {rev? path}
-	}
-	if {$argv eq {}} usage
-	set head {}
-	set path {}
-	set jump_spec {}
-	set is_path 0
-	foreach a $argv {
-		set p [file join $_prefix $a]
-		if {$is_path || [file exists $p]} {
-			if {$path ne {}} usage
-			set path [normalize_relpath $p]
-			break
-		} elseif {$a eq {--}} {
-			if {$path ne {}} {
-				if {$head ne {}} usage
-				set head $path
-				set path {}
-			}
-			set is_path 1
-		} elseif {[regexp {^--line=(\d+)$} $a a lnum]} {
-			if {$jump_spec ne {} || $head ne {}} usage
-			set jump_spec [list $lnum]
-		} elseif {$head eq {}} {
-			if {$head ne {}} usage
-			set head $a
-			set is_path 1
-		} else {
-			usage
-		}
-	}
-	unset is_path
-	if {$head ne {} && $path eq {}} {
-		if {[string index $head 0] eq {/}} {
-			set path [normalize_relpath $head]
-			set head {}
-		} else {
-			set path [normalize_relpath $_prefix$head]
-			set head {}
-		}
-	}
-	if {$head eq {}} {
-		load_current_branch
-	} else {
-		if {[regexp {^[0-9a-f]{1,39}$} $head]} {
-			if {[catch {
-					set head [git rev-parse --verify $head]
-				} err]} {
-				if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
-					tk_messageBox -icon error -title [mc Error] -message $err
-				} else {
-					puts stderr $err
-				}
-				exit 1
-			}
-		}
-		set current_branch $head
-	}
-	wm deiconify .
-	switch -- $subcommand {
-	browser {
-		if {$jump_spec ne {}} usage
-		if {$head eq {}} {
-			if {$path ne {} && [file isdirectory $path]} {
-				set head $current_branch
-			} else {
-				set head $path
-				set path {}
-			}
-		}
-		browser::new $head $path
-	}
-	blame   {
-		if {$head eq {} && ![file exists $path]} {
-			catch {wm withdraw .}
-			tk_messageBox \
-				-icon error \
-				-type ok \
-				-title [mc "git-gui: fatal error"] \
-				-message [mc "fatal: cannot stat path %s: No such file or directory" $path]
-			exit 1
-		}
-		blame::new $head $path $jump_spec
-	}
-	}
-	return
-citool -
-gui {
-	if {[llength $argv] != 0} {
-		usage
-	}
-	# fall through to setup UI for commits
-default {
-	set err "[mc usage:] $argv0 \[{blame|browser|citool}\]"
-	if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
-		wm withdraw .
-		tk_messageBox -icon error -message $err \
-			-title [mc "Usage"]
-	} else {
-		puts stderr $err
-	}
-	exit 1
-# -- Branch Control
-${NS}::frame .branch
-if {!$use_ttk} {.branch configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken}
-${NS}::label .branch.l1 \
-	-text [mc "Current Branch:"] \
-	-anchor w \
-	-justify left
-${NS}::label .branch.cb \
-	-textvariable current_branch \
-	-anchor w \
-	-justify left
-pack .branch.l1 -side left
-pack .branch.cb -side left -fill x
-pack .branch -side top -fill x
-# -- Main Window Layout
-${NS}::panedwindow .vpane -orient horizontal
-${NS}::panedwindow .vpane.files -orient vertical
-if {$use_ttk} {
-	.vpane add .vpane.files
-} else {
-	.vpane add .vpane.files -sticky nsew -height 100 -width 200
-pack .vpane -anchor n -side top -fill both -expand 1
-# -- Working Directory File List
-textframe .vpane.files.workdir -height 100 -width 200
-tlabel .vpane.files.workdir.title -text [mc "Unstaged Changes"] \
-	-background lightsalmon -foreground black
-ttext $ui_workdir \
-	-borderwidth 0 \
-	-width 20 -height 10 \
-	-wrap none \
-	-takefocus 1 -highlightthickness 1\
-	-cursor $cursor_ptr \
-	-xscrollcommand {.vpane.files.workdir.sx set} \
-	-yscrollcommand {.vpane.files.workdir.sy set} \
-	-state disabled
-${NS}::scrollbar .vpane.files.workdir.sx -orient h -command [list $ui_workdir xview]
-${NS}::scrollbar .vpane.files.workdir.sy -orient v -command [list $ui_workdir yview]
-pack .vpane.files.workdir.title -side top -fill x
-pack .vpane.files.workdir.sx -side bottom -fill x
-pack .vpane.files.workdir.sy -side right -fill y
-pack $ui_workdir -side left -fill both -expand 1
-# -- Index File List
-textframe .vpane.files.index -height 100 -width 200
-tlabel .vpane.files.index.title \
-	-text [mc "Staged Changes (Will Commit)"] \
-	-background lightgreen -foreground black
-ttext $ui_index \
-	-borderwidth 0 \
-	-width 20 -height 10 \
-	-wrap none \
-	-takefocus 1 -highlightthickness 1\
