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path: root/third_party/lisp/sclf/sclf.lisp
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authorsterni <sternenseemann@systemli.org>2022-07-04T13·56+0200
committerclbot <clbot@tvl.fyi>2022-07-05T15·01+0000
commit49aee7a8f283069a3b47a2617a448389fe8c4373 (patch)
treeb6d2102124ad161a4f047c656e76b89a499b61d1 /third_party/lisp/sclf/sclf.lisp
parentc08e47903e19e9a5ea397430e690680d91c5a9ac (diff)
chore: remove sclf from the tree r/4275
SCLF is quite a big utility library (almost 3€ LOC) with limited
portability (CMUCL, SBCL and CLISP to an extent). Continuing to maintain
it is an unnecessary burden, as depot only uses a fraction of it which
is now inlined into the respective users (mime4cl and mblog).

In the future trimming down ex-sclf.lisp may make sense either by
refactoring the code that uses it or by moving interesting utilities
into e.g. klatre.

Change-Id: I2e73825b6bfa372e97847f25c30731a5aad4a1b5
Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/5922
Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
Autosubmit: sterni <sternenseemann@systemli.org>
Reviewed-by: sterni <sternenseemann@systemli.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/lisp/sclf/sclf.lisp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1717 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/sclf/sclf.lisp b/third_party/lisp/sclf/sclf.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index dfbc2078c829..000000000000
--- a/third_party/lisp/sclf/sclf.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1717 +0,0 @@
-;;;  sclf.lisp --- miscellanea
-;;;  Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by Walter C. Pelissero
-;;;  Author: Walter C. Pelissero <walter@pelissero.de>
-;;;  Project: SCLF
-#+cmu (ext:file-comment "$Module: sclf.lisp $")
-;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
-;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
-;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
-;;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
-;;; 02111-1307 USA
-;;;  Commentary:
-;;; This is a collection of Common Lisp functions of the most disparate
-;;; uses and purposes.  These functions are too small or too unrelated
-;;; to each other to deserve an own module.
-;;; If you want to indent properly the following macros you should add
-;;; the following lines to your .emacs file:
-;;; (defun cl-indent-be (path state indent-point sexp-column normal-indent)
-;;;   (let ((sexp-start (cadr state))
-;;; 	(i 0))
-;;;     (save-excursion
-;;;       (goto-char sexp-start)
-;;;       (forward-char)
-;;;       (+ sexp-column
-;;; 	 (block indentation
-;;; 	   (condition-case nil
-;;; 	       (while (< (point) indent-point)
-;;; 		 (setq i (1+ i))
-;;; 		 (when (and (= 0 (logand i 1))
-;;; 			    (looking-at "[\t\n ]*\\s("))
-;;; 		   (return-from indentation 2))
-;;; 		 (forward-sexp))
-;;; 	     (error nil))
-;;; 	   (if (= 1 (logand i 1))
-;;; 	       6 4))))))
-;;; (put 'be 'common-lisp-indent-function 'cl-indent-be)
-;;; (put 'be* 'common-lisp-indent-function 'cl-indent-be)
-;;; (put 'awhen 'lisp-indent-function 1)
-;;; (put 'gcase 'lisp-indent-function 1)
-;;; (put 'acase 'lisp-indent-function 1)
-;;; (put 'acond 'lisp-indent-function 1)
-;;; (put 'until 'lisp-indent-function 1)
-(cl:in-package :sclf)
-(defmacro be (&rest bindings-and-body)
-  "Less-parenthetic let."
-  (let ((bindings
-         (loop
-            while (and (symbolp (car bindings-and-body))
-                       (cdr bindings-and-body))
-            collect (list (pop bindings-and-body)
-                          (pop bindings-and-body)))))
-    `(let ,bindings
-       ,@bindings-and-body)))
-(defmacro be* (&rest bindings-and-body)
-  "Less-parenthetic let*."
-  (let ((bindings
-         (loop
-            while (and (symbolp (car bindings-and-body))
-                       (cdr bindings-and-body))
-            collect (list (pop bindings-and-body)
-                          (pop bindings-and-body)))))
-    `(let* ,bindings
-       ,@bindings-and-body)))
-(defmacro defconst (name value &rest etc)
-  "For some reason SBCL, between usefulness and adherence to the ANSI
-standard, has chosen the latter, thus rendering the DEFCONSTANT pretty
-useless.  This macro works around that problem."
-  #+sbcl (list* 'defvar name value etc)
-  #-sbcl (list* 'defconstant name value etc))
-(defmacro with-gensyms ((&rest symbols) &body body)
-  "Gensym all SYMBOLS and make them available in BODY.
-See also LET-GENSYMS."
-  `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (s)
-                     (list s '(gensym))) symbols)
-     ,@body))
-(defun s+ (&rest strings)
-  "Return a string which is made of the concatenation of STRINGS."
-  (apply #'concatenate 'string strings))
-(defun string-starts-with (prefix string &optional (compare #'string=))
-  (be prefix-length (length prefix)
-    (and (>= (length string) prefix-length)
-         (funcall compare prefix string :end2 prefix-length))))
-(defun string-ends-with (postfix string &optional (compare #'string=))
-  "Return true if STRING's last characters are the same as POSTFIX."
-  (be postfix-length (length postfix)
-      string-length (length string)
-    (and (>= string-length postfix-length)
-         (funcall compare postfix string :start2 (- string-length postfix-length)))))
-(defun string-substitute (from to sequence &key (start 0) end (test #'eql))
-  "Replace in SEQUENCE occurrences of FROM with TO.  FROM and TO don't
-need to be the same length."
-  (be from-length (length from)
-    (with-output-to-string (out)
-      (write-string sequence out :start 0 :end start)
-      (loop
-         for position = (search from sequence :start2 start :end2 end :test test)
-         while position
-         do
-           (write-string sequence out :start start :end position)
-           (write-string to out)
-           (setf start (+ position from-length))
-         finally (write-string (subseq sequence start) out)))))
-(defun string-escape (string character &key (escape-character #\\) (escape-escape t))
-  "Prepend all occurences of CHARACTER in STRING with a
-  (with-output-to-string (stream)
-    (loop
-       for c across string
-       when (or (char= c character)
-                (and escape-escape
-                     (char= c escape-character)))
-       do (write-char escape-character stream)
-       do (write-char c stream))))
-(defmacro aif (test then &optional else)
-  `(be it ,test
-     (if it
-         ,then
-         ,else)))
-(defmacro awhen (test &body then)
-  `(be it ,test
-     (when it
-       ,@then)))
-(defmacro acond (&body forms)
-  (when forms
-    `(aif ,(caar forms)
-          (progn ,@(cdar forms))
-          (acond ,@(cdr forms)))))
-(defmacro aand (&rest args)
-  (cond ((null args) t)
-        ((null (cdr args)) (car args))
-        (t `(aif ,(car args) (aand ,@(cdr args))))))
-(defmacro acase (condition &body forms)
-  `(be it ,condition
-     (case it ,@forms)))
-(defconst +whitespace+ '(#\return #\newline #\tab #\space #\page))
-(defun string-trim-whitespace (string)
-  (string-trim +whitespace+ string))
-(defun string-right-trim-whitespace (string)
-  (string-right-trim +whitespace+ string))
-(defun string-left-trim-whitespace (string)
-  (string-left-trim +whitespace+ string))
-(defun whitespace-p (char)
-  (member char +whitespace+))
-(defun seq-whitespace-p (sequence)
-  (every #'whitespace-p sequence))
-(defun not-empty (sequence)
-  "Return SEQUENCE if it's not empty, otherwise NIL.
-NIL is indeed empty."
-  (when (or (listp sequence)
-            (not (zerop (length sequence))))
-      sequence))
-(defun position-any (bag sequence &rest position-args)
-  "Find any element of bag in sequence and return its position.
-Accept any argument accepted by the POSITION function."
