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path: root/users/tazjin/finito/finito-door/src/lib.rs
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authorVincent Ambo <mail@tazj.in>2020-06-30T03·35+0100
committerVincent Ambo <mail@tazj.in>2020-06-30T03·35+0100
commit9e7b81391d016d98ef9b5f0c1f3405bdec31133c (patch)
tree5310a4a669f6f163df1969bdc44a2b6198363e84 /users/tazjin/finito/finito-door/src/lib.rs
parent0380841eb11f6cb200081295107fadbca928bc06 (diff)
parentb7481172252d6f00546e94534b05d011b4105843 (diff)
feat(tazjin/finito): Check in my old Rust state-machine library r/1136
I dug through my archives for this and found a version that, while
unfortunately not the latest implementation, is close enough to the
real thing to show off what Finito did.

This is a Postgres-backed state-machine library for complex
application logic. I wrote this originally for a work purpose in a
previous life, but have always wanted to apply it elsewhere, too.

git-subtree-dir: users/tazjin/finito
git-subtree-mainline: 0380841eb11f6cb200081295107fadbca928bc06
git-subtree-split: b7481172252d6f00546e94534b05d011b4105843
Change-Id: I0de02d6258568447a14870f1a533812a67127763
Diffstat (limited to 'users/tazjin/finito/finito-door/src/lib.rs')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/tazjin/finito/finito-door/src/lib.rs b/users/tazjin/finito/finito-door/src/lib.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..68542c0bc448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/tazjin/finito/finito-door/src/lib.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+//! Example implementation of a lockable door in Finito
+//! # What & why?
+//! This module serves as a (hopefully simple) example of how to
+//! implement finite-state machines using Finito. Note that the
+//! concepts of Finito itself won't be explained in detail here,
+//! consult its library documentation for that.
+//! Reading through this module should give you a rough idea of how to
+//! work with Finito and get you up and running modeling things
+//! *quickly*.
+//! Note: The generated documentation for this module will display the
+//! various components of the door, but it will not inform you about
+//! the actual transition logic and all that stuff. Read the source,
+//! too!
+//! # The Door
+//! My favourite example when explaining these state-machines
+//! conceptually has been to use a simple, lockable door. Our door has
+//! a keypad next to it which can be used to lock the door by entering
+//! a code, after which the same code must be entered to unlock it
+//! again.
+//! The door can only be locked if it is closed. Oh, and it has a few
+//! extra features:
+//! * whenever the door's state changes, an IRC channel receives a
+//!   message about that
+//! * the door calls the police if the code is intered incorrectly more
+//!   than a specified number of times (mhm, lets say, three)
+//! * if the police is called the door can not be interacted with
+//!   anymore (and honestly, for the sake of this example, we don't
+//!   care how its functionality is restored)
+//! ## The Door - Visualized
+//! Here's a rough attempt at drawing a state diagram in ASCII. The
+//! bracketed words denote states, the arrows denote events:
+//! ```text
+//!          <--Open---    <--Unlock-- correct code? --Unlock-->
+//!      [Opened]    [Closed]            [Locked]            [Disabled]
+//!          --Close-->    ----Lock-->
+//! ```
+//! I'm so sorry for that drawing.
+//! ## The Door - Usage example
+//! An interaction session with our final door could look like this:
+//! ```rust,ignore
+//! use finito_postgres::{insert_machine, advance};
+//! let door = insert_machine(&conn, &DoorState::Opened)?;
+//! advance(&conn, &door, DoorEvent::Close)?;
+//! advance(&conn, &door, DoorEvent::Lock(1337))?;
+//! format!("Door is now: {}", get_machine(&conn, &door)?);
+//! ```
+//! Here we have created, closed and then locked a door and inspected
+//! its state. We will see that it is locked, has the locking code we
+//! gave it and three remaining attempts to open it.
+//! Alright, enough foreplay, lets dive in!
+#[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive;
+extern crate failure;
+extern crate finito;
+use finito::FSM;
+/// Type synonym to represent the code with which the door is locked. This
+/// exists only for clarity in the signatures below and please do not email me
+/// about the fact that an integer is not actually a good representation of
+/// numerical digits. Thanks!