-	-cursor $cursor_ptr \
-	-xscrollcommand {.vpane.files.index.sx set} \
-	-yscrollcommand {.vpane.files.index.sy set} \
-	-state disabled
-${NS}::scrollbar .vpane.files.index.sx -orient h -command [list $ui_index xview]
-${NS}::scrollbar .vpane.files.index.sy -orient v -command [list $ui_index yview]
-pack .vpane.files.index.title -side top -fill x
-pack .vpane.files.index.sx -side bottom -fill x
-pack .vpane.files.index.sy -side right -fill y
-pack $ui_index -side left -fill both -expand 1
-# -- Insert the workdir and index into the panes
-.vpane.files add .vpane.files.workdir
-.vpane.files add .vpane.files.index
-if {!$use_ttk} {
-	.vpane.files paneconfigure .vpane.files.workdir -sticky news
-	.vpane.files paneconfigure .vpane.files.index -sticky news
-foreach i [list $ui_index $ui_workdir] {
-	rmsel_tag $i
-	$i tag conf in_diff \
-		-background $color::select_bg \
-		-foreground $color::select_fg
-unset i
-# -- Diff and Commit Area
-if {$have_tk85} {
-	${NS}::panedwindow .vpane.lower -orient vertical
-	${NS}::frame .vpane.lower.commarea
-	${NS}::frame .vpane.lower.diff -relief sunken -borderwidth 1 -height 500
-	.vpane.lower add .vpane.lower.diff
-	.vpane.lower add .vpane.lower.commarea
-	.vpane add .vpane.lower
-	if {$use_ttk} {
-		.vpane.lower pane .vpane.lower.diff -weight 1
-		.vpane.lower pane .vpane.lower.commarea -weight 0
-	} else {
-		.vpane.lower paneconfigure .vpane.lower.diff -stretch always
-		.vpane.lower paneconfigure .vpane.lower.commarea -stretch never
-	}
-} else {
-	frame .vpane.lower -height 300 -width 400
-	frame .vpane.lower.commarea
-	frame .vpane.lower.diff -relief sunken -borderwidth 1
-	pack .vpane.lower.diff -fill both -expand 1
-	pack .vpane.lower.commarea -side bottom -fill x
-	.vpane add .vpane.lower
-	.vpane paneconfigure .vpane.lower -sticky nsew
-# -- Commit Area Buttons
-${NS}::frame .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons
-${NS}::label .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.l -text {} \
-	-anchor w \
-	-justify left
-pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.l -side top -fill x
-pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons -side left -fill y
-${NS}::button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.rescan -text [mc Rescan] \
-	-command ui_do_rescan
-pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.rescan -side top -fill x
-lappend disable_on_lock \
-	{.vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.rescan conf -state}
-${NS}::button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.incall -text [mc "Stage Changed"] \
-	-command do_add_all
-pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.incall -side top -fill x
-lappend disable_on_lock \
-	{.vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.incall conf -state}
-if {![is_enabled nocommitmsg]} {
-	${NS}::button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.signoff -text [mc "Sign Off"] \
-		-command do_signoff
-	pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.signoff -side top -fill x
-${NS}::button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.commit -text [commit_btn_caption] \
-	-command do_commit
-pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.commit -side top -fill x
-lappend disable_on_lock \
-	{.vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.commit conf -state}
-if {![is_enabled nocommit]} {
-	${NS}::button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.push -text [mc Push] \
-		-command do_push_anywhere
-	pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.push -side top -fill x
-# -- Commit Message Buffer
-${NS}::frame .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer
-${NS}::frame .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header
-set ui_comm .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.frame.t
-set ui_coml .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.l
-if {![is_enabled nocommit]} {
-	${NS}::checkbutton .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend \
-		-text [mc "Amend Last Commit"] \
-		-variable commit_type_is_amend \