-  (apply #'position-if #'(lambda (element)
-                           (find element bag)) sequence position-args))
-(defun find-any (bag sequence &rest find-args)
-  "Find any element of bag in sequence.  Accept any argument
-accepted by the FIND function."
-  (apply #'find-if #'(lambda (element)
-                           (find element bag)) sequence find-args))
-(defun split-at (bag sequence &key (start 0) key)
-  "Split SEQUENCE at occurence of any element from BAG.
-Contiguous occurences of elements from BAG are considered atomic;
-so no empty sequence is returned."
-  (be len (length sequence)
-    (labels ((split-from (start)
-               (unless (>= start len)
-                 (be sep (position-any bag sequence :start start :key key)
-                   (cond ((not sep)
-                          (list (subseq sequence start)))
-                         ((> sep start)
-                          (cons (subseq sequence start sep)
-                                (split-from (1+ sep))))
-                         (t
-                          (split-from (1+ start))))))))
-      (split-from start))))
-(defun split-string-at-char (string separator &key escape skip-empty)
-  "Split STRING at SEPARATORs and return a list of the substrings.  If
-SKIP-EMPTY is true then filter out the empty substrings.  If ESCAPE is
-not nil then split at SEPARATOR only if it's not preceded by ESCAPE."
-  (declare (type string string) (type character separator))
-  (labels ((next-separator (beg)
-             (be pos (position separator string :start beg)
-               (if (and escape
-                        pos
-                        (plusp pos)
-                        (char= escape (char string (1- pos))))
-                   (next-separator (1+ pos))
-                   pos)))
-           (parse (beg)
-             (cond ((< beg (length string))
-                    (let* ((end (next-separator beg))
-                           (substring (subseq string beg end)))
-                      (cond ((and skip-empty (string= "" substring))
-                             (parse (1+ end)))
-                            ((not end)
-                             (list substring))
-                            (t
-                             (cons substring (parse (1+ end)))))))
-                   (skip-empty
-                    '())
-                   (t
-                    (list "")))))
-    (parse 0)))
-(defun copy-stream (in out)
-  (loop
-     for c = (read-char in nil)
-     while c
-     do (write-char c out)))
-(defun pathname-as-file (pathname)
-  "Converts PATHNAME to file form and return it."
-  (unless (pathnamep pathname)
-    (setf pathname (pathname pathname)))
-  (cond ((pathname-name pathname)
-         pathname)
-        ((stringp (car (last (pathname-directory pathname))))
-         (be name (parse-native-namestring (car (last (pathname-directory pathname))))
-           (make-pathname :directory (butlast (pathname-directory pathname))
-                          :name (pathname-name name)
-                          :type (pathname-type name)
-                          :defaults pathname)))
-        ;; it can't be done?
-        (t pathname)))
-(defun copy-file (file copy-file &key (if-exists :error))
-  (with-open-file (in file)
-    (with-open-file (out copy-file :direction :output :if-exists if-exists)
-      (copy-stream in out))))
-(defun symlink-file (src dst &key (if-exists :error))
-  (when (and (eq :supersede if-exists)
-             (probe-file dst))
-    (delete-file dst))
-  #+sbcl (sb-posix:symlink src dst)
-  #+cmu(unix:unix-symlink (native-namestring src) (native-namestring dst))
-  #-(or sbcl cmu) (error "don't know how to symlink files"))
-(defun read-whole-stream (stream)
-  "Read stream until the end and return it as a string."
-  (with-output-to-string (string)
-    (loop
-       for line = (read-line stream nil)
-       while line
-       do (write-line line string))))
-(defun read-lines (stream &optional n)
-  "Read N lines from stream and return them as a list of strings.  If
-N is NIL, read the whole stream til the end.  If the stream ends
-before N lines a read, this function will return those without
-signalling an error."
-  (loop
-     for line = (read-line stream nil)
-     for i from 0
-     while (and line
-                (or (not n)
-                    (< i n)))
-     collect line))
-(defun read-file (pathname &key (element-type 'character) (if-does-not-exist :error) default)
-  "Read the whole content of file and return it as a sequence which
-can be a string, a vector of bytes, or whatever you specify as
-  (with-open-file (in pathname
-                      :element-type element-type
-                      :if-does-not-exist (unless (eq :value if-does-not-exist)
-                                           :error))
-    (if in
-        (be seq (make-array (file-length in) :element-type element-type)
-          (read-sequence seq in)
-          seq)
-        default)))
-(defun write-file (pathname contents &key (if-exists :error))
-  "Read the whole content of file and return it as a sequence which
-can be a string, a vector of bytes, or whatever you specify as
-  (with-open-file (out pathname
-                       :element-type (if (stringp contents)
-                                         'character
-                                         (array-element-type contents))
-                       :if-exists if-exists)
-    (write-sequence contents out)))
-(defun read-from-file (pathname &key (on-error :error) default)
-  "Similar to READ-FROM-STRING but for files.  Read the first Lisp
-object in file and return it.  If file does not exist or does not
-contain a readable Lisp object, ON-ERROR tells what to do.  If
-ON-ERROR is :ERROR, an error is signalled.  If ON-ERROR is :VALUE,
-DEFAULT is returned."
-  (ecase on-error
-    (:error
-     (with-open-file (in pathname)
-       (read in)))
-    (:value
-     (handler-case (with-open-file (in pathname)
-                     (read in))
-       (t ()
-         default)))))
-(defun write-to-file (object pathname &key (if-exists :error) pretty)
-  "Similar to WRITE-TO-STRING but for files.  Write OBJECT to a file
-with pathname PATHNAME."
-  (with-open-file (out pathname :direction :output :if-exists if-exists)
-    (write object :stream out :escape t :readably t :pretty pretty)))
-(defun string-concat (list &optional (separator ""))
-  "Concatenate the strings in LIST interposing SEPARATOR (default
-nothing) between them."
-  (reduce #'(lambda (&rest args)
-              (if args
-                  (s+ (car args) separator (cadr args))
-                  ""))
-          list))
-;; to indent it properly: (put 'gcase 'lisp-indent-function 1)
-(defmacro gcase ((value &optional (test 'equalp)) &rest cases)
-  "Generic CASE macro.  Match VALUE to CASES as if by the normal CASE
-but use TEST as the comparison function, which defaults to EQUALP."
-  (with-gensyms (val)
-    `(be ,val ,value
-       ,(cons 'cond
-              (mapcar #'(lambda (case-desc)
-                          (destructuring-bind (vals &rest forms) case-desc
-                            `(,(cond ((consp vals)
-                                      (cons 'or (mapcar #'(lambda (v)
-                                                            (list test val v))
-                                                        vals)))
-                                     ((or (eq vals 'otherwise)
-                                          (eq vals t))
-                                      t)
-                                     (t (list test val vals)))
-                               ,@forms)))
-                      cases)))))
-(defun string-truncate (string max-length)
-  "If STRING is longer than MAX-LENGTH, return a shorter version.
-Otherwise return the same string unchanged."
-  (if (> (length string) max-length)
-      (subseq string 0 max-length)
-      string))
-;; to indent properly: (put 'until 'lisp-indent-function 1)
-(defmacro until (test &body body)
-  (with-gensyms (result)
-    `(loop
-        for ,result = ,test
-        until ,result
-        do (progn ,@body)
-        finally (return ,result))))
-(defun keywordify (string)
-  (intern (string-upcase string) :keyword))
-(defun locate-system-program (name)
-  "Given the NAME of a system program try to find it through the
-search of the environment variable PATH.  Return the full
-  (loop
-     for dir in (split-string-at-char (getenv "PATH") #\:)
-     for pathname = (merge-pathnames name (pathname-as-directory dir))
-     when (probe-file pathname)
-     return pathname))
-(defvar *tmp-file-defaults* #P"/tmp/")
-(defun temp-file-name (&optional (default *tmp-file-defaults*))
-  "Create a random pathname based on DEFAULT.  No effort is made
-to make sure that the returned pathname doesn't identify an
-already existing file.  If missing DEFAULT defaults to
-  (make-pathname :defaults default
-                 :name (format nil "~36R" (random #.(expt 36 10)))))
-(defun open-temp-file (&optional default-pathname &rest open-args)
-  "Open a new temporary file and return a stream to it.  This function
-makes sure the pathname of the temporary file is unique.  OPEN-ARGS
-are arguments passed verbatim to OPEN.  If OPEN-ARGS specify
-the :DIRECTION it should be either :OUTPUT (default) or :IO;
-any other value causes an error.  If DEFAULT-PATHNAME is specified and
-not NIL it's used as defaults to produce the pathname of the temporary
-file, otherwise *TMP-FILE-DEFAULTS* is used."