+type Code = usize;
+/// Type synonym to represent the remaining number of unlock attempts.
+type Attempts = usize;
+/// This type represents the possible door states and the data that they carry.
+/// We can infer this from the "diagram" in the documentation above.
+/// This type is the one for which `finito::FSM` will be implemented, making it
+/// the wooden (?) heart of our door.
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+pub enum DoorState {
+    /// In `Opened` state, the door is wide open and anyone who fits through can
+    /// go through.
+    Opened,
+    /// In `Closed` state, the door is shut but does not prevent anyone from
+    /// opening it.
+    Closed,
+    /// In `Locked` state, the door is locked and waiting for someone to enter
+    /// its locking code on the keypad.
+    ///
+    /// This state contains the code that the door is locked with, as well as
+    /// the remaining number of attempts before the door calls the police and
+    /// becomes unusable.
+    Locked { code: Code, attempts: Attempts },
+    /// This state represents a disabled door after the police has been called.
+    /// The police will need to unlock it manually!
+    Disabled,
+/// This type represents the events that can occur in our door, i.e. the input
+/// and interactions it receives.
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+pub enum DoorEvent {
+    /// `Open` means someone is opening the door!
+    Open,
+    /// `Close` means, you guessed it, the exact opposite.
+    Close,
+    /// `Lock` means somebody has entered a locking code on the
+    /// keypad.
+    Lock(Code),
+    /// `Unlock` means someone has attempted to unlock the door.
+    Unlock(Code),
+/// This type represents the possible actions, a.k.a. everything our door "does"
+/// that does not just impact itself, a.k.a. side-effects.
+/// **Note**: This type by itself *is not* a collection of side-effects, it
+/// merely describes the side-effects we want to occur (which are then
+/// interpreted by the machinery later).
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+pub enum DoorAction {
+    /// `NotifyIRC` is used to display some kind of message on the
+    /// aforementioned IRC channel that is, for some reason, very interested in
+    /// the state of the door.
+    NotifyIRC(String),
+    /// `CallThePolice` does what you think it does.
+    ///
+    /// **Note**: For safety reasons, causing this action is not recommended for
+    /// users inside the US!
+    CallThePolice,
+/// This trait implementation turns our 'DoorState' into a type actually
+/// representing a finite-state machine. To implement it, we need to do three
+/// main things:
+/// * Define what our associated `Event` and `Action` type should be
+/// * Define the event-handling and state-entering logic (i.e. the meat of the
+/// ... door)
+/// * Implement the interpretation of our actions, i.e. implement actual
+///   side-effects
+impl FSM for DoorState {
+    const FSM_NAME: &'static str = "door";
+    // As you might expect, our `Event` type is 'DoorEvent' and our `Action`
+    // type is 'DoorAction'.
+    type Event = DoorEvent;
+    type Action = DoorAction;
+    type State = ();
+    // For error handling, the door simply uses `failure` which provides a
+    // generic, chainable error type. In real-world implementations you may want
+    // to use a custom error type or similar.
+    type Error = failure::Error;
+    // The implementation of `handle` provides us with the actual transition
+    // logic of the door.
+    //
+    // The door is conceptually not that complicated so it is relatively short.
+    fn handle(self, event: DoorEvent) -> (Self, Vec<DoorAction>) {
+        match (self, event) {
+            // An opened door can be closed:
+            (DoorState::Opened, DoorEvent::Close) => return (DoorState::Closed, vec![]),
+            // A closed door can be opened:
+            (DoorState::Closed, DoorEvent::Open) => return (DoorState::Opened, vec![]),
+            // A closed door can also be locked, in which case the locking code
+            // is stored with the next state and the unlock attempts default to
+            // three:
+            (DoorState::Closed, DoorEvent::Lock(code)) => {
+                return (DoorState::Locked { code, attempts: 3 }, vec![])
+            }
+            // A locked door receiving an `Unlock`-event can do several
+            // different things ...
+            (DoorState::Locked { code, attempts }, DoorEvent::Unlock(unlock_code)) => {
+                // In the happy case, entry of a correct code leads to the door
+                // becoming unlocked (i.e. transitioning back to `Closed`).