-		-command do_select_commit_type
-	lappend disable_on_lock \
-		[list .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend conf -state]
-${NS}::label $ui_coml \
-	-anchor w \
-	-justify left
-proc trace_commit_type {varname args} {
-	global ui_coml commit_type
-	switch -glob -- $commit_type {
-	initial       {set txt [mc "Initial Commit Message:"]}
-	amend         {set txt [mc "Amended Commit Message:"]}
-	amend-initial {set txt [mc "Amended Initial Commit Message:"]}
-	amend-merge   {set txt [mc "Amended Merge Commit Message:"]}
-	merge         {set txt [mc "Merge Commit Message:"]}
-	*             {set txt [mc "Commit Message:"]}
-	}
-	$ui_coml conf -text $txt
-trace add variable commit_type write trace_commit_type
-pack $ui_coml -side left -fill x
-if {![is_enabled nocommit]} {
-	pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend -side right
-textframe .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.frame
-ttext $ui_comm \
-	-borderwidth 1 \
-	-undo true \
-	-maxundo 20 \
-	-autoseparators true \
-	-takefocus 1 \
-	-highlightthickness 1 \
-	-relief sunken \
-	-width $repo_config(gui.commitmsgwidth) -height 9 -wrap none \
-	-font font_diff \
-	-xscrollcommand {.vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.frame.sbx set} \
-	-yscrollcommand {.vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.frame.sby set}
-${NS}::scrollbar .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.frame.sbx \
-	-orient horizontal \
-	-command [list $ui_comm xview]
-${NS}::scrollbar .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.frame.sby \
-	-orient vertical \
-	-command [list $ui_comm yview]
-pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.frame.sbx -side bottom -fill x
-pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.frame.sby -side right -fill y
-pack $ui_comm -side left -fill y
-pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header -side top -fill x
-pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.frame -side left -fill y
-pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer -side left -fill y
-# -- Commit Message Buffer Context Menu
-set ctxm .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.ctxm
-menu $ctxm -tearoff 0
-$ctxm add command \
-	-label [mc Cut] \
-	-command {tk_textCut $ui_comm}
-$ctxm add command \
-	-label [mc Copy] \
-	-command {tk_textCopy $ui_comm}
-$ctxm add command \
-	-label [mc Paste] \
-	-command {tk_textPaste $ui_comm}
-$ctxm add command \
-	-label [mc Delete] \
-	-command {catch {$ui_comm delete sel.first sel.last}}
-$ctxm add separator
-$ctxm add command \
-	-label [mc "Select All"] \
-	-command {focus $ui_comm;$ui_comm tag add sel 0.0 end}
-$ctxm add command \
-	-label [mc "Copy All"] \
-	-command {
-		$ui_comm tag add sel 0.0 end
-		tk_textCopy $ui_comm
-		$ui_comm tag remove sel 0.0 end
-	}
-$ctxm add separator
-$ctxm add command \
-	-label [mc "Sign Off"] \
-	-command do_signoff
-set ui_comm_ctxm $ctxm
-# -- Diff Header
-proc trace_current_diff_path {varname args} {
-	global current_diff_path diff_actions file_states
-	if {$current_diff_path eq {}} {
-		set s {}
-		set f {}
-		set p {}
-		set o disabled
-	} else {
-		set p $current_diff_path
-		set s [mapdesc [lindex $file_states($p) 0] $p]
-		set f [mc "File:"]
-		set p [escape_path $p]
-		set o normal
-	}
-	.vpane.lower.diff.header.status configure -text $s
-	.vpane.lower.diff.header.file configure -text $f
-	.vpane.lower.diff.header.path configure -text $p
-	foreach w $diff_actions {
-		uplevel #0 $w $o
-	}
-trace add variable current_diff_path write trace_current_diff_path
-gold_frame .vpane.lower.diff.header
-tlabel .vpane.lower.diff.header.status \
-	-background gold \
-	-foreground black \
-	-width $max_status_desc \
-	-anchor w \
-	-justify left
-tlabel .vpane.lower.diff.header.file \
-	-background gold \
-	-foreground black \
-	-anchor w \
-	-justify left
-tlabel .vpane.lower.diff.header.path \
-	-background gold \
-	-foreground blue \
-	-anchor w \
-	-justify left \
-	-font [eval font create [font configure font_ui] -underline 1] \
-	-cursor hand2
-pack .vpane.lower.diff.header.status -side left