-  (unless default-pathname
-    (setf default-pathname *tmp-file-defaults*))
-  ;; if :DIRECTION is specified check that it's compatible with the
-  ;; purpose of this function, otherwise make it default to :OUTPUT
-  (aif (getf open-args :direction)
-       (unless (member it '(:output :io))
-         (error "Can't create temporary file with open direction ~A." it))
-       (setf open-args (append '(:direction :output)
-                               open-args)))
-  (do* ((name #1=(temp-file-name default-pathname) #1#)
-        (stream #2=(apply #'open  name
-                          :if-exists nil
-                          :if-does-not-exist :create
-                          open-args) #2#))
-       (stream stream)))
-(defmacro with-temp-file ((stream &rest open-temp-args) &body body)
-  "Execute BODY within a dynamic extent where STREAM is bound to
-a STREAM open on a unique temporary file name.  OPEN-TEMP-ARGS are
-passed verbatim to OPEN-TEMP-FILE."
-  `(be ,stream (open-temp-file ,@open-temp-args)
-     (unwind-protect
-          (progn ,@body)
-       (close ,stream)
-       ;; body may decide to rename the file so we must ignore the errors
-       (ignore-errors
-         (delete-file (pathname ,stream))))))
-(defmacro with-hidden-temp-file ((stream &rest open-args) &body body)
-  "Just like WITH-TEMP-FILE but unlink (delete) the temporary file
-before the execution of BODY.  As such BODY won't be able to
-manipulate the file but through STREAM, and no other program is able
-to see it.  Once STREAM is closed the temporary file blocks are
-automatically relinquished by the operating system.  This works at
-least on Unix filesystems.  I don't know about MS-OSs where the system
-may likely decide to crash, take all your data with it and, in the
-meanwhile, report you to the NSA as terrorist."
-  `(be ,stream (open-temp-file ,@open-args)
-     (unwind-protect
-          (progn (delete-file (pathname ,stream))
-                 ,@body)
-       (close ,stream))))
-(defun insert-in-order (item seq &key (test #'<) key)
-  "Destructively insert ITEM in LIST in order by TEST.  Return
-the new list.  This is a simple wrapper around MERGE."
-  (merge (if seq
-             (type-of seq)
-             'list)
-         (list item) seq test :key key))
-(defmacro f++ (x &optional (delta 1))
-  "Same as INCF but hopefully optimised for fixnums."
-  `(setf ,x (+ (the fixnum ,x) (the fixnum ,delta))))
-(defun soundex (word &optional (key-length 4))
-  "Knuth's Soundex algorithm.  Returns a string representing the
-sound of a certain word (English).  Different words will thus
-yield the same output string.  To compare two string by the
-sound, simply do:
-   (string= (soundex str1) (soundex str2))
-   (soundex \"Knuth\") => \"K530\"
-   (soundex \"Kant\") => \"K530\"
-   (soundex \"Lloyd\") => \"L300\"
-   (soundex \"Ladd\") => \"L300\""
-  (declare (type string word))
-  (flet ((translate-char (char)
-           (awhen (position char "BFPVCGJKQSXZDTLMNR")
-             (elt "111122222222334556" it))))
-    (let ((key (make-string key-length :initial-element #\0))
-          (word-length (length word)))
-      (setf (elt key 0) (elt word 0))
-      (loop
-         with previous-sound = (translate-char (char-upcase (elt word 0)))
-         with j = 1
-         for i from 1 by 1 below word-length
-         for c = (char-upcase (elt word i))
-         while (< j key-length)
-         do (be sound (translate-char c)
-              (cond ((not (eq sound previous-sound))
-                     (unless (member c '(#\H #\W))
-                       (setf previous-sound sound))
-                     (when sound
-                       (setf (elt key j) sound)
-                       (incf j))))))
-      key)))
-(defun string-soundex= (string1 string2)
-  (let ((l1 (split-at +whitespace+ string1))
-        (l2 (split-at +whitespace+ string2)))
-    (and (= (length l1) (length l2))
-         (every #'string= (mapcar #'soundex l1) (mapcar #'soundex l2)))))
-(defun soundex-test ()
-  (let* ((words1 '("Euler" "Gauss" "Hilbert" "Knuth" "Lloyd" "Lukasiewicz" "Wachs"))
-         (words2 '("Ellery" "Ghosh" "Heilbronn" "Kant" "Ladd" "Lissajous" "Waugh"))
-         (results '("E460" "G200" "H416" "K530" "L300" "L222" "W200")))
-    (mapc #'(lambda (w1 w2 r)
-              (let ((r1 (soundex w1))
-                    (r2 (soundex w2)))
-                (format t "~A = ~A, ~A = ~A => ~A~%" w1 r1 w2 r2
-                        (if (and (string= r1 r2)
-                                 (string= r r1))
-                            "OK"
-                            (format nil "ERROR (expected ~A)" r)))))
-          words1 words2 results)
-    (values)))
-;; (defstruct cache-slot ()
-;;   ((previous :type (or cache-slot null)
-;; 	     :initarg :previous
-;; 	     :initform nil
-;; 	     :accessor cslot-previous)
-;;    (key :initarg :key
-;; 	:accessor cslot-key)
-;;    (value :initarg :value
-;; 	  :accessor cslot-value)
-;;    (next :type (or cache-slot null)
-;; 	 :initarg :next
-;; 	 :initform nil
-;; 	 :accessor cslot-next)))
-;; (defmethod print-object ((object cache-slot) stream)
-;;   (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t)
-;;     (if (slot-boundp object 'key)
-;; 	(format stream "key=~S, value=~S" (cslot-key object) (cslot-value object))
-;; 	(format stream "NULL"))))
-(defstruct (double-linked-element (:conc-name dle-))
-  (previous nil :type (or double-linked-element null))
-  value
-  (next nil :type (or double-linked-element null)))
-(defmethod print-object ((object double-linked-element) stream)
-  (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t)
-    (format stream "value=~S" (dle-value object))))
-(defun cons-dle (value previous next)
-  (declare (type (or double-linked-element null) previous next))
-  (be new-element (make-double-linked-element :previous previous :next next :value value)
-    (when previous
-      (setf (dle-next previous) new-element))
-    (when next
-      (setf (dle-previous next) new-element))
-    new-element))
-(defun dle-remove (dle-object)
-  "Remove the DLE-OBJECT from its current position in the list of
-elements agjusting the pointer of dle-objects before and after this
-one (if any)."
-  (declare (type double-linked-element dle-object))
-  (awhen (dle-next dle-object)
-    (setf (dle-previous it) (dle-previous dle-object)))
-  (awhen (dle-previous dle-object)
-    (setf (dle-next it) (dle-next dle-object))))
-(defun dle-map (function dle-object)
-  (when dle-object
-    (make-double-linked-element :value (funcall function (dle-value dle-object))
-                                :previous (dle-previous dle-object)
-                                :next (dle-map function (dle-next dle-object)))))
-(defmacro do-dle ((var dle &optional (result nil)) &body body)
-  "Iterate over a list of DOUBLE-LINKED-ELEMENTs and map body to
-each element's value.  Bind VAR to the value on each iteration."
-  (be cursor (gensym)
-    `(do ((,cursor ,dle (dle-next ,cursor)))
-         ((not ,cursor) ,result)
-       (be ,var (dle-value ,cursor)
-         ,@body))))
-(defmacro do-dle* ((var dle &optional (result nil)) &body body)
-  "Same as DO-DLE but VAR is a symbol macro, so that BODY can
-modify the element's value."