+                if code == unlock_code {
+                    return (DoorState::Closed, vec![]);
+                }
+                // If the code wasn't correct and the fraudulent unlocker ran
+                // out of attempts (i.e. there was only one attempt remaining),
+                // it's time for some consequences.
+                if attempts == 1 {
+                    return (DoorState::Disabled, vec![DoorAction::CallThePolice]);
+                }
+                // If the code wasn't correct, but there are still some
+                // remaining attempts, the user doesn't have to face the police
+                // quite yet but IRC gets to laugh about it.
+                return (
+                    DoorState::Locked {
+                        code,
+                        attempts: attempts - 1,
+                    },
+                    vec![DoorAction::NotifyIRC("invalid code entered".into())],
+                );
+            }
+            // This actually already concludes our event-handling logic. Our
+            // uncaring door does absolutely nothing if you attempt to do
+            // something with it that it doesn't support, so the last handler is
+            // a simple fallback.
+            //
+            // In a real-world state machine, especially one that receives
+            // events from external sources, you may want fallback handlers to
+            // actually do something. One example could be creating an action
+            // that logs information about unexpected events, alerts a
+            // monitoring service, or whatever else.
+            (current, _) => (current, vec![]),
+        }
+    }
+    // The implementation of `enter` lets door states cause additional actions
+    // they are transitioned to. In the door example we use this only to notify
+    // IRC about what is going on.
+    fn enter(&self) -> Vec<DoorAction> {
+        let msg = match self {
+            DoorState::Opened => "door was opened",
+            DoorState::Closed => "door was closed",
+            DoorState::Locked { .. } => "door was locked",
+            DoorState::Disabled => "door was disabled",
+        };
+        vec![DoorAction::NotifyIRC(msg.into())]
+    }
+    // The implementation of `act` lets us perform actual side-effects.
+    //
+    // Again, for the sake of educational simplicity, this does not deal with
+    // all potential (or in fact any) error cases that can occur during this toy
+    // implementation of actions.
+    //
+    // Additionally the `act` function can return new events. This is useful for
+    // a sort of "callback-like" pattern (cause an action to fetch some data,
+    // receive it as an event) but is not used in this example.
+    fn act(action: DoorAction, _state: &()) -> Result<Vec<DoorEvent>, failure::Error> {
+        match action {
+            DoorAction::NotifyIRC(msg) => {
+                use std::fs::OpenOptions;
+                use std::io::Write;
+                let mut file = OpenOptions::new()
+                    .append(true)
+                    .create(true)
+                    .open("/tmp/door-irc.log")?;
+                write!(file, "<doorbot> {}\n", msg)?;
+                Ok(vec![])
+            }
+            DoorAction::CallThePolice => {
+                // TODO: call the police
+                println!("The police was called! For real!");
+                Ok(vec![])
+            }
+        }
+    }
+mod tests {
+    use super::*;
+    use finito::advance;
+    fn test_fsm<S: FSM>(initial: S, events: Vec<S::Event>) -> (S, Vec<S::Action>) {
+        events.into_iter().fold((initial, vec![]), |(state, mut actions), event| {
+            let (new_state, mut new_actions) = advance(state, event);
+            actions.append(&mut new_actions);
+            (new_state, actions)
+        })
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_door() {
+        let initial = DoorState::Opened;
+        let events = vec![
+            DoorEvent::Close,
+            DoorEvent::Open,
+            DoorEvent::Close,
+            DoorEvent::Lock(1234),
+            DoorEvent::Unlock(1234),
+            DoorEvent::Lock(4567),
+            DoorEvent::Unlock(1234),
+        ];
+        let (final_state, actions) = test_fsm(initial, events);
+        assert_eq!(final_state, DoorState::Locked { code: 4567, attempts: 2 });
+        assert_eq!(actions, vec![
+            DoorAction::NotifyIRC("door was closed".into()),
+            DoorAction::NotifyIRC("door was opened".into()),
+            DoorAction::NotifyIRC("door was closed".into()),
+            DoorAction::NotifyIRC("door was locked".into()),
+            DoorAction::NotifyIRC("door was closed".into()),
+            DoorAction::NotifyIRC("door was locked".into()),
+            DoorAction::NotifyIRC("invalid code entered".into()),
+        ]);
+    }