-pack .vpane.lower.diff.header.file -side left
-pack .vpane.lower.diff.header.path -fill x
-set ctxm .vpane.lower.diff.header.ctxm
-menu $ctxm -tearoff 0
-$ctxm add command \
-	-label [mc Copy] \
-	-command {
-		clipboard clear
-		clipboard append \
-			-format STRING \
-			-type STRING \
-			-- $current_diff_path
-	}
-$ctxm add command \
-	-label [mc Open] \
-	-command {do_file_open $current_diff_path}
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-bind_button3 .vpane.lower.diff.header.path "tk_popup $ctxm %X %Y"
-bind .vpane.lower.diff.header.path <Button-1> {do_file_open $current_diff_path}
-# -- Diff Body
-textframe .vpane.lower.diff.body
-set ui_diff .vpane.lower.diff.body.t
-ttext $ui_diff \
-	-borderwidth 0 \
-	-width 80 -height 5 -wrap none \
-	-font font_diff \
-	-takefocus 1 -highlightthickness 1 \
-	-xscrollcommand {.vpane.lower.diff.body.sbx set} \
-	-yscrollcommand {.vpane.lower.diff.body.sby set} \
-	-state disabled
-catch {$ui_diff configure -tabstyle wordprocessor}
-${NS}::scrollbar .vpane.lower.diff.body.sbx -orient horizontal \
-	-command [list $ui_diff xview]
-${NS}::scrollbar .vpane.lower.diff.body.sby -orient vertical \
-	-command [list $ui_diff yview]
-pack .vpane.lower.diff.body.sbx -side bottom -fill x
-pack .vpane.lower.diff.body.sby -side right -fill y
-pack $ui_diff -side left -fill both -expand 1
-pack .vpane.lower.diff.header -side top -fill x
-pack .vpane.lower.diff.body -side bottom -fill both -expand 1
-foreach {n c} {0 black 1 red4 2 green4 3 yellow4 4 blue4 5 magenta4 6 cyan4 7 grey60} {
-	$ui_diff tag configure clr4$n -background $c
-	$ui_diff tag configure clri4$n -foreground $c
-	$ui_diff tag configure clr3$n -foreground $c
-	$ui_diff tag configure clri3$n -background $c
-$ui_diff tag configure clr1 -font font_diffbold
-$ui_diff tag configure clr4 -underline 1
-$ui_diff tag conf d_info -foreground blue -font font_diffbold
-$ui_diff tag conf d_cr -elide true
-$ui_diff tag conf d_@ -font font_diffbold
-$ui_diff tag conf d_+ -foreground {#00a000}
-$ui_diff tag conf d_- -foreground red
-$ui_diff tag conf d_++ -foreground {#00a000}
-$ui_diff tag conf d_-- -foreground red
-$ui_diff tag conf d_+s \
-	-foreground {#00a000} \
-	-background {#e2effa}
-$ui_diff tag conf d_-s \
-	-foreground red \
-	-background {#e2effa}
-$ui_diff tag conf d_s+ \
-	-foreground {#00a000} \
-	-background ivory1
-$ui_diff tag conf d_s- \
-	-foreground red \
-	-background ivory1
-$ui_diff tag conf d< \
-	-foreground orange \
-	-font font_diffbold
-$ui_diff tag conf d| \
-	-foreground orange \
-	-font font_diffbold
-$ui_diff tag conf d= \
-	-foreground orange \
-	-font font_diffbold
-$ui_diff tag conf d> \
-	-foreground orange \
-	-font font_diffbold
-$ui_diff tag raise sel
-# -- Diff Body Context Menu
-proc create_common_diff_popup {ctxm} {
-	$ctxm add command \
-		-label [mc Refresh] \
-		-command reshow_diff
-	lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-	$ctxm add command \
-		-label [mc Copy] \
-		-command {tk_textCopy $ui_diff}
-	lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-	$ctxm add command \
-		-label [mc "Select All"] \
-		-command {focus $ui_diff;$ui_diff tag add sel 0.0 end}
-	lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-	$ctxm add command \
-		-label [mc "Copy All"] \
-		-command {
-			$ui_diff tag add sel 0.0 end
-			tk_textCopy $ui_diff
-			$ui_diff tag remove sel 0.0 end
-		}
-	lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-	$ctxm add separator
-	$ctxm add command \
-		-label [mc "Decrease Font Size"] \
-		-command {incr_font_size font_diff -1}
-	lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-	$ctxm add command \
-		-label [mc "Increase Font Size"] \
-		-command {incr_font_size font_diff 1}
-	lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-	$ctxm add separator
-	set emenu $ctxm.enc
-	menu $emenu
-	build_encoding_menu $emenu [list force_diff_encoding]
-	$ctxm add cascade \
-		-label [mc "Encoding"] \
-		-menu $emenu
-	lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-	$ctxm add separator
-	$ctxm add command -label [mc "Options..."] \