-  (be cursor (gensym)
-    `(symbol-macrolet ((,var (dle-value ,cursor)))
-       (do ((,cursor ,dle (dle-next ,cursor)))
-           ((not ,cursor) ,result)
-         ,@body))))
-(defclass double-linked-list ()
-  ((elements :type double-linked-element
-             :documentation "The actual list of elements held by this object.")
-   (last-element :type double-linked-element))
-  (:documentation
-   "A double linked list where elements can be added or removed
-from either end."))
-(defmethod initialize-instance ((object double-linked-list) &rest rest)
-  (declare (ignorable rest))
-  (call-next-method)
-  (with-slots (last-element elements) object
-    (setf last-element (make-double-linked-element)
-          elements last-element)))
-(defmethod print-object ((object double-linked-list) stream)
-  (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t)
-    (be elements '()
-      (do-dle (e (slot-value object 'elements))
-        (push e elements))
-      (format stream "elements=~S" (nreverse elements)))))
-(defgeneric pop-first (double-linked-list)
-  (:documentation
-   "Pop the first element of a double-linked-list."))
-(defgeneric pop-last (double-linked-list)
-  (:documentation
-   "Pop the last element of a double-linked-list."))
-(defgeneric push-first (item double-linked-list)
-  (:documentation
-   "Push an item in front of a double-linked-list."))
-(defgeneric push-last (item double-linked-list)
-  (:documentation
-   "Append an item to a double-linked-list."))
-(defgeneric list-map (function double-linked-list)
-  (:documentation
-   "Map a function to a double-linked-list."))
-(defgeneric dll-find-cursor (object dll &key test key))
-(defgeneric dll-find (object dll &key test key))
-(defgeneric dll-remove (cursor dll))
-(defmethod pop-last ((list double-linked-list))
-  "Drop the last element in the dl list."
-  (with-slots (last-element) list
-    (awhen (dle-previous last-element)
-      (dle-remove it)
-      (dle-value it))))
-(defmethod pop-first ((list double-linked-list))
-  "Drop the first element in the dl list."
-  (with-slots (elements) list
-    (when (dle-next elements)
-      (prog1 (dle-value elements)
-        (setf (dle-previous (dle-next elements)) nil
-              elements (dle-next elements))))))
-(defmethod push-first (value (list double-linked-list))
-  (with-slots (elements) list
-    (setf elements (cons-dle value nil elements)))
-  list)
-(defmethod push-last (value (list double-linked-list))
-  (with-slots (last-element) list
-    (cons-dle value (dle-previous last-element) last-element))
-  list)
-(defmethod list-map (function (list double-linked-list))
-  (labels ((map-dll (dle)
-             (when (dle-next dle)
-               (make-double-linked-element
-                :value (funcall function (dle-value dle))
-                :previous (dle-previous dle)
-                :next (map-dll (dle-next dle))))))
-    (map-dll (slot-value list 'elements))))
-(defmethod dll-find-cursor (object (list double-linked-list) &key (test #'eql) (key #'identity))
-  (do ((cursor (slot-value list 'elements) (dle-next cursor)))
-      ((not (dle-next cursor)))
-    (be value (dle-value cursor)
-      (when (funcall test (funcall key value) object)
-        (return cursor)))))
-(defmethod dll-find (object (list double-linked-list) &key (test #'eql) (key #'identity))
-  (awhen (dll-find-cursor object list :test test :key key)
-    (dle-value it)))
-(defmethod dll-remove ((cursor double-linked-element) (list double-linked-list))
-  (with-slots (elements) list
-    (if (dle-previous cursor)
-        (dle-remove cursor)
-        (setf (dle-previous (dle-next elements)) nil
-              elements (dle-next elements))))
-  list)
-(defmacro do-dll ((var list &optional (result nil)) &body body)
-  "Iterate over a dll and map body to each element's
-value.  Bind VAR to the value on each iteration."
-  (be cursor (gensym)
-    `(do ((,cursor (slot-value ,list 'elements) (dle-next ,cursor)))
-         ((not (dle-next ,cursor)) ,result)
-       (be ,var (dle-value ,cursor)
-         ,@body))))
-(defmacro do-dll* ((var list &optional (result nil)) &body body)
-  "Same as DO-DLL but VAR is a symbol macro, so that BODY can
-modify the element's value."
-  (be cursor (gensym)
-    `(symbol-macrolet ((,var (dle-value ,cursor)))
-       (do ((,cursor (slot-value ,list 'elements) (dle-next ,cursor)))
-           ((not (dle-next ,cursor)) ,result)
-         ,@body))))
-(defclass limited-list (double-linked-list)
-  ((max-size :initform nil
-             :initarg :size
-             :reader max-size
-             :type (or integer null)
-             :documentation "Size limit to which the list is allowed to grow to.  NIL = no limit.")
-   (size :initform 0
-         :reader size
-         :type integer
-         :documentation "Current number of elements in the list."))
-  (:documentation
-   "A double linked list where the maximum number of elements can
-be limited."))
-(defun dll-member-p (dle list)
-  (with-slots (elements size) list
-    (do ((e elements (dle-next e)))
-        ((not e))
-      (when (eq e dle)
-        (return t)))))
-(defmethod dll-remove ((cursor double-linked-element) (list limited-list))
-  (with-slots (size) list
-    (unless (zerop size)
-      (decf size)
-      (call-next-method)))
-  list)
-(defmethod pop-first ((list limited-list))
-  (with-slots (size) list
-    (unless (zerop size)
-      (decf size)
-      (call-next-method))))
-(defmethod pop-last ((list limited-list))
-  (with-slots (size) list
-    (unless (zerop size)
-      (decf size)
-      (call-next-method))))
-(defmethod push-first (value (list limited-list))
-  "Add in front of the list and drop the last element if list is
-  (declare (ignore value))
-  (prog1 (call-next-method)
-    (with-slots (max-size size last-element) list
-      (if (or (not max-size)
-              (< size max-size))
-          (incf size)
-          (dle-remove (dle-previous last-element))))))
-(defmethod push-last (value (list limited-list))
-  "Add at the end of the list and drop the first element if list
-is full."
-  (declare (ignore value))
-  (prog1 (call-next-method)
-    (with-slots (max-size size elements) list
-      (if (or (not max-size)
-              (< size max-size))
-        (incf size)
-        (setf (dle-previous (dle-next elements)) nil
-              elements (dle-next elements))))))
-(defclass sorted-list (limited-list)
-  ((test :type function
-         :initarg :test))
-  (:documentation
-   "A double linked list where elements are inserted in a
-sorted order."))
-(defgeneric insert (item sorted-list)
-  (:documentation
-   "Insert an item in a sorted-list."))
-(defmethod insert (item (sl sorted-list))
-  "Insert ITEM in SL, which is a sorted double linked list,
-before the item for which TEST is true or at the end of the list.
-Returns two values, the modified list and the cursor to the new
-  (with-slots (max-size size elements test last-element) sl
-    (do ((cursor elements (dle-next cursor)))
-        ((or (not (dle-next cursor))
-             (funcall test item (dle-value cursor)))
-         (if (dle-previous cursor)
-             (cons-dle item (dle-previous cursor) cursor)
-             (setf elements (cons-dle item nil cursor)))
-         (if (or (not max-size)
-                  (< size max-size))
-             (incf size)
-             (dle-remove (dle-previous last-element)))
-         (values sl (dle-previous cursor))))))
-(defclass heap ()
-  ((less-than :type function
-              :initarg :test
-              :documentation "The heap invariant.")
-   (data :type array
-         :documentation "The heap tree representation.")))
-(defmethod initialize-instance ((heap heap) &rest args)
-  (declare (ignore args))
-  (call-next-method)
-  (with-slots (data) heap
-    (setf data (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))))
-(defgeneric heap-add (heap item))
-(defun bubble-up (heap pos)
-  (with-slots (data less-than) heap
-    (loop
-       for current = pos then parent
-       for parent = (truncate (1- current) 2)
-       until (or (zerop current)
-                 (funcall less-than (aref data parent) (aref data current)))
-       do (rotatef (aref data current) (aref data parent)))))
-(defmethod heap-add ((heap heap) item)
-  (with-slots (data) heap
-    (vector-push-extend item data)
-    (bubble-up heap (1- (fill-pointer data)))))
-(defgeneric heap-size (heap))
-(defmethod heap-size ((heap heap))
-  (fill-pointer (slot-value heap 'data)))
-(defgeneric heap-empty-p (heap))
-(defmethod heap-empty-p ((heap heap))
-  (zerop (heap-size heap)))
-(defgeneric heap-pop (heap))
-(defun percolate-down (heap pos)
-  (with-slots (data less-than) heap
-    (loop
-       with end = (fill-pointer data)
-       for current = pos then child
-       for left-child = (+ 1 (* 2 current))
-       for right-child = (+ 2 (* 2 current))
-       for child = (cond ((>= left-child end)
-                          (return))
-                         ((>= right-child end)
-                          left-child)
-                         ((funcall less-than (aref data left-child) (aref data right-child))
-                          left-child)
-                         (t
-                          right-child))
-       while (funcall less-than (aref data child) (aref data current))
-       do (rotatef (aref data current) (aref data child)))))
-(defmethod heap-pop ((heap heap))
-  (assert (not (heap-empty-p heap)))
-  (with-slots (data) heap
-    (be root (aref data 0)
-      (setf (aref data 0) (vector-pop data))
-      (percolate-down heap 0)
-      root)))
-(defstruct (lru-cache-slot (:include double-linked-element)
-                           (:conc-name lruc-slot-))
-  key)
-(defmethod print-object ((object lru-cache-slot) stream)
-  (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t)
-    (format stream "key=~S value=~S" (lruc-slot-key object) (lruc-slot-value object))))
-(defvar *default-cache-size* 100
-  "Default size of a LRU cache if it's not specified at instantiation
-(defclass lru-cache ()
-  ((max-size :initform *default-cache-size*
-             :initarg :size
-             :reader max-size
-             :type (or integer null)
-             :documentation
-             "Maximum number of elements that the cache can fit.")
-   (elements-list :type lru-cache-slot
-                  :documentation "The list of elements held by the cache.")
-   (elements-hash :type hash-table
-                  :documentation "The hash table of the elements held bye the cache.")
-   (last-element :type lru-cache-slot)
-   (size :initform 0
-         :reader size
-         :type integer
-         :documentation "Current number of elements in the cache.")
-   (finalizer :initform nil
-              :initarg :finalizer
-              :documentation
-              "Procedure to call when elements are dropped from cache."))
-  (:documentation
-   "An objects cache that keeps the elements used more often and
-drops those that are used less often.  The usage is similar to an
-hash table.  Elements are added to the list up to MAX-SIZE, then
-any new element will drop the less used one in the cache.  Every
-time an element is set or retrieved it goes in front of a list.
-Those which get at the end of the list are dropped when more room
-is required."))
-(defmethod initialize-instance ((object lru-cache) &key test &allow-other-keys)
-  (call-next-method)
-  (with-slots (last-element elements-list elements-hash) object
-    (setf last-element (make-lru-cache-slot)
-          elements-list last-element
-          elements-hash (if test
-                            (make-hash-table :test test)
-                            (make-hash-table)))))
-(defgeneric getcache (key cache)
-  (:documentation
-   "Get an item with KEY from a CACHE."))
-(defgeneric (setf getcache) (value key cache)
-  (:documentation
-   "Set or add an item with KEY in a CACHE."))
-(defgeneric remcache (key cache)
-  (:documentation
-   "Remove an item with KEY from a CACHE."))
-(defun move-in-front-of-cache-list (slot cache)
-  "Relocate slot to the front of the elements list in cache.
-This will stretch its lifespan in the cache."
-  (declare (type lru-cache-slot slot)
-           (type lru-cache cache))
-  (with-slots (elements-list) cache
-    ;; unless it's already the first
-    (unless (eq slot elements-list)
-      ;; remove the slot from its original place...
-      (dle-remove slot)
-      ;; ... and add it in front of the list
-      (setf (lruc-slot-next slot) elements-list
-            (lruc-slot-previous slot) nil
-            (lruc-slot-previous elements-list) slot
-            elements-list slot))))
-(defun drop-last-cache-element (cache)
-  "Drop the last element in the list of the cache object."
-  (declare (type lru-cache cache))
-  (with-slots (last-element elements-hash finalizer) cache
-    (let ((second-last (lruc-slot-previous last-element)))
-      (assert second-last)
-      (when finalizer
-        (funcall finalizer (lruc-slot-value second-last)))
-      (dle-remove second-last)
-      (remhash (lruc-slot-key second-last) elements-hash))))
-(defun add-to-cache (slot cache)
-  (declare (type lru-cache-slot slot)
-           (type lru-cache cache))
-  (move-in-front-of-cache-list slot cache)
-  (with-slots (max-size size elements-hash) cache
-    (setf (gethash (lruc-slot-key slot) elements-hash) slot)
-    (if (and max-size
-             (< size max-size))
-        (incf size)
-        (drop-last-cache-element cache))))
-(defmethod getcache (key (cache lru-cache))
-  (multiple-value-bind (slot found?) (gethash key (slot-value cache 'elements-hash))
-    (when found?
-      (move-in-front-of-cache-list slot cache)
-      (values (lruc-slot-value slot) t))))
-(defmethod (setf getcache) (value key (cache lru-cache))
-  (with-slots (elements-hash elements-list) cache
-    (multiple-value-bind (slot found?) (gethash key elements-hash)
-      (if found?
-          (progn
-            (move-in-front-of-cache-list slot cache)
-            (setf (lruc-slot-value slot) value))
-          (add-to-cache (make-lru-cache-slot :key key :value value) cache))
-      value)))
-(defmethod remcache (key (cache lru-cache))
-  (with-slots (elements-hash size elements-list finalizer) cache
-    (multiple-value-bind (slot found?) (gethash key elements-hash)
-      (when found?
-        (remhash key elements-hash)
-        (when finalizer
-          (funcall finalizer (lruc-slot-value slot)))
-        (when (eq slot elements-list)
-          (setf elements-list (dle-next slot)))
-        (dle-remove slot)
-        (decf size)
-        t))))
-(defmacro cached (cache key value)
-  "If KEY is found in CACHE return the associated object.  Otherwise
-store VALUE for later re-use."
-  (with-gensyms (object my-cache my-key my-value found?)
-    `(let* ((,my-cache ,cache)
-            (,my-key ,key))
-       (multiple-value-bind (,object ,found?) (getcache ,my-key ,my-cache)
-         (if ,found?
-             ,object
-             (let ((,my-value ,value))
-               (setf (getcache ,my-key ,my-cache) ,my-value)
-               ,my-value))))))
-(declaim (inline list->string))
-(defun list->string (list)
-  "Coerce a list of characters into a string."
-  (coerce list 'string))
-(defun setuid (id)
-  "Set the Unix real user id."
-  (when (stringp id)
-    (setf id (find-uid id)))
-  #+sbcl (sb-posix:setuid id)
-  #+cmu (unix:unix-setuid id)
-  #+clisp (posix::%setuid id)		; not verified -wcp26/8/09.
-  #-(or cmu sbcl clisp)
-  (error "setuid unsupported under this Lisp implementation"))
-(defun seteuid (id)
-  "Set the Unix effective user id."
-  (when (stringp id)
-    (setf id (find-uid id)))
-  #+sbcl (sb-posix:seteuid id)
-  #+cmu (unix:unix-setreuid -1 id)
-  #+clisp (posix::%seteuid id)		; not verified -wcp26/8/09.