-		-command do_options
-set ctxm .vpane.lower.diff.body.ctxm
-menu $ctxm -tearoff 0
-$ctxm add command \
-	-label [mc "Apply/Reverse Hunk"] \
-	-command {apply_or_revert_hunk $cursorX $cursorY 0}
-set ui_diff_applyhunk [$ctxm index last]
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf $ui_diff_applyhunk -state]
-$ctxm add command \
-	-label [mc "Apply/Reverse Line"] \
-	-command {apply_or_revert_range_or_line $cursorX $cursorY 0; do_rescan}
-set ui_diff_applyline [$ctxm index last]
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf $ui_diff_applyline -state]
-$ctxm add separator
-$ctxm add command \
-	-label [mc "Revert Hunk"] \
-	-command {apply_or_revert_hunk $cursorX $cursorY 1}
-set ui_diff_reverthunk [$ctxm index last]
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf $ui_diff_reverthunk -state]
-$ctxm add command \
-	-label [mc "Revert Line"] \
-	-command {apply_or_revert_range_or_line $cursorX $cursorY 1; do_rescan}
-set ui_diff_revertline [$ctxm index last]
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf $ui_diff_revertline -state]
-$ctxm add command \
-	-label [mc "Undo Last Revert"] \
-	-command {undo_last_revert; do_rescan}
-set ui_diff_undorevert [$ctxm index last]
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf $ui_diff_undorevert -state]
-$ctxm add separator
-$ctxm add command \
-	-label [mc "Show Less Context"] \
-	-command show_less_context
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-$ctxm add command \
-	-label [mc "Show More Context"] \
-	-command show_more_context
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-$ctxm add separator
-create_common_diff_popup $ctxm
-set ctxmmg .vpane.lower.diff.body.ctxmmg
-menu $ctxmmg -tearoff 0
-$ctxmmg add command \
-	-label [mc "Run Merge Tool"] \
-	-command {merge_resolve_tool}
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxmmg entryconf [$ctxmmg index last] -state]
-$ctxmmg add separator
-$ctxmmg add command \
-	-label [mc "Use Remote Version"] \
-	-command {merge_resolve_one 3}
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxmmg entryconf [$ctxmmg index last] -state]
-$ctxmmg add command \
-	-label [mc "Use Local Version"] \
-	-command {merge_resolve_one 2}
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxmmg entryconf [$ctxmmg index last] -state]
-$ctxmmg add command \
-	-label [mc "Revert To Base"] \
-	-command {merge_resolve_one 1}
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxmmg entryconf [$ctxmmg index last] -state]
-$ctxmmg add separator
-$ctxmmg add command \
-	-label [mc "Show Less Context"] \
-	-command show_less_context
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxmmg entryconf [$ctxmmg index last] -state]
-$ctxmmg add command \
-	-label [mc "Show More Context"] \
-	-command show_more_context
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxmmg entryconf [$ctxmmg index last] -state]
-$ctxmmg add separator
-create_common_diff_popup $ctxmmg
-set ctxmsm .vpane.lower.diff.body.ctxmsm
-menu $ctxmsm -tearoff 0
-$ctxmsm add command \
-	-label [mc "Visualize These Changes In The Submodule"] \
-	-command {do_gitk -- true}
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxmsm entryconf [$ctxmsm index last] -state]
-$ctxmsm add command \
-	-label [mc "Visualize Current Branch History In The Submodule"] \
-	-command {do_gitk {} true}
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxmsm entryconf [$ctxmsm index last] -state]
-$ctxmsm add command \
-	-label [mc "Visualize All Branch History In The Submodule"] \
-	-command {do_gitk --all true}
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxmsm entryconf [$ctxmsm index last] -state]
-$ctxmsm add separator
-$ctxmsm add command \
-	-label [mc "Start git gui In The Submodule"] \
-	-command {do_git_gui}
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxmsm entryconf [$ctxmsm index last] -state]
-$ctxmsm add separator
-create_common_diff_popup $ctxmsm
-proc has_textconv {path} {
-	if {[is_config_false gui.textconv]} {
-		return 0
-	}
-	set filter [gitattr $path diff set]
-	set textconv [get_config [join [list diff $filter textconv] .]]