-  #-(or cmu sbcl clisp)
-  (error "seteuid unsupported under this Lisp implementation"))
-(defun find-uid (name)
-  "Find the user id of NAME.  Return an integer."
-  #+sbcl (awhen (sb-posix:getpwnam name)
-           (sb-posix:passwd-uid it))
-  #+cmu (awhen (unix:unix-getpwnam name)
-          (unix:user-info-uid it))
-  #-(or cmu sbcl)
-  (error "Unable to find a UID on this Lisp system."))
-#+clisp (ffi:def-call-out %getuid
-            (:name "getuid")
-          (:arguments)
-          (:return-type ffi:int)
-          (:library "libc.so"))
-(defun getuid ()
-  "Return the Unix user id.  This is an integer."
-  #+sbcl (sb-unix:unix-getuid)
-  #+cmu (unix:unix-getuid)
-  #+clisp (%getuid)
-  #-(or cmu sbcl clisp)
-  (error "getuid unsupported under this Lisp implementation"))
-(defun super-user-p (&optional id)
-  "Return true if the user ID is zero.  ID defaults to the current
-user id."
-  (zerop (or id (getuid))))
-(defmacro with-euid (uid &body forms)
-  "Switch temporarely to Unix user id UID, while performing FORMS."
-  (with-gensyms (ruid)
-    `(be ,ruid (getuid)
-       (seteuid ,uid)
-       (unwind-protect (progn ,@forms)
-         (seteuid ,ruid)))))
-(defun get-logname (&optional uid)
-  "Return the login id of the user.  This is a string and it is not
-the Unix uid, which is a number."
-  (unless uid
-    (setf uid (getuid)))
-  (when (stringp uid)
-    (setf uid (find-uid uid)))
-  (when uid
-    #+sbcl (sb-unix:uid-username uid)
-    #+cmu (unix:user-info-name (unix:unix-getpwuid uid))
-    #+clisp (posix:user-info-login-id (posix:user-info uid))
-    #-(or cmu sbcl clisp)
-    (error "get-logname unsupported under this Lisp implementation")))
-(defun get-user-name (&optional uid)
-  "Return the user name, taken from the GCOS field of the /etc/passwd
-  (unless uid
-    (setf uid (getuid)))
-  (when (stringp uid)
-    (setf uid (find-uid uid)))
-  (when uid
-    (car (split-string-at-char #+cmu (unix:user-info-gecos (unix:unix-getpwuid uid))
-                               #+sbcl (sb-posix:passwd-gecos (sb-posix:getpwuid uid))
-                               #-(or cmu sbcl) (error "can't getpwuid() on this Lisp system.")
-                               #\,))))
-(defun get-user-home (&optional uid)
-  (unless uid
-    (setf uid (getuid)))
-  (when (stringp uid)
-    (setf uid (find-uid uid)))
-  (when uid
-    #+cmu (unix:user-info-dir (unix:unix-getpwuid uid))
-    #+sbcl (sb-posix:passwd-dir (sb-posix:getpwuid uid))))
-;; Rather stupid, but the mnemonic is worth it
-(declaim (inline alist->plist))
-(defun alist->plist (alist)
-  "Convert an association list into a property list.  The alist
-elements are assumed to be lists of just two elements: the key
-and the value.  If the element list is longer this function
-doesn't work."
-  (mapcan #'identity alist))
-(defun plist->alist (plist &optional pairs-p)
-  "Convert a property list into an association list.  The alist
-elements wiil be lists of just two elements: the key and the
-value.  If PAIRS-P is true the alist elements will be pairs."
-  (loop
-     for (key val) on plist by #'cddr
-     collect (if pairs-p
-                 (cons key val)
-                 (list key val))))
-(defun string->byte-vector (string &key start end)
-  "Convert a string of characters into a vector of (unsigned-byte
-8) elements."
-  (map '(vector (unsigned-byte 8)) #'char-code
-       (if (or start end)
-           (subseq string (or start 0) end)
-           string)))
-(defun byte-vector->string (vector &key start end)
-  "Convert a vector of (unsigned-byte 8) elements into a string
-of characters."
-  (map 'string #'code-char
-       (if (or start end)
-           (subseq vector (or start 0) end)
-           vector)))
-(defun outdated-p (file dependencies)
-  "Check if FILE has been modified before any of its
-  (be epoch (and (probe-file file)
-                 (file-write-date file))
-    ;; if file is missing altogether, we consider it outdated
-    (or (not epoch)
-        (loop
-           for dep in dependencies
-           thereis (aand (probe-file dep)
-                         (file-write-date dep)
-                         (> it epoch))))))
-(defmacro let-places (places-and-values &body body)
-  "Execute BODY binding temporarily some places to new values and
-restoring the original values of these places on exit of BODY.  The
-syntax of this macro is identical to LET.  The difference is that
-instead of new variable names this macro binds values to existing
-places (variables)."
-  (be tmp-variables (loop for x in places-and-values collect (gensym))
-    `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (tmp-var place-and-value)
-                       (list tmp-var (car place-and-value)))
-                   tmp-variables places-and-values)
-       (unwind-protect
-            (progn
-              ;; as some assignments could signal an error, we assign
-              ;; within the unwind-protect block so that we can always
-              ;; guarantee a consistent state on exit
-              ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (place-and-value)
-                            `(setf ,(car place-and-value) ,(cadr place-and-value)))
-                        places-and-values)
-              ,@body)
-         ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (tmp-var place-and-value)
-                       `(setf ,(car place-and-value) ,tmp-var))
-                   tmp-variables
-                   places-and-values)))))
-(defmacro let-slots (accessor/new-value-pairs object &body body)
-  "Execute BODY with some OBJECT's slots temporary sets to new
-values as described in ACCESSOR/NEW-VALUE-PAIRS.  The latter
-should be an alist of accessor names and the value to be assigned
-to that slot.  On exit from BODY, those slots are restored to
-their original value.  See LET-PLACES."
-  (with-gensyms (obj)
-    `(be ,obj ,object
-       (let-places ,(mapcar #'(lambda (av)
-                                `((,(car av) ,obj) ,(cadr av)))
-                            accessor/new-value-pairs)
-         ,@body))))
-(defvar *decimal-point* #\.)
-(defvar *thousands-comma* #\,)
-(defun format-amount (number &key (decimals 2) (rounder #'round)
-                      (comma *thousands-comma*) (comma-stance 3)
-                      (decimal-point *decimal-point*))
-  "Return a string formatted as fixed decimal point number of DECIMALS
-adding commas every COMMA-STANCE places before the decimal point."
-  (declare (type number number)
-           (type fixnum decimals comma-stance)
-           (type function rounder)
-           (type character comma decimal-point)
-           (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
-  (let* ((int (funcall rounder (* number (expt 10 decimals))))
-         (negative (< int 0)))
-    (declare (integer int))
-    (when negative
-      (setf int (- int)))
-    (let* ((digits (max (1+ decimals)
-                        (1+ (if (zerop int)
-                                0
-                                (truncate (log int 10))))))
-           (string-length (+ digits
-                             ;; the minus sign
-                             (if negative 1 0)
-                             ;; the decimal point
-                             (if (zerop decimals) 0 1)
-                             ;; the thousands commas
-                             (1- (ceiling (- digits decimals) comma-stance))))
-           (string (make-string string-length))
-           (pos (1- string-length)))
-      (declare (type fixnum pos digits))
-      (labels ((add-char (char)
-                 (setf (schar string pos) char)
-                 (decf pos))
-               (add-digit ()
-                 (add-char (digit-char (mod int 10)))
-                 (setf int (truncate int 10))))
-        (unless (zerop decimals)
-          (loop
-             for i fixnum from 0 below decimals
-             do (add-digit))
-          (add-char decimal-point))
-        (loop
-           for i fixnum from 1
-           do (add-digit)
-           while (>= pos (if negative 1 0))
-           when (zerop (mod i comma-stance))
-           do (add-char comma))
-        (when negative
-          (add-char #\-)))
-      string)))
-(defun parse-amount (string &key (start 0) end)
-  "Parse STRING as if it was formatted with FORMAT-AMOUNT and return
-the parsed number.  Return NIL if STRING is malformed.  Leading or
-trailing spaces must be removed from the string in advance."
-  (loop
-     with amount = 0
-     with decimals = nil
-     with negative = (when (and (not (zerop (length string)))
-                                (char= #\- (char string 0)))
-                       (incf start)
-                       t)
-     for i from start below (or end (length string))
-     for c = (char string i)
-     do (cond ((char= c *decimal-point*)
-               (if decimals
-                   (return nil)
-                   (setf decimals 0)))
-              ((char= c *thousands-comma*))
-              (t
-               (be d (digit-char-p c)
-                 (cond ((not d)
-                        (return nil))
-                       (decimals
-                        (incf decimals)
-                        (incf amount (/ d (expt 10 decimals))))
-                       (t
-                        (setf amount (+ d (* amount 10))))))))
-     finally (return (if negative
-                         (- amount)
-                         amount))))
-(defmacro with-package (name &body body)
-  `(let ((*package* (find-package ,name)))
-     ,@body))
-(defun bytes-simple-string (n &optional imply-bytes)
-  "Return a string describing N using a unit of measure multiple
-of a byte that is most apporpriate for the magnitude of N.  A
-kilobyte is 1024 not 1000 bytes, everything follows."
-  (let* ((kilo 1024)
-         (mega (* kilo kilo))
-         (giga (* kilo mega))
-         (tera (* mega mega))
-         (peta (* kilo tera)))
-    (apply #'format nil "~,1F~A"
-           (cond ((> n (* 2 peta))
-                  (list (/ n peta) (if imply-bytes "P" "PB")))
-                 ((> n (* 2 tera))
-                  (list (/ n tera) (if imply-bytes "T" "TB")))
-                 ((> n (* 2 giga))
-                  (list (/ n giga) (if imply-bytes "G" "GB")))
-                 ((> n (* 2 mega))
-                  (list (/ n mega) (if imply-bytes "M" "MB")))
-                 ((> n (* 2 kilo))
-                  (list (/ n kilo) (if imply-bytes "K" "KB")))
-                 (t (list n (if imply-bytes "" " bytes")))))))
-;; WARNING: This function may or may not work on your Lisp system.  It
-;; all depends on how the OPEN function has been implemented regarding
-;; the :IF-EXISTS option.  This function requires that OPEN be
-;; implemented in a way so that the checking of the existence of file
-;; and its open attempt be atomic.  If the Lisp OPEN first checks that
-;; the file exists and then tries to open it, this function won't be
-;; reliable.  CMUCL seems to use the O_EXCL open() flag in the right
-;; way.  So at least on CMUCL this function will work.  Same goes for
-;; SBCL.
-(defun make-lock-files (pathnames &key (sleep-time 7) retries (suspend 13) expiration)
-  "Create semaphore files.  If it can't create all the specified
-files in the specified order, it waits SLEEP-TIME seconds and
-retries the last file that didn't succeed.  You can specify the
-number of RETRIES to do until failure is returned.  If the number
-of retries is NIL this function will retry forever.
-If it tries RETRIES times without success, this function signal
-an error and removes all the lock files it created until then.
-All files created by lock file will be read-only.
-If you specify a EXPIRATION then an existing lock file will be
-removed by force after EXPIRATION seconds have passed since the
-lock file was last modified/created (most likely by some other
-program that unexpectedly died without cleaning up its lock
-files).  After a lock file has been removed by force, a
-suspension of SUSPEND seconds is taken into account, in order to
-prevent the inadvertent immediate removal of any newly created
-lock file by another program."
-  (be locked '()
-    (flet ((lock (file)
-             (when (and expiration
-                        (> (get-universal-time)
-                           (+ (file-write-date file) expiration)))
-               (delete-file file)
-               (when suspend
-                 (sleep suspend)))
-             (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
-                  (done nil))
-                 (done)
-               (unless (or (not retries)
-                           (< i retries))
-                 (error "Can't create lock file ~S: tried ~A time~:P." file retries))
-               (with-open-file (out file :direction :output :if-exists nil)
-                 (cond (out
-                        (format out "Lock file created on ~A~%" (time-string (get-universal-time)))
-                        (setf done t))
-                       (sleep-time
-                        (sleep sleep-time)))))))
-      (unwind-protect
-           (progn
-             (dolist (file pathnames)
-               (lock file)
-               (push file locked))
-             (setf locked '()))
-        (mapc #'delete-file locked)))))
-(defmacro with-lock-files ((lock-files &rest lock-args) &body body)
-  "Execute BODY after creating LOCK-FILES.  Remove the lock files
-on exit.  LOCK-ARGS are passed to MAKE-LOCK-FILES."
-  (with-gensyms (files)
-    `(be ,files (list ,@lock-files)
-       (make-lock-files ,files ,@lock-args)
-       (unwind-protect (progn ,@body)
-         (mapc #'delete-file ,files)))))
-(defun getpid ()
-  #+cmu (unix:unix-getpid)
-  #+sbcl (sb-unix:unix-getpid)
-  #+clisp (ext:process-id)
-  #-(or cmu sbcl clisp)
-   (error "getpid unsupported under this Lisp implementation"))
-(defmacro on-error (form &body error-forms)
-  "Execute FORM and in case of error execute ERROR-FORMS too.
-This does _not_ stop the error from propagating."
-  (be done-p (gensym)
-    `(be ,done-p nil
-       (unwind-protect
-            (prog1
-                ,form
-              (setf ,done-p t))
-         (unless ,done-p
-           ,@error-forms)))))
-(defun floor-to (x aim)
-  "Round X down to the nearest multiple of AIM."
-  (* (floor x aim) aim))
-(defun round-to (x aim)
-  "Round X to the nearest multiple of AIM."
-  (* (round x aim) aim))
-(defun ceiling-to (x aim)
-  "Round X up to the nearest multiple of AIM."
-  (* (ceiling x aim) aim))
-(defstruct queue
-  first
-  last)
-(defgeneric queue-append (queue objects))
-(defgeneric queue-pop (queue))
-(defgeneric queue-empty-p (queue))
-(defmethod queue-append ((queue queue) (objects list))
-  (cond ((null (queue-first queue))
-         (setf (queue-first queue) objects
-               (queue-last queue) (last objects)))
-        (t
-         (setf (cdr (queue-last queue)) objects
-               (queue-last queue) (last objects))))
-  queue)
-(defmethod queue-append ((queue queue) object)
-  (queue-append queue (list object)))
-(defmethod queue-pop ((queue queue))
-  (prog1 (car (queue-first queue))
-    (setf (queue-first queue) (cdr (queue-first queue)))))
-(defmethod queue-empty-p ((queue queue))
-  (null (queue-first queue)))
-(defun package-locked-p (package)
-  #+sbcl (sb-ext:package-locked-p package)
-  #+cmu (ext:package-definition-lock package)
-  #+clisp (ext:package-lock package)
-  #-(or sbcl cmu clisp) (error "Don't know how to check whether a package might be locked."))
-(defun forget-documentation (packages)
-  "Remove documentation from all known symbols in PACKAGES.  If
-PACKAGES is NIL remove documentations from all packages.  This may not
-make sense if your Lisp image has been built so that existing objects
-don't get garbage collected.  It may work for your own code, though.
-Locked packages are left alone.  If you need to do those too, unlock
-them first."
-  (flet ((forget (symbol)
-           (dolist (type '(compiler-macro function method-combination setf structure type variable))
-             (when (ignore-errors (documentation symbol type))
-               (setf (documentation symbol type) nil)))))
-    (setf packages (mapcar #'(lambda (pkg)
-                               (if (packagep pkg)
-                                   (package-name pkg)
-                                   (package-name (find-package pkg))))
-                           packages))
-    (setf packages
-          ;; don't try to modify locked packages
-          (remove-if #'package-locked-p
-                     (mapcar #'find-package
-                             (or packages
-                                 (list-all-packages)))))
-    (dolist (package packages)
-      (with-package-iterator (next package :internal :external)
-        (loop
-           (multiple-value-bind (more? symbol) (next)
-             (unless more?