-	if {$filter ne {set} && $textconv ne {}} {
-		return 1
-	} else {
-		return 0
-	}
-proc popup_diff_menu {ctxm ctxmmg ctxmsm x y X Y} {
-	global current_diff_path file_states last_revert
-	set ::cursorX $x
-	set ::cursorY $y
-	if {[info exists file_states($current_diff_path)]} {
-		set state [lindex $file_states($current_diff_path) 0]
-	} else {
-		set state {__}
-	}
-	if {[string first {U} $state] >= 0} {
-		tk_popup $ctxmmg $X $Y
-	} elseif {$::is_submodule_diff} {
-		tk_popup $ctxmsm $X $Y
-	} else {
-		set has_range [expr {[$::ui_diff tag nextrange sel 0.0] != {}}]
-		set u [mc "Undo Last Revert"]
-		if {$::ui_index eq $::current_diff_side} {
-			set l [mc "Unstage Hunk From Commit"]
-			set h [mc "Revert Hunk"]
-			if {$has_range} {
-				set t [mc "Unstage Lines From Commit"]
-				set r [mc "Revert Lines"]
-			} else {
-				set t [mc "Unstage Line From Commit"]
-				set r [mc "Revert Line"]
-			}
-		} else {
-			set l [mc "Stage Hunk For Commit"]
-			set h [mc "Revert Hunk"]
-			if {$has_range} {
-				set t [mc "Stage Lines For Commit"]
-				set r [mc "Revert Lines"]
-			} else {
-				set t [mc "Stage Line For Commit"]
-				set r [mc "Revert Line"]
-			}
-		}
-		if {$::is_3way_diff
-			|| $current_diff_path eq {}
-			|| {__} eq $state
-			|| {_O} eq $state
-			|| [string match {?T} $state]
-			|| [string match {T?} $state]
-			|| [has_textconv $current_diff_path]} {
-			set s disabled
-			set revert_state disabled
-		} else {
-			set s normal
-			# Only allow reverting changes in the working tree. If
-			# the user wants to revert changes in the index, they
-			# need to unstage those first.
-			if {$::ui_workdir eq $::current_diff_side} {
-				set revert_state normal
-			} else {
-				set revert_state disabled
-			}
-		}
-		if {$last_revert eq {}} {
-			set undo_state disabled
-		} else {
-			set undo_state normal
-		}
-		$ctxm entryconf $::ui_diff_applyhunk -state $s -label $l
-		$ctxm entryconf $::ui_diff_applyline -state $s -label $t
-		$ctxm entryconf $::ui_diff_revertline -state $revert_state \
-			-label $r
-		$ctxm entryconf $::ui_diff_reverthunk -state $revert_state \
-			-label $h
-		$ctxm entryconf $::ui_diff_undorevert -state $undo_state \
-			-label $u
-		tk_popup $ctxm $X $Y
-	}
-bind_button3 $ui_diff [list popup_diff_menu $ctxm $ctxmmg $ctxmsm %x %y %X %Y]
-# -- Status Bar
-set main_status [::status_bar::new .status]
-pack .status -anchor w -side bottom -fill x
-$main_status show [mc "Initializing..."]
-# -- Load geometry
-proc on_ttk_pane_mapped {w pane pos} {
-	bind $w <Map> {}
-	after 0 [list after idle [list $w sashpos $pane $pos]]
-proc on_tk_pane_mapped {w pane x y} {
-	bind $w <Map> {}
-	after 0 [list after idle [list $w sash place $pane $x $y]]
-proc on_application_mapped {} {
-	global repo_config use_ttk
-	bind . <Map> {}
-	set gm $repo_config(gui.geometry)
-	if {$use_ttk} {
-		bind .vpane <Map> \
-			[list on_ttk_pane_mapped %W 0 [lindex $gm 1]]
-		bind .vpane.files <Map> \
-			[list on_ttk_pane_mapped %W 0 [lindex $gm 2]]
-	} else {
-		bind .vpane <Map> \
-			[list on_tk_pane_mapped %W 0 \
-			[lindex $gm 1] \
-			[lindex [.vpane sash coord 0] 1]]
-		bind .vpane.files <Map> \
-			[list on_tk_pane_mapped %W 0 \
-			[lindex [.vpane.files sash coord 0] 0] \
-			[lindex $gm 2]]
-	}
-	wm geometry . [lindex $gm 0]
-if {[info exists repo_config(gui.geometry)]} {
-	bind . <Map> [list on_application_mapped]
-	wm geometry . [lindex $repo_config(gui.geometry) 0]
-# -- Load window state
-if {[info exists repo_config(gui.wmstate)]} {
-	catch {wm state . $repo_config(gui.wmstate)}
-# -- Key Bindings
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-Return> {do_commit;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-t> {do_add_selection;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-T> {do_add_selection;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-u> {do_unstage_selection;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-U> {do_unstage_selection;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-j> {do_revert_selection;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-J> {do_revert_selection;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-i> {do_add_all;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-I> {do_add_all;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-x> {tk_textCut %W;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-X> {tk_textCut %W;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-c> {tk_textCopy %W;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-C> {tk_textCopy %W;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-v> {tk_textPaste %W; %W see insert; break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-V> {tk_textPaste %W; %W see insert; break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-a> {%W tag add sel 0.0 end;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-A> {%W tag add sel 0.0 end;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-minus> {show_less_context;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-KP_Subtract> {show_less_context;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-equal> {show_more_context;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-plus> {show_more_context;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-KP_Add> {show_more_context;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-BackSpace> {event generate %W <Meta-Delete>;break}
-bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-Delete> {event generate %W <Meta-d>;break}
-bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-x> {tk_textCopy %W;break}
-bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-X> {tk_textCopy %W;break}
-bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-c> {tk_textCopy %W;break}
-bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-C> {tk_textCopy %W;break}
-bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-v> {break}
-bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-V> {break}
-bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-a> {%W tag add sel 0.0 end;break}
-bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-A> {%W tag add sel 0.0 end;break}
-bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-j> {do_revert_selection;break}
-bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-J> {do_revert_selection;break}
-bind $ui_diff <Key-Up>     {catch {%W yview scroll -1 units};break}
-bind $ui_diff <Key-Down>   {catch {%W yview scroll  1 units};break}
-bind $ui_diff <Key-Left>   {catch {%W xview scroll -1 units};break}
-bind $ui_diff <Key-Right>  {catch {%W xview scroll  1 units};break}
-bind $ui_diff <Key-k>         {catch {%W yview scroll -1 units};break}
-bind $ui_diff <Key-j>         {catch {%W yview scroll  1 units};break}
-bind $ui_diff <Key-h>         {catch {%W xview scroll -1 units};break}
-bind $ui_diff <Key-l>         {catch {%W xview scroll  1 units};break}
-bind $ui_diff <Control-Key-b> {catch {%W yview scroll -1 pages};break}
-bind $ui_diff <Control-Key-f> {catch {%W yview scroll  1 pages};break}
-bind $ui_diff <Button-1>   {focus %W}
-if {[is_enabled branch]} {
-	bind . <$M1B-Key-n> branch_create::dialog
-	bind . <$M1B-Key-N> branch_create::dialog
-	bind . <$M1B-Key-o> branch_checkout::dialog
-	bind . <$M1B-Key-O> branch_checkout::dialog
-	bind . <$M1B-Key-m> merge::dialog
-	bind . <$M1B-Key-M> merge::dialog
-if {[is_enabled transport]} {
-	bind . <$M1B-Key-p> do_push_anywhere
-	bind . <$M1B-Key-P> do_push_anywhere
-bind .   <Key-F5>     ui_do_rescan
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-r> ui_do_rescan
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-R> ui_do_rescan
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-s> do_signoff
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-S> do_signoff
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-t> { toggle_or_diff toggle %W }
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-T> { toggle_or_diff toggle %W }
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-u> { toggle_or_diff toggle %W }
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-U> { toggle_or_diff toggle %W }
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-j> do_revert_selection
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-J> do_revert_selection
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-i> do_add_all
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-I> do_add_all
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-e> toggle_commit_type
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-E> toggle_commit_type
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-minus> {show_less_context;break}
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-KP_Subtract> {show_less_context;break}
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-equal> {show_more_context;break}
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-plus> {show_more_context;break}
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-KP_Add> {show_more_context;break}
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-Return> do_commit
-bind .   <$M1B-Key-KP_Enter> do_commit
-foreach i [list $ui_index $ui_workdir] {
-	bind $i <Button-1>       { toggle_or_diff click %W %x %y; break }
-	bind $i <$M1B-Button-1>  { add_one_to_selection %W %x %y; break }
-	bind $i <Shift-Button-1> { add_range_to_selection %W %x %y; break }
-	bind $i <Key-Up>         { toggle_or_diff up %W; break }
-	bind $i <Key-Down>       { toggle_or_diff down %W; break }
-unset i
-bind .   <Alt-Key-1> {focus_widget $::ui_workdir}
-bind .   <Alt-Key-2> {focus_widget $::ui_index}
-bind .   <Alt-Key-3> {focus $::ui_diff}
-bind .   <Alt-Key-4> {focus $::ui_comm}
-set file_lists_last_clicked($ui_index) {}
-set file_lists_last_clicked($ui_workdir) {}
-set file_lists($ui_index) [list]
-set file_lists($ui_workdir) [list]
-wm title . "[appname] ([reponame]) [file normalize $_gitworktree]"
-focus -force $ui_comm
-# -- Warn the user about environmental problems.  Cygwin's Tcl
-#    does *not* pass its env array onto any processes it spawns.
-#    This means that git processes get none of our environment.
-if {[is_Cygwin]} {
-	set ignored_env 0
-	set suggest_user {}
-	set msg [mc "Possible environment issues exist.