-               (return))
-             (forget symbol)))))
-    #+(OR) (do-all-symbols (symbol)
-             (when (member (symbol-package symbol) packages)
-               (forget symbol))))
-  (values))
-(defun load-compiled (pathname &optional compiled-pathname)
-  "Make sure to compile PATHNAME before loading it.  Don't compile if
-the compiled version is more recent than its source."
-  ;; be tolerant if we didn't get a type
-  (unless (probe-file pathname)
-    (setf pathname (merge-pathnames pathname (make-pathname :type "lisp"))))
-  (if (probe-file pathname)
-      (progn
-        (setf compiled-pathname (or compiled-pathname
-                                    (compile-file-pathname pathname)))
-        (when (or (not (probe-file compiled-pathname))
-                  (< (file-write-date compiled-pathname)
-                     (file-write-date pathname)))
-          (compile-file pathname))
-        (load compiled-pathname))
-      (error "Can't load ~A as it doesn't exist." pathname)))
-;; Just a silly mnemonic for those used to lesser languages
-(defmacro swap (x y)
-  "Swap values of places X and Y."
-  `(rotatef ,x ,y))
-(defmacro show (&rest things)
-  "Debugging macro to show the name and content of variables.  You can
-also specify forms, not just variables."
-  (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
-    `(let ((*print-circle* t))
-       (format t ,(format nil "~~&~{~A=~~:W~~%~}" things)
-               ,@things)
-       (finish-output)
-       (values))))
-(defmacro memoize-function (name &key test)
-  "Make function NAME memoized.  TEST is passed to MAKE-HASH-TABLE."
-  `(setf (get ',name 'results-hash-table)
-         (make-hash-table ,@(when test (list :test test)))))
-(defmacro defun-memoized (name args &body forms)
-  "Define function NAME and make it memoizable.  Then the MEMOIZED
-macro can be used to call this function and memoize its results.  The
-function NAME must accept only one argument and return just one
-argument; more complicated cases are not considered.  The hash table
-test function is the default 'EQL."
-  `(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel)
-     (defun ,name ,args ,@forms)
-     (memoize-function ,name)))
-(defmacro memoized (function arg)
-  "If necessary call FUNCTION passing ARG so that its return value is
-memoized.  The next time this form is executed with the same argument
-value, the memoized result is returned instead of executing FUNCTION."
-  (with-gensyms (table key result not-found)
-    `(be* ,key ,arg
-          ,table (get ',function 'results-hash-table)
-          ,not-found (list nil)
-          ,result (gethash ,key ,table ,not-found)
-       (if (eq ,not-found ,result)
-           (setf (gethash ,key ,table)
-                 (,function ,key))
-           ,result))))
-(defmacro save-file-excursion ((stream &optional position) &body forms)
-  "Execute FORMS returning, on exit, STREAM to the position it was
-before FORMS.  Optionally POSITION can be set to the starting offset."
-  (unless position
-    (setf position (gensym)))
-  `(be ,position (file-position ,stream)
-     (unwind-protect (progn ,@forms)
-       (file-position ,stream ,position))))
-(defun circular-list (&rest elements)
-  "Return a circular list of ELEMENTS."
-  (setf (cdr (last elements)) elements))
-(defun getenv (var)
-  "Return the string associate to VAR in the system environment."
-  #+cmu (cdr (assoc (if (symbolp var)
-                        var
-                        (intern var :keyword))
-                    ext:*environment-list*))
-  #+sbcl (sb-ext:posix-getenv (string var))
-  #+lispworks (hcl:getenv var)
-  #+clisp (ext:getenv (string var))
-  #-(or cmu sbcl lispworks clisp)
-  (error "GETENV not implemented for your Lisp system."))
-#+clisp (ffi:def-call-out %setenv
-            (:name "setenv")
-          (:arguments (name ffi:c-string) (value ffi:c-string) (overwrite ffi:int))
-          (:return-type ffi:int)
-          (:library "libc.so"))
-#+clisp (ffi:def-call-out %unsetenv
-            (:name "unsetenv")
-          (:arguments (name ffi:c-string))
-          (:return-type ffi:int)
-          (:library "libc.so"))
-(defun setenv (name value &optional (overwrite t))
-  (typecase value
-    (string)
-    (pathname
-     (setf value (native-namestring value)))
-    (t
-     (setf value (format nil "~A" value))))
-  #+sbcl (unless (zerop (sb-posix:setenv name value (if overwrite 1 0)))
-           (error "unable to setenv ~A: errno=~A." name
-                  (sb-alien:get-errno)))
-  #+cmu (be key (keywordify name)
-          (aif (assoc key
-                      ext:*environment-list*)
-               (when overwrite
-                 (setf (cdr it) value))
-               (setf ext:*environment-list*
-                     (cons (cons key value)
-                           ext:*environment-list*))))
-  #-(or cmu sbcl) (unless (zerop (%setenv name value (if overwrite 1 0)))
-                    (error "unable to setenv ~A." name)))
-(defun unsetenv (name)
-  #+sbcl (unless (zerop (sb-posix:unsetenv name))
-           (error "unable to unsetenv ~A: errno=~A." name
-                  (sb-alien:get-errno)))
-  #+cmu (be key (keywordify name)
-          (setf ext:*environment-list*
-                (delete-if #'(lambda (e)
-                               (eq (car e) key))
-                           ext:*environment-list*)))
-  #-(or cmu sbcl) (unless (zerop (%unsetenv name))
-                    (error "unable to unsetenv ~A." name)))
-(defun (setf getenv) (value name)
-  (if value
-      (setenv name value t)
-      (unsetenv name)))
-;; in CMUCL it's much easier (see below)
-(defmacro with-system-environment ((&rest var-and-values) &body body)
-  (be gensym-alist (mapcar #'(lambda (vv)
-                               (list (gensym) (string (car vv)) (cadr vv)))
-                           var-and-values)
-      `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (vv)
-                         (destructuring-bind (varsym var value) vv
-                           (declare (ignore value))
-                           `(,varsym (getenv ,var))))
-                     gensym-alist)
-         (unwind-protect
-              (progn
-                ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (vv)
-                              (destructuring-bind (varsym var value) vv
-                                (declare (ignore varsym))
-                                `(setenv ,var ,value)))
-                          gensym-alist)
-                ,@body)
-           ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (vv)
-                         (destructuring-bind (varsym var value) vv
-                           (declare (ignore value))
-                           `(if ,varsym
-                                (setenv ,var ,varsym)
-                                (unsetenv ,var))))
-                     gensym-alist)))))
-(defmacro with-system-environment ((&rest var-and-values) &body body)
-  `(let ((ext:*environment-list*
-          (append (list ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (vv)
-                                      (destructuring-bind (variable value) vv
-                                        `(cons ,(keywordify variable)
-                                               ,value)))
-                                  var-and-values))
-                  ext:*environment-list*)))
-     ,@body))
-(defun last-member (item list &key key (test #'eq))
-  "Return the last sublist in LIST that is prefixed by ITEM."
-  (loop
-     with l = list and result = nil
-     for l2 = (member item l :key key :test test)
-     while l2
-     do (setf result l2
-              l (cdr l2))
-     finally (return result)))
-(defun glob->regex (string)
-  "Convert a shell glob expression into a regular expression string."
-  (with-output-to-string (out)
-    ;; globs are always anchored to beginning and end
-    (write-char #\^ out)
-    (loop
-       for i from 0 below (length string)
-       do (be c (char string i)
-            (cond ((char= c #\\)
-                   (setf c (char string (incf i))))
-                  ((find c  ".+()|^$")
-                   (write-char #\\ out))
-                  ((char= c #\*)
-                   (write-char #\. out))
-                  ((char= c #\?)
-                   (setf c #\.)))
-            (write-char c out)))
-    (write-char #\$ out)))