-The following environment variables are probably
-going to be ignored by any Git subprocess run
-by %s:
-" [appname]]
-	foreach name [array names env] {
-		switch -regexp -- $name {
-		{^GIT_DIFF_OPTS$} -
-		{^GIT_PAGER$} -
-		{^GIT_TRACE$} -
-		{^GIT_CONFIG$} -
-			append msg " - $name\n"
-			incr ignored_env
-		}
-			append msg " - $name\n"
-			incr ignored_env
-			set suggest_user $name
-		}
-		}
-	}
-	if {$ignored_env > 0} {
-		append msg [mc "
-This is due to a known issue with the
-Tcl binary distributed by Cygwin."]
-		if {$suggest_user ne {}} {
-			append msg [mc "
-A good replacement for %s
-is placing values for the user.name and
-user.email settings into your personal
-~/.gitconfig file.
-" $suggest_user]
-		}
-		warn_popup $msg
-	}
-	unset ignored_env msg suggest_user name
-# -- Only initialize complex UI if we are going to stay running.
-if {[is_enabled transport]} {
-	load_all_remotes
-	set n [.mbar.remote index end]
-	populate_remotes_menu
-	set n [expr {[.mbar.remote index end] - $n}]
-	if {$n > 0} {
-		if {[.mbar.remote type 0] eq "tearoff"} { incr n }
-		.mbar.remote insert $n separator
-	}
-	unset n
-if {[winfo exists $ui_comm]} {
-	set GITGUI_BCK_exists [load_message GITGUI_BCK utf-8]
-	# -- If both our backup and message files exist use the
-	#    newer of the two files to initialize the buffer.
-	#
-	if {$GITGUI_BCK_exists} {
-		set m [gitdir GITGUI_MSG]
-		if {[file isfile $m]} {
-			if {[file mtime [gitdir GITGUI_BCK]] > [file mtime $m]} {
-				catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_MSG]}
-			} else {
-				$ui_comm delete 0.0 end
-				$ui_comm edit reset
-				$ui_comm edit modified false
-				catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_BCK]}
-				set GITGUI_BCK_exists 0
-			}
-		}
-		unset m
-	}
-	proc backup_commit_buffer {} {
-		global ui_comm GITGUI_BCK_exists
-		set m [$ui_comm edit modified]
-		if {$m || $GITGUI_BCK_exists} {
-			set msg [string trim [$ui_comm get 0.0 end]]
-			regsub -all -line {[ \r\t]+$} $msg {} msg
-			if {$msg eq {}} {
-				if {$GITGUI_BCK_exists} {
-					catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_BCK]}
-					set GITGUI_BCK_exists 0
-				}
-			} elseif {$m} {
-				catch {
-					set fd [open [gitdir GITGUI_BCK] w]
-					fconfigure $fd -encoding utf-8
-					puts -nonewline $fd $msg
-					close $fd
-					set GITGUI_BCK_exists 1
-				}
-			}
-			$ui_comm edit modified false
-		}
-		set ::GITGUI_BCK_i [after 2000 backup_commit_buffer]
-	}
-	backup_commit_buffer
-	# -- If the user has aspell available we can drive it
-	#    in pipe mode to spellcheck the commit message.
-	#
-	set spell_cmd [list |]
-	set spell_dict [get_config gui.spellingdictionary]
-	lappend spell_cmd aspell
-	if {$spell_dict ne {}} {
-		lappend spell_cmd --master=$spell_dict
-	}
-	lappend spell_cmd --mode=none
-	lappend spell_cmd --encoding=utf-8
-	lappend spell_cmd pipe
-	if {$spell_dict eq {none}
-	 || [catch {set spell_fd [open $spell_cmd r+]} spell_err]} {
-		bind_button3 $ui_comm [list tk_popup $ui_comm_ctxm %X %Y]
-	} else {
-		set ui_comm_spell [spellcheck::init \
-			$spell_fd \
-			$ui_comm \
-			$ui_comm_ctxm \
-		]
-	}
-	unset -nocomplain spell_cmd spell_fd spell_err spell_dict
-lock_index begin-read
-if {![winfo ismapped .]} {
-	wm deiconify .
-after 1 {
-	if {[is_enabled initialamend]} {
-		force_amend
-	} else {
-		do_rescan
-	}
-	if {[is_enabled nocommitmsg]} {
-		$ui_comm configure -state disabled -background gray
-	}
-if {[is_enabled multicommit] && ![is_config_false gui.gcwarning]} {
-	after 1000 hint_gc
-if {[is_enabled retcode]} {
-	bind . <Destroy> {+terminate_me %W}
-if {$picked && [is_config_true gui.autoexplore]} {
-	do_explore
-# Clear "Initializing..." status
-after 500 {$main_status show ""}
-# Local variables:
-# mode: tcl
-# indent-tabs-mode: t
-# tab-width: 4
-# End: